Question 1 to 5 carry One Mark each
Even as the --------- else where in the world are struggling, to come out of recession, Indian consumers are splurging on consumer goods and to ----- this growth, companies are investing heavily in various sectors.
In the olympic games, the flags of six nations were flown on the masts in the following way. T he flag of
America was to the left of Indian tricolor and to the right of the flag of france. T he flag of australia was on
the right of the indian flag but was to the left of the flag of japan, which was to the left of the flag of china.
Find the two flags which are in the centre.
From the given equilateral triangle below, A, B and C run along. T he sides in clockwise direction and stop
aft er coming sides. Which of the following statements is true?
In the following questions, a sent ence has been given in direct/indirect speech.
Nitin said to me, “why don’t you come with us? why do you want to be so unsocial.
Direction (5) Spotting the error
/In order to transfer (A)
/ branch licenses for one (B)
/ bank to anot her you require special approval from RBI (C)
/ No error (D).
Question 6 to 10 carry Two Marks each
In an NGO, the daily average ages of 20 illiterate employee is decreased from Rs. 25 to Rs. 10. Thus the
average salary of all the literate (educated) and illiterate employees is decreased by Rs. 10 perday. T he
number of educated employees working in the NGO is :
Common Data Question (7-8)
The ratio of the percentage share of Dairy Milk to that of ot her is?
If in the next year, Crackle and Dairy Milk decided to join hands and increase their market share from their
combined existing share by 20%. What will be their combined sales if the mark size remains the same?
Simple interest on a certain amount is 9/16 of the principle. If the number represent ing the rate of intersest in percent and time in years be equal. T hen time, for when the principal is lent out is,
A boat sails across a river with a velocity of 10 km/hr. If resultant boat velocity is 14 km/hr, then what is the velocity of river water?
Question 11 to 35 carry One Mark each
If the probability for A to fail in an examination is .2 and that for B is .3 then the probability that either
A or B fails is
Eigen value of unit ary matrix are always
If t hen the value of
A rigid wheel 1.25 diameter is to be provide with a t hin steel t yre. If the stress in the steel t yre is not
to exceed 140 N/mm2, what is the int ernal diameter of the tyre? Take E = 2 × 105 N/mm2 and
α = 1.2 × 10-5 per oC ________________
In case of solution of a two variable linear programming problem by graphical method one constraints line
comes parallel t o the objective function line which one of the following is correct?
If 'u' and 'v' the component of velocity in x-direction and y-direction respectively are given u = ax+by and
v = cx + dy then the condition to be satisfy is
T he two links OA and OB are connected by a pin joint at 'O'. If the link OA t urns with angular velocity
'ω1' rad/s in the clockwise direction and th e link OB turns with angular velocity 'ω2' rad/s is the
anticlockwise direction, then the rubbing velocity at the pin joint 'O' is
Where r = Radius of the pin at 'O'
According to Indian standard specifications, a grey cost iron designated by 'FG200' means that the
T here is a slab having temperat ure at left and right faces 800 K and 600 K respectively and slab material
having conductivit y k = 20 W/mK at 0°C. Find the mean thermal conductivity for the slab given β = 0.01 per
unit kelvin _________________W/mK
The following sheet metal operat ion induces shear stresses in the part
Steam coming out of the whistle of a pressure cooker is
What should be the minimum length two a high strength steel rod of 12.5 mm diamet er so t hat one end
can be t wisted by 30o with respect of the other end, without exceeding a shear stress of 270 N/mm2 given
modulus of rigidity G = 8 × 104 N/mm2
_________________ m
The linear programming is used for opt imization problems which satisfy the following conditions.
(1) Objective function expressed as a linear function of variable
(2) Resources are unlimited
(3) T he decision variable are interrelated and non-negative
Which of the statements is/are correct?
The dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 1 Poise. What should one multiply to it to get the answer in N-s/m2?
T he four bar mechanism shown in the given figure
Given OA = 3cm , AB = 5cm, BC = 6 cm and OC = 7cm is a
For a metallic wall at 200°C a metallic rod prot rudes to the ambient air. The temperat ure at the tip will be
minimum when the rod is made of
Blank holding is normally required in
When 'd' is the diameter of the molecules of a gas in a confined space, the collision frequency will be
proportional to