Fill in the blank with the best possible option:
Spicy food such _____ the curry which we had yesterday is not good for health.
Choose the option that best fills in the blank
_________ you called, he was holding his newborn baby.
Choose the option that best fills in the blank:
We stopped playing _________ we received his call.
Choose the correct option:
Hardly had I closed my eyes ________ the alarm rang.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:
I had hardly reached the corner of the street ________ I heard someone's steps behind me.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate conjunction.
No sooner did the mariner set the sails __________ it began to rain.
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:
Hardly had I reached the bus-stop _________ the bus arrived.
Combine the sentences correctly using 'so...that':
The earrings were beautiful. I had to buy them.
Combine the sentences correctly using 'so...that':
James is arrogant. He would never ask for help.
Choose the option that best fills the blank:
No sooner had I received her text, ____ I left for her house.