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Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Humanities/Arts MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test - Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 for Humanities/Arts 2025 is part of Humanities/Arts preparation. The Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Humanities/Arts exam syllabus.The Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 MCQs are made for Humanities/Arts 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 below.
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Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 1

______is vague, unpleasant feeling of apprehension.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 1

Anxiety is usually defined as a diffuse, vague, very unpleasant feeling of fear and apprehension. The anxious individual also shows combination of the following symptoms: rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, fainting, dizziness, sweating, sleeplessness, frequent urination and tremors.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 2

Change of a gene from one form to the other is called

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 2

The correct answer is Mutation

Key Points

  • A mutation is a change in the structure of a gene, the unit of heredity.
  • Genes are made of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), a long molecule composed of building blocks called nucleotides.
  • Each nucleotide is built around one of four different subunits called bases.
  • These bases are known as guanine, cytosine, adenine, and thymine.
  • A gene carries information in the sequence of its nucleotides, just as a sentence carries information in the sequence of its letters.
  • One type of mutation is a change in a base. This is called a point mutation and it is like changing one letter in a word.
  • Most genes carry instructions for making proteins.
  • When a base is changed in a gene, different results are possible, depending on which base is changed and what it is changed into.
  • The gene may produce an altered protein, it may produce no protein, or it may produce the usual protein.
  • Most mutations are not harmful, but some can be.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 3

The model for development of children in Indian context given by Durgananda Sinha, is

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 3

;The correct answer is Ecological

Key Points

  • The ecological model describes the overall frameworks in terms of health behaviors while interacting with the environment.
  • Durganand Sinha (1977) has presented an ecological model for understanding the development of children in the Indian context.

Durganand Sinha's ecological model;

  • Durganand Sinha was the developmental psychologist who pioneered parental styles.
  • The ecology of the child could be viewed in terms of two concentric layers.

The “upper and the more visible layers”:

  • The most important environmental factors influencing the development of the child in the visible upper layer constitute the:
  • home, its conditions in terms of overcrowding, space available to each member, toys, technological devices used, etc.,
  • nature and quality of schooling, facilities to which the child is exposed, and
  • nature of interactions and activities undertaken with peer groups from childhood onward.

The supporting and the surrounding layer:

  • The way children live in a society or an environment affects their growth so interaction and support are necessary.
  • The role of the teacher is necessary for formal education as it helps to acquire new skills.
  • In Western education, the role of peers, teachers, and home develops cognitive abilities and allows flexible thinking.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 4
The correct chronological order of cognitive development in a child is
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 4

The correct answer is Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operational

Key Points

  • Cognitive development means how children think, explore and figure things out. It is the development of knowledge, skills, problem-solving, and dispositions, which help children to think about and understand the world around them. Brain development is part of cognitive development.
  • Jean Piaget’s given four types of stages for cognitive development:

1 Sensorimotor Stage:(Birth to 2 years)

  • During the early stages, according to Piaget, infants are only aware of what is right in front of them.
  • They focus on what they see, what they are doing, and physical interactions with their immediate environment.
  • Between ages 7 and 9 months, infants begin to realize that an object exists even though they can no longer see it.
  • This important milestone -- known as object permanence -- is a sign that memory is developing.
  • After infants start crawling, standing, and walking, their increased physical mobility leads to more cognitive development.
  • Near the end of the sensorimotor stage (18-24 months), infants reach another important milestone -- early language development, a sign that they are developing some symbolic abilities.

2 Preoperational Stage(2 to 6 years):

  • During this stage young children are able to think about things symbolically.
  • Their language use becomes more mature.
  • They also develop memory and imagination, which allows them to understand the difference between past and future, and engage in make-believe.
  • But their thinking is based on intuition and is still not completely logical. They cannot yet grasp more complex concepts such as to cause and effect, time, and comparison.

