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AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - AP TET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test - AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics)

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) for AP TET 2025 is part of AP TET preparation. The AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) questions and answers have been prepared according to the AP TET exam syllabus.The AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) MCQs are made for AP TET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) below.
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AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 1

Motivation begins with needs that exist in all of us. The need that the student would tend to fulfil first pertains to

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 1

The American motivation psychologist Abraham H. Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs consisting of five hierarchic classes. According to Maslow, people are motivated by unsatisfied needs. The needs listed from basic (lowest-earliest) to most complex (highest-latest) are as follows:

  • Physiology (hunger, thirst, sleep, etc.)
  • Safety/Security/Shelter/Health
  • Social/Love/Friendship
  • Self-esteem/Recognition/Achievement
  • Self-actualisation/achievement of full potential/can never be fully accomplished
AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 2

निर्देश: गद्यांश को पढ़िए और नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न का उत्तर दीजिए।
प्रेम आत्मा का भोजन है, प्रेम परमात्मा की ऊर्जा है जिससे प्रकृति का सारा सृजन होता है। आध्यात्म जगत में प्रेम से ज्यादा महत्त्वपूर्ण कोई शब्द नहीं है। यही वह रसायन है जो आत्मा को परमात्मा से जोड़ देता है। जब आप प्रेम में उतर जाते हो तो प्रेम का प्रत्युत्तर अपने आप आना शुरू हो जाता है। आप सद्गुरु की आँखों में प्रेम से झांकते हो तो सद्गुरु की प्रेम ऊर्जा आपको ऐसे लपेटने लगती है कि आप मंत्रमुग्ध होकर उसी के हो जाते हो। सद्गुरु को पकड़ो। पकड़ने का अर्थ है – सबसे पहले वहां साष्टांग हो जाओ, झुक जाओ यानि अहंकार के विसर्जन का, प्रेम का, प्रीती का अभ्यास सद्गुरु के चरणों से शुरू करो।  एक बात और है – प्रेम करना नहीं होता, प्रेम तो स्वयं हो जाता है। लेकिन इस प्रेम के होने में बुद्धि सबसे बड़ी बाधा बन जाती है। बुद्धि सोच विचार करती है। तर्क वितर्क करती है, वह खुले ह्रदय से अनुभव नहीं करने देती है।  बुद्धि बंधन है, उसी से मुक्त होना है और उपलब्ध रहना है उन प्रेम के क्षणों में। प्रेम की भूल-भुलैया का जरा अनुभव तो करो, लेकिन बुद्धि से नहीं, ह्रदय खोलकर प्रेम का दिया बनो। प्रेम का अर्थ होता है – दूसरों को इतना अपना बना लेना कि कुछ छिपाने को बचे ही नहीं। एक कसौटी दे रहा हूँ आपको, जब आपको लगने लगे कि उससे छिपाने को कुछ भी नहीं रहा तब समझना कि आपको सच्चे अर्थों में प्रेम हो गया है। सद्गुरु ही एकमात्र व्यक्तित्व है जो निःस्वार्थ प्रेम करता है।  उसे आपसे कुछ पाना नहीं है। उसे तो अपना सब कुछ आपके ऊपर लुटाना है। उसके प्रति प्रेम करने में कठिनाई का अनुभव नहीं होना चाहिए। वह तो खूँटी है। उसी खूँटी से अभ्यास करो। ऋषियों ने कहा है, प्रकृति से प्रेम करो।  फिर धीरे-धीरे मनुष्य पर आओ। मनुष्य से आकर आप सीधे परमात्मा तक पहुंचोगे। ऋषियों ने पहाड़ों को पूजा, नदियों को पूजा, वृक्षों को पूजा, चाँद-तारों को पूजा। किसलिए? उन्होंने सन्देश दिया कि सारी पृथ्वी से प्रेम करो। विराट अस्तित्व ही परमात्मा है। सबके प्रति प्रेम से इतना भर जाओ कि आपकी लय, आपका संगीत, आपका छंद उस परमात्मा से जुड़ जाये।  जो-जो शरीर में है वह सब ब्रह्मांड में है। सारे धर्म इसी बात का विज्ञान हैं और कुछ नहीं। प्रेम की एक ही साधना है, एक ही संकल्पना है जिसके साध लेने पर आध्यात्म की सारी साधनाएँ प्रकट हो जायेंगी।

