Q. 1 – Q. 5 carry one mark each.
Choose the most appropriate word from the optios given below to complete the following sentence.
The principal presented the chief guest with a ________________, as token of appreciation.
Choose the appropriate word/ pharse, out of the four options given below, to complete the following sentence.
Choose the most similar in meaning to the given word.
if logx(5/7) = -1/3, then the value of x is
Q. 6 – Q. 10 carry Two mark each.
The following question presents a sentence, part of which is underlined. Beneath the sentence you find four ways of pharasing the underlined part. Following the requirements of the standard written english, select the answer that produces the most effective sentence.
Tuberculosis, together with its effect, "ranks one of the leading cause of death" in India
Read the following paragraph and choose the correct statement.
climate change has reduced human security and threatened human well being. An ignored reality of human progress is that human securiy largely depends upon environmental security. But on the contrary, human progress seems contradictory to environmental security. To keep up both at the required level is a challange to be addressed by one and all. One of the ways to curb the climate change may be suitable scientific innovations, while the other way may be the Gadhian perspective on small scale progress wih focus on sustainability.
A cube of side 3 units is formed using a set of smaller cubes of side 1 unit. Find the proportion of the number of faces of the smaller cubes visible to those which are NOT visible.
Hummpty Dumpty sits on a wall every day while having lunch. the wall sometimes breaks. A person sitting on the wall falls if the wall breaks.
Which one of the statements below is logically valid and can be inferred from te above sentences.?
Q. 11 – Q. 25 carry one mark each.
A Housing Finance Institution in the private sector is
Which of the following statements regarding PERT is NOT true?
Damage of foundation due to ‘Soil Liquefaction’ is related to
Walls with high thermal inertia are suitable in which type of climate?
The ratio of town area to agricultural land area as suggested by Sir Ebenezer Howard in
‘Garden City’ concept is
A ‘Demolition Contract’ for a building is awarded to the
The Venice Charter (1964) led to the establishment of
The ratio between illumination at a working point indoor to total light available simultaneously
outdoor is known as
Which of the following vehicular traffic intersections converts all crossing into merging and
diverging sequences?
The process of spraying Polyester, Polyurethane, Acrylic and Epoxy Plastic, followed by heat
curing onto metals is called
The fundamental right pertaining to property ownership in India DOES NOT embrace:
Match the Elements in Group - I with their Applications in Group – II
Group – I Group – II
P Bracket 1 Door
Q Baluster 2 Dome
R Key stone 3 Cornice
S Holdfast 4 Arch
5 Staircase
Match the Buildings in Group-I with their Principal Architects in Group-II
A combination of colours forming an equilateral triangle in a Colour Wheel is called
As per Fire Safety norms of NBC India for buildings having assembly and institutional
occupancies, the maximum travel distance in meters to an exit from the dead end of a corridor is
Which of the following is a part of a studio apartment?
The Saturation level of a colour represents
Invert level of a pipe at a given cross section refers to the