The UN organization that is related with education is
Children think that everything around them, including toys, are alive. This mental characteristic of children is called
One way of minimizing the effects of diversity is to allow the children to:
To make assessment a ‘useful and interesting’ process, one should be careful about
Assertion (A): The purpose of higher education is to promote critical and creative thinking abilities among students.
Reason (R): These abilities ensure job placements.
Choose the correct answer from the following code :
'लोक कथाएँ हमारे आम जीवन में सदियों से रची-बसी हैं। इन्हें हम अपने बड़े-बूढ़ों से बचपन से ही सुनते आ रहे हैं। लोक कथाओं के बारे में यह भी कहा जाता है कि बचपन के शुरुआती वर्षों में बच्चों को अपने परिवेश की महक, सोच व कल्पना की उड़ान देने के लिए इनका उपयोग जरूरी है। हम यह भी सुनते हैं कि बच्चों के भाषा के विकास के सन्दर्भ में भी इन कथाओं की उपयोगिता महत्त्वपूर्ण है।
ऐसा इसलिए कहा जाता है, क्योंकि इन लोक कथाओं के विभिन्न रूपों में हमें लोक जीवन के तत्त्व मिलते हैं, जो बच्चों के भाषा विकास में उल्लेखनीय भूमिका निभाते हैं। अगर हम अपनी पढ़ी हुई लोक कथाओं को याद करें, तो सहजता से हमें इनके कई उदाहरण मिल जाते हैं।
जब हम कहानी सुना रहे होते हैं, तो बच्चों से हमारी यह अपेक्षा रहती है कि वे पहली घटी घटनाओं को जरूर दोहराएँ। बच्चे भी घटना को याद रखते हुए साथ-साथ मजे से दोहराते हैं। इस तरह कथा सुनाने की इस प्रक्रिया में बच्चे इन घटनाओं को एक क्रम में रखकर देखते हैं। इन क्रमिक घटनाओं में एक तर्क होता है, जो बच्चों के मनोभावों से मिलता-जुलता है।'
गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्नो में सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए
Q. अनुच्छेद के आधार पर कहा जा सकता है कि इसका मुख्य बिंदु है:
निर्देश: नीचे दिए गए गद्यांश को पढ़कर निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में सबसे उचित विकल्प चुनिए ।
सारा संसार नीले गगन के तले अनंत काल से रहता आया है । हम थोड़ी दूरी पर ही देखते हैं क्षितिज तक, जहाँ धरतीऔरआकाश हमें मिलते दिखाई देते हैं । लेकिन जब हम वहाँ पहुँचते हैं, तो यह नज़ारा आगे खिसकता चला जाता है, और इस नज़ारे का कोई ओर-छोर हमें नहीं दिखाई देता है । ठीक इसी तरह हमारा जीवन भी है ।
ज़िंदगी की न जाने कितनी उपमाएँ दी जा चुकी हैं, लेकिन कोई भी उपमा पूर्ण नहीं मानी गई, क्योंकि जिदगी के इतने पक्ष हैं कि कोई भी उपमा उस पर पूरी तरह फ़िट नहीं बैठती । बर्नार्ड शॉ जीवन को एक खुली किताब मानते थे, और यह भी मानते थे कि सभी जीवों को समान रूप से जीने का हक़ है । वह चाहते थे कि इंसान अपने स्वार्थ में अंधा होकर किसी दूसरे जीव के जीने का हक न मारे । यदि इंसान ऐसा करता है, तो यह बहुत बड़ा अन्याय है । हमारे विचार स्वाभाविक रूप से एक-दूसरे से मेल नहीं खाते हैं, लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं होता कि हम दूसरों को उसके जीने के हक़ से वंचित करें ।
यह खुला आसमान, यह प्रकृति और यह पूरा भू -मंडल हमें दरअसल यही बता रहा है कि हाथी से लेकर चींटी तक, सभी को समान रूप से जीवन बिताने का हक़ है । जिस तरह से खुले आसमान के नीचे हर प्राणी बिना किसी डर के जीने , साँस लेने का अधिकारी है, उसी तरह से मानव-जाति का स्वभाव भी होना चाहिए कि वह अपने जीने के साथ दूसरों से उनके जीने का हक न छीने । यह आसमान हमें जिस तरह से भय से छुटकारा दिलाता है, उसी तरह से हमें मानव-जाति से उन जीवों को डर से छुटकारा दिलाकर उन्हें जीने के लिए पूरा अवसर देना चाहिए । दूसरों के जीने के हक़ को छीनने से बड़ा अपराध या पाप कुछ नहीं हो सकता ।
Q. यदि किसी का ओर-छोर नहीं है, तो-
प्राथमिक स्तर पर भाषा का पाठृय-पुस्तकों में किस तरह की रचनाओं को स्थान दिया जाना चाहिए?
