Consider Y= ax+b, a>0. If the density and distribution functions of x are F. (x) and fx (x), then Fy (y) is equal to
Consider a random process x(t). Which of the following can represent Rx. (r)?
It is required to transmit at 100 Kbit/s and a bandwidth of 2 MHz is used. The
minimum S/N ratio is ___________________
SNR when the system is uncoded is 4 dB, when it is coded is 2 dB then the coding gain is ________________ (dB)
In the set up shown below, determine the number of bits required to encode each sample of x (t) such that bandwidth of signal y(t) is greater than 5 MHz.
A sinusoidal signal whose peak-peak amplitude is 6 V is modulated using deltamodulator. At what rate should be sinusoidal signal sampled such that slope over load distortion is prevented with step size of 0.942 V?
The probability of the five possible outcomes of an experiment are given as
Determine the informationrate, if there are 8 outcomes per second.
Probability of picking 3 symbols are P0, P1 and P2 respectively. The maximum entropy is achieved, when P0, P1, P2 are
Hartley's law can be defined as r = 2 Blog2 M . When compared to Shannon Hartley theorem, C, M are
The probability of a bit decoded correctly at receiver is `p'. If n bits are sent, what is the probability that one bit is decoded correctly?
A stationary random process x(t) has the following correlation function is constant) . Find the psd of random signal x(t).
If random variable 'x' has Gaussian pdf with mean M, then y=2x has PDF andmean respectively
If x has P.S.D Sxx (f), then y has P.S.D of ( Assume H(f) is the Fourier Transform
A Gaussian random variable 'x' has mean 1 and variance√2. If y = x2, then the mean of y is