What platform does the AMD K6 3+ Processor Belong to?
What platform can the VIA/Cyri III Processor Be used in jut c the following?
What motherboard manu¬facturer is the most popular out of the following?
What is the BEST ram solution for the Intel Pentium 4 Processor?
The difference between memory and storage is that the memory is ___ and storage is ____
When you install a new program on your computer, it is added to the –
A program that generally has more user friendly interface than a DBMS is called –
Too much electricity and cause of a voltage surge, refers to –
The software that is used to create text–based documents are referred to –
A programming language for creating special programs like applets is known as –
An online discussion group that allows direct 'live' communication is known as –
Which protocol is used to transfer file from one system to another system –
The basic units of a excel spreedsheet where we enter data is called
The maximum number of rows supported by Excel 2003 spreadsheet is
The maximum number of rows supported by Excel 2007 spreadsheet is
Which one is the default 'Word Processor' for Microsoft Windows
What is the maximum number of Primary Partitions that can be created on a Hard-disk
Which key combination is used to minimize all open windows and displays in the screen