अभ्यास के सिद्धांत में सबसे अधिक महत्व दिया जाता है:
Directions: Go through the poem given below and answer the question that follows by choosing the most appropriate option:
In the dark that falls before the dawn,
When the dew has settled on the thorn,
When the stars have been obscured by clouds,
A silence covers all things in shrouds.
No wind sighs in the mulberry tree,
No firefly glimmers wild and free,
A shadow has wrapped the night in gloom,
It's silent as a deserted tomb.
All of a sudden a lapwing's cry
Cuts the black silence as it flies by,
Again and again it slashes the dark
That haunts the empty, desolate park.
Anguish, sorrow pours from its throat,
It wings in the night, note after note;
I open my window so the light
Will flood the dark of this wretched night.
Why does it cry so miserably?
Why is it so solitary?
All I know is that loss and ache
Are left behind in the lapwing's wake.
Q. We can see the lapwing
Directions: Go through the passage carefully and answer the question that follows:
Summer break was fast approaching, and all Ram wanted to do was to go to a hill station. Unfortunately, Ram’s parents had different plans. They had booked a week-long tropical cruise. Ram hated warm weather and asked if he could just stay at his best friend’s house so he could he could go to any hill station with his buddies. His parents didn’t want to hear anything of it. He kept debating with them about the topic, but they would not change their minds. Family time was important to them, and it was a tradition that they spend the summer break together.
The week of the cruise arrived, and Ram continued to mumble his complaints as he and his family left their house to head south. Ram’s dad told him that he would only make the vacation worse for himself if he didn’t change his attitude and open his mind to a new experience. Ram still couldn’t stop thinking about all the hill stations he was leaving behind.
When they arrived at the port to board the ship, Ram had a hard time admitting that he was actually impressed with the size of the ship. He had seen the brochures but seeing the ship in person was a whole new ball game. Then he remembered that the brochure said something about a surfing pool. Maybe surfing would be somewhat fun at a hill station.
Ram climbed aboard the ship with his parents, and then they walked around to check everything out. He couldn’t believe how extravagant the accommodations were. The dining room looked like a royal hall; the game room had all of his favorite games; the ship’s deck had several different swimming pools for different purposes. Then Ram saw the surfing pool. It was incredible. It wasn’t a big pool, but it had big waves, and the girl who was demonstrating how to ride the waves made it look like a ton of fun.
Ram asked his parents if he could go put his swim shorts on so that he could try surfing. They said, “Of course.” They wanted to put their swim suits on as well, and, much to Ram’s surprise, they wanted to try surfing too.
They enjoyed themselves, and by the time the week-long cruise was over, Ram had new friends he planned to keep in touch with, a new hobby, and great memories. He apologized to his parents for initial moaning and groaning and told them that it was his best vacation ever.
Q. Why was Ram mumbling and complaining?
How will a teacher best teach 'writing' skills to a class?
Directions: Read the poem given below and answer the question that follows by selecting the most appropriate option.
Victorious men of earth, no more
Proclaim how wide your empires are;
Though you bind-in every shore
And your triumphs reach as far
As night or day,
Yet you, proud monarchs, must obey
And mingle with forgotten ashes, when
Death calls ye to the crowd of common men.
Devouring famine, plague and war,
Each able to undo mankind,
Death’s servile emissaries are;
Nor to these alone confined,
He hath at will
More quaint and subtle ways to kill;
A smile or kiss, as he will use the art,
Shall have the cunning skill to break a heart.
Q. "... mingle with forgotten ashes" __ means
Directions: Complete the following sentence by selecting an appropriate alternative from the given choices.
Did you really _____ the money yesterday?
Which of the following strategies can be adopted for children with reading disabilities?
Directions: Answer the following question by selecting the most appropriate option.
On a map, half cm shows 125 km on the ground. If two cities are actually 2000 km apart on the ground, then the distance between them on the map is
The Internal length, breadth and height of a rectangular box are 10 cm, 8cm, 6cm respectively. How many boxes are needed to pack 6240 centimetres cubes?
If the sum of interior angles of a polygon is 1800°, find the number of sides of the polygon.
The missing number in the pattern 1, 5, 2, 10....15, 4, 20 is
Bronze is a mixture of two metals, these two metals are:
Which of the following is not supported by the teaching of Environmental education at primary level?
Simple experiments and demonstrations can be performed in the EVS class:
The main purpose of 'Project Tiger' was to save the endangered animal. When was 'Project Tiger' launched?