. ......... Are used for converting one type of number system in to the other form
The decimal number is converted in to excess 3 codes by adding, to each decimal digit.
The digital system usually operated on.........system.
The binary system use powers of..........for positional values.
After counting 0, 1, 10, 11, 'the next binary number is
In logic algebra, variables can assume only two values:either..........or 1.
An X-OR gate produces an output only when it's two inputs are
Which of the following refers to a small, single site network?
Computer connected to a LAN {Local Area Network) can
Which of the following performs modulation and demodulation?
The sharing of a medium and its path by 2 or more devices is called _____.
Which multiplexing technique transmits ariatog signals ?
Network components are connected to the same cable in the— topology,
Two or more computers connected to each other for shar-ing information form a ——
Office LANs that are spread geographically apart on a large scale can be connected using a corporate ——
For separating channels in FDM, it is necessary to use
What is the process of copying software programs from secondary storage media to the hard disk called?