Q. प्रेम का प्रत्युत्तर कब आना शुरू हो जाता है?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 2

गद्यांश के अनुसार, "जब आप प्रेम में उतर जाते हो तो प्रेम का प्रत्युत्तर अपने आप आना शुरू हो जाता है।"
इसलिए, यह निष्कर्ष निकाला जा सकता है कि जब इंसान प्रेम में उतरता है तो प्रेम का प्रत्युत्तर आना शुरू हो जाता है।

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 3

लिखित भाषा का प्रयोग

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 3

लिखना अर्थात लेखन कौशल चारों भाषा कौशलों में सबसे अंतिम चरण है। बच्चों में लेखन कौशल का विकास मौलिक विचारों को लिखित रूप देने तथा विभिन्न उद्देश्यों के लिए लिखने की क्षमता को संदर्भित करता है। लिखित भाषा का प्रयोग अपनी भाषा को अभिव्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है।

  • दक्षता के साथ सहज अभिव्यक्ति के विकास को सुनिश्चित कर सकेंगे।
  • वास्तविक अनुभव के साथ भाषाई कौशलों को सुगमता से ग्रहण करेंगें।
  • तथ्यों को स्वयं के निजी अनुभवों से जोड़ कर अपने विचारों को अभिव्यक्त करेगें।
  • स्वतंत्र एवं मौलिक अभिव्यक्ति के अवसर प्राप्त कर अपने विचारों को खुल कर रखेंगे।

अतः, निष्कर्ष निकलता है कि लिखित भाषा का प्रयोग अपनी अभिव्यक्ति के लिए किया जाता है।

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 4

निर्देश: दिए गए पद्यांश को ध्यानपर्वक पढ़िए तथा पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।
मुक्त करो नारी को, मानव !
चिर बंदिनी नारी को,
युग-युग की निर्मम कारा से
जननी, सखी, प्यारी को !
छिन्न करो सब स्वर्ण-पाश ।
उसके कोमल तन-मन के,
वे आभूषण नहीं, दाम
उसके बंदी जीवन के !
उसे मानवी का गौरव दे
पूर्ण सत्व दो नूतन,
उसका मुख जग का प्रकाश हो,
उठे अंध अवगुंठन।
मुक्त करो जीवन–संगिनी को,
जननी देवी को आदृत
जगजीवन में मानव के संग
हो मानवी प्रतिष्ठित !
प्रेम–स्वर्ग हो धरा, मधुर
नारी महिमा से मंडित,
नारी-मुख की नव किरणों से
युग–प्रभात हो ज्योतित !

Q. 'अवगुंठन' शब्द का अर्थ है:

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 4

'अवगुंठन' शब्द का अर्थ घूँघट' है।
अव + गुंठन = 'अवगुंठन'
'अव' (हीन) उपसर्ग और 'गुंठन' (छिपाना) मूल शब्द
अर्थ: कपड़े से मुँह छिपाने या ढकने की क्रिया।

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 5

In the Communicative Approach, which of the following is closest to the learning of English Language?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 5

The Communicative Approach is an approach to language teaching that focuses on the development of communicative competence, which encompasses both fluency and accuracy in using the language in real-life contexts.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 6

A student has difficulty in applying the learned knowledge. For example, in word problems, the student also fails to translate sentences into equations or identify the variables. A possible solution to this problem could be

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 6

A student has difficulty in applying the learned knowledge. For example, in word problems, the student also fails to translate sentences into equations or identify the variables. A possible solution to this problem could be giving carefully designed assignment-simpler-simple-complex.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 7

While testing paragraph writing the teacher should ask the students to: 

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 7

Writing is a creative and expressive skill, and asking students to generate their own ideas allows them to showcase their understanding, creativity, and ability to organize their thoughts in written form.

