Which type of resource does have greater probability to become shared resource in a computer network?
Which key is used in combination with another key to perform a specific task?
Which of the following commands is used to select the whole document?
A _______ typically connects personal computers within a very limited geographical area, usually within a single building.
Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called _______.
Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer?
Drop Cap offers ................ positions in settings
The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of space between certain combination of characters so that an entire word looks more evenly spaced is termed as–
............ is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen
To see first row and first column in an excel sheet at all times even if you scroll till the end of sheet–
Which of these language uses both interpreter and compiler–
................. is a type of memory organization or image file format used to store digital images
.............. file format used for data compression and archiving
In second generation, ........ language were introduced after binary language
Which layer of the OSI model performs segmentation of a data stream–
The amount of the data, CPU can transmit at a time to main memory and to input and output devices–
The daily processing of corrections to customer accounts can be simplified into a processing mode of–
Allocation of a resources in a time dependent fashion to several program simultaneously called
The ________ becomes different shapes depending on the task you are performing.
A popular way to learn about computers without ever going to a classroom is called -