Which of the following is an electronic storage medium device used in smartphones and tablets that can retain data even when device (phones, tablets, etc.) is powered off?
Arrange the following activities in CORRECT order of Input-Process-Output (IPO) cycle.
(i) Sound comes out from the CD player.
(ii) A CD goes into the CD player.
(iii) CD player reading the CD.
Identify the following.
What should come in place of ‘P‛,‘Q‛,‘R‛ and ‘S‛ regarding the given diagram?
Name of a device is hidden in the given grid. Identify it and select the statement which is CORRECT about it.
Identify ‘P‛, ‘Q‛, ‘R‛ and ‘S‛, if:
‘P‛ accepts the input data,
‘Q‛ processes the input data,
‘R‛ displays the result and ‘S‛ stores the result.
P → Q → R → S
Which of the following is an input device that has a glass fixed in it and is used for making the digital copy of the paper or image kept on that glass to be stored in computer?
Identify the following.
Identify the following :
Your teacher has asked you to write four features about an auxiliary storage device which is found fixed inside laptops and desktop computers. Which of the following device’s features you are supposed to write?
Secondary memory comprises of ________.
Which of the following statements hold true about primary memory of a computer?
Statement 1 : RAM and ROM are two types of primary memory.
Statement 2 : ROM contains important information and instructions on how to start a computer.
What do you understand by terms 'data' and 'command' with respect to computers?
In a computer, user feeds the data using input devices, which is then passed to the CPU for processing and the result is stored and then displayed through output devices. During all these tasks, the flow of data to and from the CPU is organised by_________.
The process of Input-Process-Output cycle is not only performed in computers but also in real life. When you talk to your friend using a phone, then also IPO cycle is performed. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT regarding the steps shown in the image shown here?