Which is the smallest union territory of India in terms of total area?
Which of the following are correct regarding G. V. K. Rao Committee?
1. G. V. K. Rao Committee was appointed by the Planning Commission in 1985
2. Zila Parishad should be of prime importance in the plan of democratic decentralization
3. A post of District Development Commissioner must be created
Choose from the following options
Who among the following Gupta kings ascended the throne in the year 56 of Gupta era?
Consider the following statements.
1. For Gandhi, the machinery, commercialisation and centralised state power were the curses of modern civilisation.
2. It was industrialism itself, Gandhi argued, rather than the inability to industrialise, which was the root cause of Indian poverty.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which of the following statements are correct about the Mayor in a Municipal Corporation?
1. He is elected in a majority of the states for a one-year renewable term
2. His main function is to preside over the meetings of the Council.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. When we divide Net National Product by the total population of a nation we get the per capita income of that nation.
2. Higher the rates of depreciation lower the per capita income of the nation.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which Article of the Constitution of India vests the power to form new States in the Parliament?
Which of the following ensures that the principle of federalism is upheld in the Indian polity?
1. Any change to the constitution dial affects the power of the states must be ratified by a majority of state assemblies.
2. The Judiciary plays an important role in overseeing the implementation and amendment of constitutional provisions.
3. The Centre administers Union Territories (UTs).
Q. Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
Which industrial policy statement/resolution had the Gandhian socialistic views?
After the Battle of Plassey, the East India Company was granted undisputed right to free trade in
The territories surrendered by Seleucus to Chandragupta Maurya included
Which one of the following peaks is the highest?
Consider the following statements:
I. The Preamble provides the citizens the liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship.
II. The citizens are entitled to unhindered liberty.
Choose the right answer:
Who among the following murdered Abul Fazl, the official historian of Akbar, at the instigation of Prince Salim in 1602?
There was a newspaper published in London named “Indian Sociologist” by a nationalist during the course of Indian National Movement. He was:
Consider the following statements.
1. The governments may take recourse to tighter monetary policy to cool down either the demand-pull or the cost-push inflations.
2. This is intended to increase the money supply in the economy.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements and identify the right ones.
i. According to the theory of demographic transition, in the first stage, birth rate is low but death rate is high
ii. The difference between them is high
Who among the following sultans of Delhi first recruited foreigners as his officers but later threw open all highest offices to all classes of Indians, the only qualification being the merit of the persons?
India successfully test-fired the Prithvi missile interceptor recently. Consider the following statements regarding Prithvi Defence Vehicle (PDV):
1) Prithvi Defence Vehicle is indigenously developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
2) Prithvi Defence Vehicle (PDV) is capable of destroying targets at a high altitude in the Exo-atmospheric region.
3) India is the first nation in the world to have a robust Ballistic Missile Defence system.
Which of the following statements is correct?
In which mountain range is the K2 peak located?
Which of the following are the features of the Mughal style of Painting?
1. It is based on the Persian miniature painting style
2. It is usually devotional or religious in nature
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements regarding the Sangam age;
1. The use of iron
2. Its association with megaliths.
3. The use of black and red ware
4. The penetration of Mauryan influence into South India
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Which of the following are correctly matched?
1. Conduct of business of the Government of a State - Article 166
2. Council of Ministers to aid and advise governor - Article 164
3. Duties of Chief Minister - Article 167
Choose from the following options.
Consider the following statements.
1. Cash reserve ratio (CRR) is the ratio of the total deposits and lendings of a bank in India.
2. It is kept with the RBI in the form of cash
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements:
1. White Label ATMs are owned and operated by the bank
2. Green Label ATMs are used for agricultural transactions
3. Brown Label ATMs are owned and operated by a non-banking entity
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?