  • Paragraph writing is the process of composing a group of related sentences that focus on a specific topic or idea, presenting coherent and organized information to convey meaning and support a central theme or argument.
  • While testing paragraph writing, it is ideal for the teacher to ask students to express their own thoughts and ideas rather than copying from a textbook or relying on memorized content.
  • It also provides an opportunity for students to develop their critical thinking skills, language proficiency, and ability to communicate effectively.
  • By encouraging students to write their own thoughts, teachers can assess their writing skills, coherence, and ability to express themselves independently.

Hence, it is clear that while testing paragraph writing the teacher should ask the students to write their own thoughts.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 8

Which of the following statement(s) is/are true for Direct Method of teaching languages?
A. Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects and pictures.
B. Abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 8

The Direct Method is a language teaching method that emphasizes the use of target language communication and immersion. It aims to develop oral proficiency and natural language use through direct interaction and contextual learning.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 9

Direction: Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow by selecting the most appropriate options:
(1) We embarked along the sapphire route along National Highway 17 for a sun-soaked holiday. This route along Karnataka’s Karavali coast is India’s best beach and temple country. Flanked by the soaring Western Ghats on the east and the Arabian Sea on the west, the Karavali stretch is a scenic treat all the way.
(2) The first halt in our coastal circuit in Uttara Kannada district was Bhatkal. Bhatkal is where Konkani begins to share space with Tulu. A 4-km drive out of town took us to the beach and the small fishing wharf. At the bazaar, we tried out the two local specialities – date halwa and a salted roti. One also shouldn’t miss the Bhatkal biriyani.
(3) Gokarna is a charming little town with temples, a wide expanse of beach, two principal streets and clusters of traditional tile-roofed brick houses. You’ll also find quaint Udupi food joints, souvenir shops, and cyber cafes here.
(4) Once the ‘temple fatigue’ set in, we indulged in some sedate sea-watching. Om beach, one of Gokarna’s famed five, takes the shape of an ‘Om’, a spiritual symbol. The road twists through alleys, past people’s houses, temple chariots and ‘Way to Beach’ signs. The other pristine beaches, wedged between gigantic cliffs that protrude like delicate fingers into the sea, are Gokarna, Kudle, Half Moon and Paradise.
(5) The last halt in our coastal itinerary was Karwar. Karwar was the erstwhile trading outpost of foreigners. It is said that even the great explorer Vasco da Gama walked on the golden sands of Karwar. Apart from the excellent harbour, four beaches that offer sun, sand, surf and sport and five islands, Karwar has much more to offer.
(6) A short boat ride away you’ll find the excellent Devbagh Beach and five idyllic islands. With its pristine beach, and an eco-friendly resort with ethnic log huts, it is a romantic hideaway offering complete privacy and solitude sans the five-star trappings.
(7) We followed Tagore’s footsteps and took a boat cruise up the Kali from the mouth. We spotted dolphins as they gracefully dived into azure waters. From the island one can have a gorgeous view of the sea, sand and the neighbouring islands. As we returned from our coastal odyssey, we realised Karnataka is not short of fabulous beaches but lacks salesmen of its ravishing beauty.

Q. Find out the parts of speech of the underlined word –
At the bazaar, we tried out the two local specialities – date halwa and a salted roti.

