Radial splits in timber originating from ‘Bark’ and narrowing towards the ‘pith’ are known as
The most important purpose of frog in a brick is to
The number of bricks required per cubic metre of brick masonry is
Which one of the following types of concrete is most suitable in extreme cold climates?
The specific gravity of commonly available ordinary portland cement is
Which one of the following correctly expresses the split tensile strength of a circular cylinder of
length L and diameter D, subject to a maximum load of P?
The mix design for pavement concrete is based on
Which one of the following is the most preferred wood for high quality and durable furniture ?
If ‘W’ is the percentage of water required for normal consistency of cement, water to be addedfor determination of initial setting time is
Which one of the following statements is correct?
The shear centre of a section is defined as that point
Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I
a. Moment of inertia
b. Elongation
c. neutral axis
d. Top fibre
List II
1. Tensile stress
2. Modulus of rupture
3. Zero shear stress
4. Zero longitudinal stress
A thin cylindrical shell of internal diameter D and thickness t is subjected to internal pressure p.
The change in diameter is given by
Which one of the following shear stressN distribution diagrams is correct for cross-bar
section shown in the given figure
The strain energy in a member is proportional to
Strain energy in torsion of a shaft per unit volume is given by (q is shear stress, E —modulus of
Elasticity and G is modulus of rigidity)
As per the elastic theory of design, the factor of safety is the ratio of
For the simply supported beam shown in the figure given below, at what distance from the
support A, is the shear force zero?
What is the correct sequence of the following metals in the decreasing order of their Poisson’s
1. Aluminum
2. Cast iron
3. Steel
Select the correct answer using the code given below :
The moment capacity of section at plastic hinge equals
The number of independent equations to be satisfied for static equilibrium in a space structureis
The material in which large deformation is possible before absolute failure by rupture takesplace, is known as
In a plastic hinge, the actual distribution of strain across the section is essentially as
A correct solution of a statically indeterminate structure as per the energy method
The number of unknowns to be determined in the stiffness method is equal to
The allowable shear stress in the web of mild steel beams decreases with (where ‘h’ is height and t is thickness)