Which of the following has 5/8 of its contents shaded?
Six friends went for shopping. They bought the following items.
On the basis of the given information, fill in the blanks.
(A) spent Rs. 1,350 on shopping.
(B) spent the least amount.
(C) spent the most amount.
Which figure comes next in the given figure pattern?
Read the following passage and answer the question.
There are 4,836 apples in the first orchard. In the second orchard, there are 2,147 less apples as compared to the first orchard. In the third orchard, the number of apples is 1,935 more than the second orchard.
How many apples are there in the third orchard?
Which of the following shapes have exactly eight vertices each?
6952 packets of biscuits were bought for distribution on a School function. Of these 5868 packets were distributed. How many packets are left?
Read the following information and answer the question.
Manan went to a toy shop and liked the following toys. He had Rs.130/- with him.
Bouncy Ball Rs. 30/-
Squeezy Duck Rs. 25/-
Push back Car Rs. 75/-
Train Rs. 80/-
Drum Rs. 70/-
Teddy Bear Rs. 95/-
How much money is left with Manan if he buys Squeezy Duck and Bouncy Ball?
Look at the figures below. Which of the following options shows those figures with their half portion shaded?
Sarah has to run 34.75 m. She has already run for 17.58 m. How much more does Sarah has to run?