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 9

An adverb further describes a verb, an adjective or another adverb. Here, ‘two’ further describes the adjective ‘local’. ‘Local’ is an example of adjective because it describes the noun ‘specialities’. Another example of nouns are ‘bazaar’, ‘halwa’ and ‘roti’ Adjectives describe a noun. ‘Date’ and ‘salted’ are examples of adjectives because they describe the nouns ‘halwa’ and ‘roti’ respectively. Preposition is a word used before a noun or pronoun and expresses the relationship of that noun with other words in the sentence. ‘At’ is an example of preposition here.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 10

Which of the following involves a rich control on grammar, vocabulary, content, punctuation as well as abilities to organize thoughts coherently?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 10

Language skill refers to the ability to use a language properly. In other words, the learner should be fully proficient in all four skills of the language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

  • The process of writing is generally a way to put abstract thoughts, ideas, and concepts into words, and to bring imagination into reality with the help of proper words of a particular language. Students' writing skills usually improve naturally with their experiences, maturity, and practice.
AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 11

A school management has conducted selection test for admission of a student into seventh class. As per RTE 2009, they should be punished with a penalty of

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 11

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 12

Essential Steps of Diagnostic Testing should be followed as
A. Identifying students having trouble
B. Locating the errors 
C. Discovering factors of slow learning
D. Removing learning difficulties

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 12

Learning Difficulties refers to a state when a person faces difficulty in learning. It may be due to physical limitations/disabilities such as - impairment in hearing, visual, low intellectual functioning, and inappropriate motor coordination.

  • Diagnostic evaluation/test refers to the test which helps the teachers to know the learning difficulties or gaps in learner's understanding and identifying learner's strengths, weaknesses, skills, etc.
AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 13

How does computer technology support language learning in classes V, to enhance accuracy in student's writing?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 13

Computers are machines that allow us to perform complex tasks in an accurate, precise, and productive manner. Computer technology has evolved so much over time that nowadays, computers can aid in language learning also.
Computers have the capabilities to check the spellings, sentences, usage of words, and all other structures of the language in real time. It enables the students to realize and rectify their mistakes instantly and also they can use the computer to store the mistakes they have made to recall whatever errors were made in the past. So, it helps the learners by supporting them in language learning through real-time detailed error feedback.
Thus, it is concluded that computer technology enhances accuracy in students' writing by providing detailed error feedback.

  • Drill work means memorizing a piece of text by repeating it. It does not require a computer, rather it needs effort from the learner.
  • Spelling and grammar check is included in detailed error feedback.
  • Formatting and font designs are not related to language learning or enhancing accuracy, rather they focus on the visual and aesthetic appearance of the text.
AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 14

The number of lines of symmetry of the given figure is

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 14

There are six lines of symmetry as shown.
Hence, option (4) is correct.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 15

Which of the following two chemical substances are used in the experiment for law of multiple proportions?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 15

There are compounds made up of the same elements, like carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Both compounds are made of carbon (C) atoms and oxygen (O) atoms. However, the ratios of carbon and oxygen in each compound are different. This illustrates the law of multiple proportions.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 16

How many atoms are present in 224 dm3 of oxygen gas?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 16

1 dm3 = 1 L
According to mole concept,
Number of atoms = Volume of gas given/Volume at STP x Avogadro's number
= (224/22.4) x 6.023 x 1023 = 6 x 1024

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 17

Arun has prepared 0.01% (by mass) solution of sodium chloride in water. Which of the following correctly represents the composition of the solutions?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 17

Mass Percent:

  • It allows us to determine the relative number of atoms of a specific component present in a combination/solution.
  • Mass Percent = (Mass of solute / Mass of solution) × 100%

Given: Mass of solute = 0.01%
Mass Percent = (Mass of solute / Mass of solution) × 100%
= (0.01/100) × 100 ​= 0.01%
= [0.01/ (0.01 + 99.99)] × 100 ​= 0.01%
Hence, the mass of solute =0.01 g  and the mass of solvent = 99.99 gms.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 18

Which of the following is NOT a cold-blooded animal?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 18
  • Cold-blooded Animals- are animals that cannot regulate their internal body temperature with the change in the environment.
  • Warm-blooded animal-A warm-blooded animal, for example, a bird or a mammal, has a fairly high body temperature which does not change much and is not affected by the surrounding temperature.

