Which of the following apparatus does not include, in a determination of shrinkage limit?
A soil sample may be well graded if __________
The inside of the shrinkage dish is coated with a thin layer of _________
The shape of particle size curve, which is represented by the coefficient of curvature (Cc) is given by __________
The curve situated at the right side of the particle size distribution curve is _________
What are the ways of preventing of inclusion of air bubbles in shrinkage dish?
A curve with a flat portion, in particle size distribution curve represent __________
The volume shrinkage (VS) is defined by the formula _________
The time of settlement of the finest particle of soil sample is 15hr20min49sec. calculate the height of the water tank. Take D = 0.01 mm, γ = 0.905D2.
Shrinking limit can be found out using alternate method, if __________
A particle-size distribution curve gives us an idea about __________
The density of the mercury, used in shrinkage limit apparatus is _________
For coarse grained soil, the particle size D10 is sometimes called as __________
The volume of the wet soil, present in shrinkage dish_________ of volume of dish.
The coefficient of uniformity (CV) is the ratio of _________