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What happens when the ventricular pressure decreases?
When the right ventricle contracts the blood is pump in to :-
The blood leaving the lungs is richer than the blood entering the lung in :-
In which of the following charactor a vein differs from an artery :-
Systolic pressure is higher than diastolic pressure due to :-
What is the approximate duration of a cardiac cycle?
What is the average cardiac output for a healthy individual?
Which one of the following organ can be called a sort of "blood bank":-
Which of the following waves represent the excitation of the atria?
Blood of which vessel in mammals carries least percentage of urea :-
Which of the following represents the depolarisation of the ventricles?
Which of these has a closed type of circulatory system :-
By counting the number of which of the following waves, the heartbeat of a person can be determined?
Which of the following represents the enlargement of auricles?