About Rabbit:

  • Oryctolagus cuniculus, scientfic name of rabbit.
  • A baby rabbit is called a kit, a female is called a doe and a male is called a buck.
  • A rabbit's teeth never stop growing.
  • It belongs to the phylum Mammalia, so they are warm-blooded animals.
  • Rabbits’ eyes are on the sides of their head, meaning they can see almost all the way around them.
AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 19

ΔPQR and ΔTQR are on the same base QR and on the same side of QR. If PQ = TR and PR = TQ, then which of the following is correct?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 19

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 20

Which of the following processes destroy(s) the magnetic properties of a bar magnet?
A. Cutting into two pieces
B. Heating
C. Beating
D. Sealing

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 20

Heating and beating are the two processes that destroy the magnetic properties of a bar magnet.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 21

____ are loaded with vitamins, minerals, beta-carotene, vitamin C, folate, iron, magnesium, carotenoids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants.

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 21

In 1912, the Polish Jewish biochemist Casimir Funk discovered Vitamins and called them vital amines or vitamins.
Vitamins are of two types:

  • Water-soluble: Vitamin B and Vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins.
  • Fat-soluble: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K are fat-soluble Vitamins.

Minerals are solid substances that are naturally available and are created by the combination of one or more elements.
beta carotene is a compound that gives yellow, orange, and red colours to vegetables.
The scientific name of Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid and it is mostly found in fruits such as Papaya, Pineapple, Kiwi, Mango, and Tomato and its deficiency causes poor healing of wounds, bleeding of gums, dry and scaly skin, and scurvy.
Folate is known as Vitamin B9 which is found in abundant quantities in green leafy vegetables.
The mineral iron helps in energy metabolism in the body and it is found in Red Blood Corpuscles (RBCs) and haemoglobin where haemoglobin carries oxygen in the body. It is mostly found in organ meats, fortified cereals, red meat, bread, and fish.
The mineral Magnesium helps to create protein, contraction of muscle, nerve transmission, and improve the health of the immune system, and it is found in our bones. The main source of magnesium is Nuts and seeds, hard-drinking water, legumes, and chocolate.
Carotenoids are helpful for eye and immune system health. Some common types of carotenoids are alpha carotenoids, beta carotenoids, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin, and they are mostly found in pumpkins, yams, carrots, and oranges.
Phytonutrients are chemicals or compounds which are produced by plants and occur naturally.

  • It protects plants from insects and the sun and keeps them healthy.
  • It is found in fruits, tea, nuts, beans, and spices.
  • They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help support a healthy human body.
  • Some common phytonutrients are carotenoids, ellagic acid, glucosinolates, phytoestrogens, resveratrol, and flavonoids.

Antioxidants are mostly found in fruits and vegetables and are a man-made or natural substance that protects or delays some types of damages to cells.
Dairy products are loaded with vitamins, minerals, beta-carotene, vitamin C, folate, iron, magnesium, carotenoids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 22

The relative atomic masses of many elements are not whole numbers because

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 22

The relative atomic masses of many elements are not whole numbers because there are different isotopes of the elements. The atomic weight is the average based on the proportions that they occur in naturally.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 23

Deficiency of which vitamin can cause skin disorders, hyperaemia (excess blood) and swelling of the mouth and throat, angular stomatitis (sores on the corners of the mouth) and hair loss?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 23

Vitamin B2

  • ​A deficiency of vitamin B2 can cause skin disorders, hyperaemia (excess blood) and swelling of the mouth and throat, angular stomatitis (sores on the corners of the mouth) and hair loss.
  • One of the eight B vitamins that are crucial for human health is vitamin B2, sometimes known as riboflavin.
  • Grain, vegetables, and dairy products all contain it. It is essential for digesting food, absorbing other nutrients, and keeping tissues healthy.
  • Every vitamin is either fat-soluble or water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins are transported by the bloodstream, and excess amounts leave the body through urine. 
AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 24

Provision of 'knowledge and skill' in Mathematics comes under

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 24

Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, quantities, and patterns. Mathematics is the ‘queen of all sciences’ and its presence is there in all the subjects. It acts as the basis and structure of other subjects. Mathematics is one of the few subjects that have functional, cultural, and disciplinary value. To make Mathematics an instrument of all the three values, it must be taught in an engaging, interesting, and interacting manner.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 25

