Skin effect due to pattern of lines is called
Which of the following induces goose flesh?
Goose flesh in severe cold
Dense pelage is characteristic of animal inhabiting : (heavy hairy body)
Skin epidermis is composed of
Which layer of skin possibly secretes hormones
Barrier layer refers to
Dermis of rabbit is differentiated in
Which type of sweat glands secrete a pale sweat ?
In which layer of skin blood capillaries are absent?
Integument consist of
Integument of rabbit
Preservation of whole skin is called
Complete absence of melanin pigment in skin is called
Cells of stratum malpighi are
Pigmented dendritic cells occur in
Which layer is thickest in sole and palm?
Horns, Nails and hairs are composed of
Primary function of sweat glands is
Main function of mammalian skin is
Pressure receptors in skin
Which of the following is stimulated by cold -
[BHU - 95, 2000]
The tips of penis and Clitoris are more sensitive because of
Blubber occurs in
Which bone is derived from skin?
Pars papillaris and pars reticularis are the regions of
Arrector pili muscles in human are :
In rabbit, sweat glands are mainly present in :–
Horns of Rhinoceros are made up of :