An Ideal gas at 27ºC is heated at constant pressure till the volume becomes three times. The temperature of the gas will then be
If the time taken by a system to execute a process through a finite gradient is infinitely large,the process
Gas contained in a closed system consisting of piston cylinder arrangement is expand. Workdone by the gas during expansion is 50 kJ. Decreases in internal energy of the gas duringexpansion is 30 kJ. Heat transfer during the process is equal to
Direction: Each of the next consists of two statements, one labeled as the 'Assertion (A)' and
the other as 'Reason (R)'. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below:
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Assertion (A): The changes in heat and work cannot be expressed as difference between the
end states.
Reason (R) : Heat and work both are exact differentials.
For a given value of TH (Source temperature) for a reversed Carnot cycle, the variation of TL(Sink temperature) for different values of COP is represented by which one of the following graphs ?
Efficiency of a Carnot engine is 75%. If the cycle direction is reversed, COP of the reversed Carnot cycle is
The state of a substance whose evaporation from its liquid state is complete, is known as
The ratio of specific heat at constant pressure (cp) and specific heat at constant volume (c,) is
A process, in which the temperature of the working substance remains constant during itsexpansion or compression, is called
A condenser of a refrigeration system rejects heat at rate of 120 kW, while its compressorconsumes a power of 30 kW. The coefficient of performance of the system would be
Consider the following statements: Moisture should be removed from refrigerants
to avoid
1. Compressor seal failure
2. Freezing at the expansion valve.
3. Restriction to refrigerant flow.
4. Corrosion of steel parts.
Which of these statements are correct?
Match List-I (Process) with List-II (Type)for Bell Coleman or Joule or Reverse Brayton cycle
for gas cycle refrigeration and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
In a petrol engine car, which one of the following performance characteristic is affected by thefront-end volatility gasoline used ?
Match List-I (Gas cycles) with List-II (Thermodynamic coordinates) and select correct
answer using the codes given below the lists:
Direction: Each of the next consists of two statements, one labeled as the 'Assertion (A)' and
the other as 'Reason (R)'. You are to examine these two statements carefully and select the answers to these items using the codes given below:
(a) Both A and R are individually true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are individually true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Statement (I) : Specific output of a SI engine is higher than the CI engine
Statement (II): Its higher engine mixture result in ability to burn richer mixture result in increased
energy conversion rate.
An ideal spark ignition engine has a compression ratio of 9. What is its Air standard efficiency ifratio of specific heats is 1.5 ?
For minimizing knocking tendency in SI engine, where should the spark plug be located ?
Which of the following fuel has little tendency towards detonation ?
Which of the following form part (s) of boiler mountings ?
1. Economiser
2. Feed check valve
3. Steam trap
4. Superheater
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
Which one of the following statement is not correct ?In a fluidized-bead boiler
In a boiler, the air preheater in invariably located between:
Out of the following impurities generally found in water, which one requires special considerationin case of very high pressure boilers?
When a hydrocarbon fuel burns in deficit air, Orsat analyzer will show the presence offollowing gases in the engine exhaust