Which of the following is present in frog's skin but not in mammalian skin?
Mammary glands are the modification of (In Eutherians)
Sweat glands are primarily concerned with
Mucous glands do not occur in mammalian skin because it is
Nails, claws, horns and hoofs are formed by
Ecdysis is shedding of
Simple coiled tubular glands occur in
Organs of Ruffini are receptors of
Blood vessles do not pierce
Epidermis of skin of vertebrates comprises
Hypodermis (Panniculas adiposus) of the skin is formed of
Complexion of skin in human beings is a mixed effect of
Maximum tactile receptors are found on
Which cell types occur in maximum percentage in st. malpighi of skin epidermis of mammals
Naked dendrites are receptors for
Dermis develops from
The substance responsible for making the stratum lucidium layer transparent is
Vibrissae of Rabbit are
Which one of the following muscles are responsible for moving and shaking the skin?
Sebaceous glands secrete a substance to
Hairs of Human are
Healing of wound takes place due to
Oil glands of the body are
Exoskeleton is absent in
Receptors of the skin are called
Receptors which are sensitive to pain are
Dermis of mammalian skin is mainly composed of
Pigment of hair occur in
In the mammalian skin, the adipose tissue is found
Keratin of the integument is the