3 Concrete Operational Stage(6 to 11 years):

  • At this time, elementary-age and preadolescent children -- ages 7 to 11 -- show logical, concrete reasoning.
  • Children's thinking becomes less focused on themselves. They're increasingly aware of external events.
  • They begin to realize that their own thoughts and feelings are unique and may not be shared by others or may not even be part of reality.
  • But during this stage, most children still can't think abstractly or hypothetically.

4 Formal Operational Stage(11 to adolescence and adulthood):

  • Adolescents who reach this fourth stage of intellectual development -- usually at age 11-plus -- are able to use symbols related to abstract concepts, such as algebra and science.
  • They can think about things in systematic ways, come up with theories, and consider possibilities.
  • They also can ponder abstract relationships and concepts such as justice.
  • Although Piaget believed in lifelong intellectual growth, he insisted that the formal operational stage is the final stage of cognitive development.
  • He also said that continued intellectual development in adults depends on the buildup of knowledge.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 5
Who of the following is a Gestalt Psychologist?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 5

The correct answer is All of these

Key Points

  • Gestalt psychology was founded by Max Wertheimer, a Czechoslovakian psychologist.
  • Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka are also considered to be co-founders of the Gestalt theory.
  • Gestalt theory of learning:
  • Gestalt psychology has influenced how we study perception and sensation.
  • It also increases our understanding of how our cognitive processes influence the way we behave socially.
  • Most of the foundational principles of Gestalt psychology explain how we group things, such as by similarity, proximity, continuity, closure, and common reason.
  • Some therapists use Gestalt psychology to help patients focus on the present over the past.
  • Designers and product developers also use Gestalt theory to make their creations more appealing or to draw focus to certain elements over others.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 6

Gross motorskills such as running hard and enjoying races develop in child by the age of

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 6

The correct answer is 5 yr

Key Points

  • Gross motor skills use the large muscles in the body to allow for balance, coordination, reaction time, and physical strength so that we can do bigger movements, such as walking and jumping.
  • Gross motor skills are movements that involve large muscle groups and are generally more broad and energetic than fine motor movements.
  • These movements include walking, kicking, jumping, and climbing stairs.
  • Some milestones for gross motor skills also involve eye-hand coordination, such as throwing or catching a ball.

The following are some examples of gross motor skills that typically occur at different phases of childhood development.

3 to 6 Months

  • Raises arms and legs when placed on the stomach
  • Rolls over
  • Supports own head when in a sitting position

6 Months to 12 Months

  • Crawls
  • Pulls themself from a sitting to a standing position
  • Sits without support

Age 1

  • Climbs onto low furniture
  • Climbs stairs with assistance
  • Pulls or pushes toys with wheels
  • Walks with one hand held

Age 2

  • Jumps using both feet simultaneously
  • Runs very stiffly on toes
  • Walks upstairs without a banister

Age 3

  • Rides tricycle using pedals, unassisted by an adult
  • Runs without falling
  • Throws a ball to an adult standing 5 feet away

Age 4

  • Catches a ball with arms and body
  • Runs smoothly with changes in speed
  • Walks upstairs by alternating feet

Age 5

  • Catches a ball with two hands
  • Hops on one foot
  • Performs jumping jacks and toe touches
  • Walks up and down the stairs while carrying objects

Age 6

  • Kicks rolling ball
  • Jumps over objects 10 inches high
  • Rides a bicycle with training wheels
  • Throws with accurate placement
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 7
A state of burnout includes,
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 7

The correct answer is All of the above.

Key Points

  • When stress is prolonged, it affects physical health and impairs psychological functioning.
  • People experience exhaustion and attitudinal problems when the stress due to demands from the environment and constraints are too high and little support is available from family and friends.
  • Physical exhaustion is seen in the signs of chronic fatigue, weakness and low energy.
  • The mental exhaustion appears in the form of irritability, anxiety, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
  • This state of physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion is known as burnout. Hence option 3 is correct.
  • There is also convincing evidence to show that stress can produce changes in the immune system and increase the chances of someone becoming ill.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 8
What is Psychoneuroimmunology?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 8

The correct answer is option 1.