Which of the following oxides of gases react with volatile organic compounds in presence of sunlight due to which bad ozone is formed?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 25
  • Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three oxygen atoms.
  • Ozone is not emitted directly into the air but is formed through chemical reactions between natural and man-made emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of sunlight. 
  • These gaseous compounds mix like a thin soup in the ambient, or outdoor, air, and when they interact with sunlight, ozone is formed.
  • Ozone can be split into two major types: Stratospheric Ozone and Ground-Level Ozone.

Stratospheric ozone

  • It is also known as the "ozone layer" that forms high in the atmosphere, 6-30 miles above the earth's surface, when intense sunlight causes oxygen molecules (O2) to break up and re-form as ozone molecules (O3).
  • These ozone molecules form the ozone layer and are commonly referred to as "good ozone."
  • At concentrations as high as 12,000 ppb (the EPA considers anything over 70 ppb to be unhealthy for human health and welfare) this ozone protects and shields people, trees, crops, property, and microorganisms from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet light. 

Ground-level ozone

  • It forms just above the earth’s surface (up to about 2 miles above ground) and impacts human, animal, and plant respiration.
  • Although ground-level ozone is less concentrated than stratospheric ozone, its impacts on human health and welfare make ground-level ozone "bad ozone."
  • Ground-level ozone is an irritant and can negatively affect human health and welfare.
  • Weather plays a substantial role in the formation of ground-level ozone.
  • Ground-level ozone concentrations typically are highest on days warm/hot days with low humidity when the wind is light or stagnant.
AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 26

Which method is more acceptable for establishing the truth in science?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 26

Experiments provide insight into cause-and-effect by demonstrating what outcome occurs when a particular factor is manipulated. Experiments vary greatly in goal and scale, but always rely on repeatable procedure and logical analysis of the results.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 27

While teaching comparison of fractions in which the numerators are the same
e.g 3/5 and 3/7
Rohit’s response was “since the numerators are same and since 7 is larger than 5, therefore 3/7 is greater than 3/5.
This suggests that

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 27

While learning mathematics, children come up with their own naive theories, which needs to be cleaned by the teacher. 

  • It is clear from the scenario of Rohit saying that numerator is the same, he is aware of the concept of numerator and denominator.
  • While comparing fractions with the same numerator, the fraction which has a smaller denominator is considered as bigger.
  • Thus, the answer must be '3/5 is bigger than 3/7'. But Rohit says it in the opposite way. It is because doe not know the concept of resultant magnitude of fractions.

Hence, we conclude that Rohit does not understand the magnitude of fractions.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 28

At which stage of cognitive development does the child acquire mathematical knowledge using real objects?

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 28

According to Piaget, the child acquires mathematical knowledge using real objects in the concrete operational stage. In order to teach mathematics during this stage, teachers use manipulatives to explore concepts such as place value and arithmetical skills. These manipulatives can include algebra tiles, geoboards, dice, etc. As students use the materials, they acquire experiences that help lay the foundation for more advanced mathematical thinking. Furthermore, students' use of materials helps to build their mathematical confidence by giving them a way to test and confirm their reasoning.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 29

Remedial teaching can be done for

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 29

Option (1) is correct because remedial teaching is known as compensatory or corrective teaching. The teacher teaches the lesson in order to help slow learners make up for what they lost in the course of learning. The teacher uses extra hours after school, on weekends or in holidays.

AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 30

Mathematics corner is a miniature form of ______.

Detailed Solution for AP TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 7 (Science and Mathematics) - Question 30

Classroom Management consists of the teacher’s thoughts, plans, and actions that create an orderly environment and promote learning. Classroom management stands for management of resources, pupils’ learning activities, and behaviors in the classroom.

  • So, a teacher must develop a little corner in every classroom that contains different learning resources for the students to refer to facilitate their learning.
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