Properly perform the assigned duty, is ___________
What is the first step in organising process?
Product Specialisation is concerned with_____________
Nature of informal organisation is ____________.
The possibilities of inadequate profits or even losses due to uncertainties are known as ____________
Which of the following is arises from delegation of authority?
Authority delegated to a subordinate can be taken back under __________
___________ is helpful in reducing the burden of the manager
Right of an individual to command his subordinates is _________
Under Accountability a person is answerable for the ___________
It flows downwards, superior to subordinate __
What is the last step in organising process?
Formal organisation is directed by __________
Authority, Responsibility and Accountability are the elements of ______
Which of the following is arises from the responsibility?
Organisation establishes relationship between
_________ is helpful in increasing the role of the subordinates in the organisation
A network of social relationship that arises spontaneously due to interaction at work is called:
For delegation to be effective it is essential that responsibility be accompanied with necessary
The form of organisation known for giving rise to rumors is called
Grouping of activities on the basis of functions is a part of
Which of the following is not an element of delegation?
Which of the following does not follow the scalar chain?
Grouping of activities on the basis of product lines is a part of