Consider the following statements.
1. State Legislatures can make laws on matters enumerated in the Residuary list in special circumstances.
2. State Legislatures cannot make laws on those matters enumerated in the Concurrent List on which Central legislation already exists.
Choose the correct answer using the codes below:
In which of the following relief sculpture inscriptions is ‘Ranyo Ashoka’ (King Ashoka) mentioned along with the stone portrait of Ashoka? [IAS 2019]
Consider the following statements about mohiniattam dance.
1. It generally narrate the story of the feminine dance of Vishnu
2. The dance is accompanied by music and songs
Which of these statements are correct?
When did Debendranath Tagore, father of Rabindranath Tagore, found the Tatua bodhini Subha to propagate Rammohan Roy’s ideas?
The essence of the strategic disinvestment was:
1. The minimum shares to be divested will be 49%.
2. The wholesale sale of shares will be done to strategic partners having International class experience and expertise in the sector.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Who among the following was the ruler of Kanchi during the time of Samudragupta?
Which of the following is also known as Jumping Inflation?
Consider the following statements:
1. An amendment to the Constitution of India can be initiated by an introduction of a bill in the Lok Sabha only.
2. If such an amendment seeks to make changes in the federal character of the Constitution, the amendment also requires to be ratified by the legislature of all the States of India.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
Consider the following statements about the process of river rejuvenation.
1. A positive movement occurs when there is a depression of land or a rise in sea level.
2. This will submerge the lands along the coast, drown' the valleys and strengthen the erosive power of the river
Which of these statements is/are correct?
The basis of acquiring Citizenship through Naturalization is
Which of the following tools are used by RBI to maintain money supply in the economy?
1. Statutory liquidity ratio
2. Repo Rate
3. Bank Rate
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
Which of the following pass is part of an offshoot of the ancient silk route and an important trade route Sikkim part of India and China?
The National Human Rights Commission consists of a chairman and:
The height of a wave is determined by its ____
The Uttarmerur inscription gives details of the functioning of which village assembly?
Consider the following statements regarding the accountancy services sector.
1. Accountancy professionals are allowed to operate either as a partnership firm or as a sole proprietorship firm.
2. FDI is not allowed in this sector but foreign service providers are allowed to undertake a statutory audit of Companies.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. Bergschrund is known as rimaye in French
2. Bergschrund helps climbers in many ways
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Which among the following is not a criterion for being eligible to be a judge of the Supreme Court?
According to UNO those countries are considered relative poor where per capita income is less than
Which of the following functions are NOT performed by the Election Commission of India?
1. Determining the territorial areas of the electoral constituencies.
2. Advising the president on matters relating to the disqualifications of the members of Parliament.
3. To cancel polls in the event of Violence at election booths.
Choose the correct answer using the codes below.
Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
Assertion (A): The depth of water exceeding 180 feet is not suitable for the coral reefs
Reason (R): Sunlight is too faint for photosynthesis to take Place Beyond this depth
Choose from the following options.
Arrange the following mountain ranges from north to south order
and select the correct answer from the codes:
1. Dhauladhar
2. Ladakh
3. PirPanjal
4. Zaskar
Ladakh was divided into Kargil and Leh district in which year?
Consider the following statements:
1. Under great heat and pressure, All rocks except igneous or sedimentary may become metamorphic rocks.
2. Clay may be metamorphosed into marble.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. There has been a divergence between the official tax rate and effective tax rate in India, which is defined as the ratio of the total tax collected to the aggregate tax base.
2. The divergence occurs mainly on account of tax exemptions.
3. Tax expenditure is also known as revenue foregone.
Which of these statements is/are correct?
Consider the following statements.
1. The thinking of becoming happier by becoming richer is challenged by the law of diminishing marginal utility of income.
2. This means that rich people benefit far more than poor people from an added dollar of income
Which of these statements are correct
Under the Treaty of Allahabad, Nawab Shuja Ud Daula agreed to:
1. Surrender Allahabad and kara to English
2. Pay rupees 50 lakh to the company as war indemnity
3. Give Balwant Singh, the zamindar of Banaras, full possession of his estate
Which of these statements is/are correct?