A modulo - 272 counter requires the following number of flip-flops:
Take a look at the following assertions about counters:
S1: An Overbeck counter has a Hamming distance of 1 and a Johnson counter has a Hamming distance of 2.
S2: In the Overbeck counter, only output sequences 0, 8, 12, 14, 15, 7, 3, 1, 0,... are feasible, but output sequences 2, 1, 8, 4, 2, 1,... are not.
S3: A binary counter may represent 2N states, where N is the number of bits in the code, whereas an Overbeck counter and a Johnson counter can only represent N and 2N states, respectively.
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If both S and R inputs of an SR latch formed by cross-coupling two NAND gates are set to 0, the output is
In an RS flip-flop, if the S line (Set line) is set high (1) and the R line is set low (0), then the state of the flip-flop is
Which of the following option input sequences for a cross-coupled R-S flip-flop realized with two NAND gates may lead to an oscillation?
To design a synchronous counter having sequence ( 0-1-0-2-0-3 ) and then repeats. To implement this counter is the minimum number of J-K flip-flops required. Note: This question was asked as a Numerical Answer Type.
The minimum number of J K flip-flops required to construct a synchronous counter with the sequence like (0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 0, ...) is:-
A four-bit Johnson counter with an initial value of (0000). The sequence of counting is:-
A positive edge-triggered D flip-flop is connected to a positive edge-triggered J K flip-flop. The Q output of the D flip-flop is connected to both the J and K inputs of the J K flip-flop, while the Q output of the J K flip-flop is connected to the input of the D flip-flop. At first, the output of a D flip-flop is set to logic one, and the output of the JK flip-flop is cleared. Which one of the following options is the bit sequence generated at the Q output of the JK flip-flop when the flip-flops are connected to a free-running standard clock? Consider that J = K = 1 is the toggle mode and J = K = 0 is the state-holding mode of the JK flip-flop. Both the flip-flops have non-zero propagation delays.