Key Points

  • Stress and the Immune System Stress can cause illness by impairing the workings of the immune system.
  • The immune system guards the body against attackers, both from within and outside.
  • Psychoneuroimmunology focuses on the links between the mind, the brain and the immune system. Hence option 1 is correct.
  • It studies the effects of stress on the immune system.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 9
Which of the following is not included in Personality traits of hardiness?
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 9

The correct answer is Courage.

Key Points

Stress Resistant Personality

  • Studies by Kobasa have shown that people with high levels of stress but low levels of illness share three characteristics, which are referred to as the personality traits of hardiness.
  • It consists of ‘the three Cs’, i.e. commitment, control, and challenge. Hence option 3 is correct.
  • Hardiness is a set of beliefs about oneself, the world, and how they interact. It takes shape as a sense of personal commitment to what you are doing, a sense of control over your life, and a feeling of challenge.
  • Stress-resistant personalities have control which is a sense of purpose and direction in life; commitment to work, family, hobbies and social life; and challenge, that is, they see changes in life as normal and positive rather than as a threat.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 10
Which of the following facilitates the development of positive health.
1. Exercise
2. Diet
3. Social support
4. Positive attitude
Choose the correct answer using the options below:
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 10

The correct answer is 1,2, 3 and 4

Key Points

  • Various factors have been identified which facilitate the development of positive health.
    • Diet: A balanced diet can lift one’s mood, give more energy, feed muscles, improve circulation, prevent illness, strengthen the immune system and make one feel better to cope with the stresses of life.
    • Exercise: A large number of studies confirm a consistently positive relationship between physical fitness and health. Also, of all the measures an individual can take to improve health, exercise is the lifestyle change with the widest popular approval.
    • Positive Attitude: Positive health and well-being can be realised by having a positive attitude. Some of the factors leading to a positive attitude are: having a fairly accurate perception of reality; a sense of purpose in life and responsibility; acceptance and tolerance for different viewpoints of others; and taking credit for success and accepting blame for failure. Finally, being open to new ideas and having a sense of humour with the ability to laugh at oneself help us to remain centred, and see things from a proper perspective.
    • Social Support: Social support is defined as the existence and availability of people on whom we can rely, people who let us know that they care about, value, and love us. Someone who believes that s/he belongs to a social network of communication and mutual obligation experiences social support. Hence option 4 is correct.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 11
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) is prepared by,
Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 11

The correct answer is World Health Organisation (WHO).

Key Points

  • The classification scheme officially used in India and elsewhere is the tenth revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), which is known as the ICD-10 Classification of Behavioural and Mental Disorders. Hence option 2 is correct.
  • It was prepared by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
  • The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has published an official manual describing and classifying various kinds of psychological disorders.
    • The current version of it, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, IV Edition (DSM-IV), evaluates the patient on five axes or dimensions rather than just one broad aspect of ‘mental disorder’.
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA): The United States Food and Drug Administration is a federal agency of the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • The National Health Authority or the NHA is responsible for implementing India’s flagship public health insurance/assurance scheme Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana. NHA has been set-up to implement the PM-JAY at the national level.
Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 12

________ is removing the evil that resides in tire individual through counter magic and prayer.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 12

Exorcism, i.e., removing the evil that resides in the individual through countermagic and prayer, is still commonly used. In many societies, the shaman, or medicine man (film) is a person who is believed to have contact with supernatural forces and is the medium through which spirits communicate with human beings.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 13

When the person has to use more and more of a substance to get tire same effect, is called _______ .

