Which type of capital will take place after the authorized capital?
When a company makes an offer or invites the public in general to subscribe its shares, it is known as _______
_______ is shown by way of deduction from subscribed capital while preparing notes to account.
The capital which is part of the uncalled capital of the company which can be called up only in the event of its winding up it is called
When the entire face value of a share is called by the company and is also paid by the shareholder, It is known as ______________
Authorized share capital is also known as:
Which of the following represents the excess of issued price over the nominal value of shares?
Which of the following statement is false
Vinod Limited invited applications for subscription of 10,000 Equity shares @ Rs.10 each. Applications were received for 25,000 shares. This situation is called
Which of the following is not a situation of oversubscription or not concerned with over subscription?
What type of shares can be issued at discount?
Find out the amount of second & final call When a company issue its shares @ 10 each at a premium of 30%. Payable on Application Rs.4. On Allotment Rs.4. On First Call Rs.2.
A company can sell its shares only through___
__________ Shareholders have voting rights in all circumstances.
If buy back is made from free resources then what should be created __________
Stages of Incorporation of company are
b.Capital subscription
d.Commencement of business
Arrange them in order
Amount of Calls in Arrears will be deducted from______ under share capital.
Share capital is shown in the balance sheet under the heading of _______
The amount of capital that a company can issue at par value is called