According to N.C.F. 2005 in the upper primary stage science curriculum, which of the following is recommended in context to teaching-learning science?
a. In the constructivist perspective, science learning objectives must be contextual in nature.
b. Teaching-learning science can be organized around certain broad and integrated key concepts.
c. Learner's experience has an important place in the process of knowledge construction of Science.
d. During the teaching-learning of science teachers may frequently ask students to ‘think-pair-share.’
‘Sciences have a lot of interventions to analyze the issues of society or social problems objectively and systematically’ – Which of the following examples support this statement?
I. Sciences help to analyze the different past social issues like causes of war, causes of famine, causes of revolution or mass agitation, etc. objectively.
II. Sciences provide appropriate directions and guidelines through research and innovation in order to solve social problems like poverty, illiteracy, health hazards, etc.