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 13

When the person has to use more and more of a substance to get the same effect, it is called tolerance.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 14

_______ is a technique used to treat depression.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 14

As Cognitive Therapy suggests, repeated occurrence of negative thoughts leads to the development of feelings of anxiety and depression. The therapist uses gentle questioning and does non-threatening disputation of the client's beliefs and thoughts. Examples of such question would be, "Why should everyone love you?", "What does it mean to you to succeed?", etc. The questions make the client think in a direction opposite to that of the negative automatic thoughts whereby s/he gains insight into the nature of her/his dysfunctional schemas and is able to alter her/his cognitive structures.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 15

"I should be loved by everyone at all times ", "I must be liked by all." This thoughl/belief can be treated using which therapy?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 15

The central thesis of rational emotive therapy is that irrational beliefs mediate between the antecedent events and their consequences. Cognitive therapies locate the cause of psychological distress in irrational thoughts and beliefs. In the process of RET, the irrational beliefs are refuted by the therapist.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 16

A young person who has acquired the malfunctioning behaviour of smoking and seeks help to get rid of smoking. Upon interviewing the client and tire family members, it was revealed that the person started smoking when he was preparing for tire annual examination. He had reported relief from anxiety upon smoking. What is the maintaining factor as per tire behavioural analysis?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 16

Maintaining factors are those factors which lead to the persistence of the faulty behaviour. An example would be a young person who has acquired the malfunctioning behaviour of smoking and seeks help to get rid of smoking. The family members reveal that the person started smoking when he was preparing for the annual examination. He had reported relief from anxiety upon smoking. Thus, anxiety provoking situation becomes the causative or antecedent factor. The feeling of relief becomes the maintaining factor for him to continue smoking.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 17

Complete the steps of formulation of a client's problem: Understanding the problem → Identifying tire target areas for therapy _________ .

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 17

The choice of techniques for treatment depends on the therapeutic system in which the therapist has been trained. However, even within this broad domain, the choice of techniques, timing of the techniques and expectations of outcome of the therapy depend upon the clinical formulation.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 18

Total acceptance of the client and creating an environment wherein tire client can freely express themselves is the modality used in ________ .

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 18

The therapy provides a warm relationship in which the client can reconnect with her/his disintegrated feelings. The therapist shows empathy, i.e. understanding the clients experience as if it were her/his own, is warm and has unconditional positive regard, i.e., total acceptance of the client as s/he is.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 19

Which of the following does NOT contribute towards Ethical Standards in psychotherapy?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 19

The ethical standards in psychotherapy include informed consent, confidentiality, integrity of the client-therapist relationship, sole aim of alleviation of clienTs distress, professional competence of the therapist and respect for human rights and dignity.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 20

_____ is defined as an innate or inborn force that moves the person to become more complex, balanced and integrated, i.e. achieving tire complexity and balance without being fragmented.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 20

Self-actualisation is defined as an innate or inborn force that moves the person to become more complex, balanced, and integrated, i.e., achieving the complexity and balance without being fragmented. This concept is a part of Humanistic School of Psychology given by Carl Rogers.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 21

Praising the child when he eats properly is an example of:

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 21

The process of encouraging or establishing a pattern of behaviour by offering reward when the behaviour is exhibited is called positive reinforcement.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 22

Directions: In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R).
Mark tire correct choice as:

Assertion (A): The therapeutic relationship is a contractual relationship in which two willing individuals, the client and the therapist, enter into a partnership which aims at helping the client overcome her/his problems.
Reason (R): This alliance lasts until the client becomes able to deal with her/his problems and take control of her/his life

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 23

Directions: In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R).
Mark tire correct choice as:

Assertion (A): The aim of rehabilitation is to empower the patient to become a productive member of society to the extent possible.
Reason (R): In rehabilitation, the patients are given occupational therapy, social skills training and vocational therapy. Many patients suffer from negative symptoms such as disinterest and lack of motivation to do work or to interact with people.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 23

Both the statements are correct about Client-centred therapy propounded by Carl Rogers, but are not as cause and effect.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 24

Directions: In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R).
Mark tire correct choice as:

Assertion (A): A client, who was neglected by the parents as a child, develops the core schema of "I am not wanted".
Reason (R): The childhood experiences provided by the family and society develop core schemas or systems, which include beliefs and action patterns in the individual.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 25

Directions: In the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R).
Mark tire correct choice as:

Assertion (A): In empathy, one has compassion and pity towards the suffering of another but is not able to feel the perspective of the other person.
Reason (R): Empathy enriches the therapeutic relationship and transforms it into a healing relationship.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 25

A is false, R is true because in empathy, one does not have any compassion or pity, rather one tries to be non-judgmental and tries to see the situation from the other's eyes or perspective. Pity or compassion is part of sympathy.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 26

Directions: Read the following text and answer the following questions on tire basis of tire same:

A child called Riya gives trouble eating dinner. She would always cry and show tantrums while having dinner. Her mother would get extremely upset from her behaviour and would shout at Riya. This creates trouble in the house and has become an everyday affair. Riya's school counsellor suggested to her mother that she should decrease the quantity of snacks served at tea time. This would increase hunger at dinner and thereby, increase the value of food at dinner. She also suggested that Riya should be praised whenever she eats dinner properly. Praising the child will increase the likelihood of eating the dinner properly. The mother followed this and this issue got resolved.

Q. The aim of the therapeutic technique was to:

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 26

The aim of the therapeutic technique was to substitute faulty behaviour with a more adaptive one.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 27

Directions: Read the following text and answer the following questions on tire basis of tire same:

A child called Riya gives trouble eating dinner. She would always cry and show tantrums while having dinner. Her mother would get extremely upset from her behaviour and would shout at Riya. This creates trouble in the house and has become an everyday affair. Riya's school counsellor suggested to her mother that she should decrease the quantity of snacks served at tea time. This would increase hunger at dinner and thereby, increase the value of food at dinner. She also suggested that Riya should be praised whenever she eats dinner properly. Praising the child will increase the likelihood of eating the dinner properly. The mother followed this and this issue got resolved.

Q. Changing a behaviour by increasing or decreasing the reinforcing value of a particular consequence is called:

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 27

The change can be done by increasing or decreasing the reinforcing value of a particular consequence. This is called establishing operation.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 28

Directions: Read the following text and answer the questions given below:

Roshan is terribly afraid of snakes. His phobia has made him so dysfunctional that he had to take a long leave from his job at the local zoo. This
happened when he heard that a snake enclosure opened and someone was bitten by it. Now, Roshan feels dizzy and breathless even at the thought of the snake and starts panicking. He has stopped going to zoo and is trying to take up a job elsewhere. He is even looking for a shift of house as his house is on the ground floor and he thinks a snake might show up at his house.

Q. Which technique would work for treatment of Roshan?

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 28

Systematic desensitisation is a technique introduced by Wolpe for treating phobias or irrational fears. The client is interviewed to elicit fear provoking situations and together with the client, the therapist prepares a hierarchy of anxiety-provoking stimuli with the least anxiety-provoking stimuli at the bottom of the hierarchy.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 29


Directions: Read the following text and answer the questions given below:

Roshan is terribly afraid of snakes. His phobia has made him so dysfunctional that he had to take a long leave from his job at the local zoo. This
happened when he heard that a snake enclosure opened and someone was bitten by it. Now, Roshan feels dizzy and breathless even at the thought of the snake and starts panicking. He has stopped going to zoo and is trying to take up a job elsewhere. He is even looking for a shift of house as his house is on the ground floor and he thinks a snake might show up at his house.

Assertion: Principle of Reciprocal Inhibition states that the presence of two mutually attracting forces at the same time, inhibits the weaker force.
Reason: Relaxation response is first built up and a mildly anxiety-provoking scene is imagined and the anxiety is overcome by the relaxation. The client is able to tolerate progressively greater levels of anxiety because of her/his relaxed state.

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 29

The assertion is false because the presence of two mutually opposing forces at the same time, inhibits the weaker force and not the attracting forces. The reason is true.

Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 30

Systematic desensitisation is a part of:

Detailed Solution for Psychology: CUET Mock Test - 3 - Question 30

Systematic desensitisation technique is a part of behaviour therapy. This is used for the treatment of phobia. This technique postulates that the phobias can be treated gradually by creating a hierarchy of least anxiety-provoking situations to the highest anxiety-provoking situations in combination of relaxation procedures.

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