In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings.
P$Q – P is not smaller than Q
P#Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
P@Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.
P%Q – P is not greater than Q
P*Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
A @ B , C % B, C $ D, E * C
I.A $ D
II.A @ D
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings.
P$Q – P is not smaller than Q
P#Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
P@Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.
P%Q – P is not greater than Q
P*Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
A*B , B@C , C$D , D#E
I.A @ D
II.D * A
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings.
P$Q – P is not smaller than Q
P#Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
P@Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.
P%Q – P is not greater than Q
P*Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
P @ Q , Q # R , R * S , S % T
I.T @ P
II.T * Q
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings.
P$Q – P is not smaller than Q
P#Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
P@Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.
P%Q – P is not greater than Q
P*Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
K # L , L % M , M * N , N # O
I. K # M
II. K * M
III. L % O
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings.
P$Q – P is not smaller than Q
P#Q – P is neither greater than nor equal to Q.
P@Q – P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q.
P%Q – P is not greater than Q
P*Q – P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
X @ Y , Y # Z , Z % A , A @ B
I. X @ A
II. Y @ B
III. X # Z
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings
P@Q – P is smaller than Q
P$Q – P is greater than Q.
P#Q – P is either smaller than or equal to Q.
P*Q – P is either greater than or equal to Q
P%Q – P is neither smaller than nor smaller than Q.
M $ N , N * O, O # P
I. N # P
II. N * P
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings
P@Q – P is smaller than Q
P$Q – P is greater than Q.
P#Q – P is either smaller than or equal to Q.
P*Q – P is either greater than or equal to Q
P%Q – P is neither smaller than nor smaller than Q.
E @ U , U % R, R $ F
I. E $ F
II. E * F
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings
P@Q – P is smaller than Q
P$Q – P is greater than Q.
P#Q – P is either smaller than or equal to Q.
P*Q – P is either greater than or equal to Q
P%Q – P is neither smaller than nor smaller than Q.
I @ J , J * K, K $ L
I. L @ I
II. L @ J
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings
P@Q – P is smaller than Q
P$Q – P is greater than Q.
P#Q – P is either smaller than or equal to Q.
P*Q – P is either greater than or equal to Q
P%Q – P is neither smaller than nor smaller than Q.
P * Q , Q $ R , R @ S
I. P $ R
II. P # S
In the following questions,the symbols $,#,@,% and * are illustrate the following meanings
P@Q – P is smaller than Q
P$Q – P is greater than Q.
P#Q – P is either smaller than or equal to Q.
P*Q – P is either greater than or equal to Q
P%Q – P is neither smaller than nor smaller than Q.
A # B , B @ C , C % D
I. D $ A
II. A # C
Study the following illustration and answer the given questions.
A©B means A is not greater than B
A$B means A is not smaller than B
A@B means A is neither smaller than nor greater than B
A*B means A is neither equal to nor greater than B
A%B means A is neither smaller than nor equal to B
R * K, K © M, M % T, T $ J
I. J * M
II. R * M
III. K © J
Study the following illustration and answer the given questions.
A©B means A is not greater than B
A$B means A is not smaller than B
A@B means A is neither smaller than nor greater than B
A*B means A is neither equal to nor greater than B
A%B means A is neither smaller than nor equal to B
T $ N, N % B, B @ W, K © W
I. K $ B
II. K $ T
III. T % B
Study the following illustration and answer the given questions.
A©B means A is not greater than B
A$B means A is not smaller than B
A@B means A is neither smaller than nor greater than B
A*B means A is neither equal to nor greater than B
A%B means A is neither smaller than nor equal to B
W © F, F @ D, D * K, K $ J
I.K %W
II. D $ W
Study the following illustration and answer the given questions.
A©B means A is not greater than B
A$B means A is not smaller than B
A@B means A is neither smaller than nor greater than B
A*B means A is neither equal to nor greater than B
A%B means A is neither smaller than nor equal to B
R @ K, T © K, T $ M, M * W
I.W %K
II. M © R
III. T © R
Study the following illustration and answer the given questions.
A©B means A is not greater than B
A$B means A is not smaller than B
A@B means A is neither smaller than nor greater than B
A*B means A is neither equal to nor greater than B
A%B means A is neither smaller than nor equal to B
D @ M, M $ B, B *R, R % T
I.B * D
II.B @ D
III. T * M
@PQ means P is not greater than Q
PQ@ means P is not smaller than Q
PQ$ means P is neither greater nor smaller than Q
*PQ means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
PQ* means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
Now in each of the folowing questions, find out which of the 2 conclusion I and II is/are definitely true ?
PQ@, DP *, SD$
@PQ means P is not greater than Q
PQ@ means P is not smaller than Q
PQ$ means P is neither greater nor smaller than Q
*PQ means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
PQ* means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
Now in each of the folowing questions, find out which of the 2 conclusion I and II is/are definitely true ?
*LU, UG*, GS@
I. LS*
@PQ means P is not greater than Q
PQ@ means P is not smaller than Q
PQ$ means P is neither greater nor smaller than Q
*PQ means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
PQ* means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
Now in each of the folowing questions, find out which of the 2 conclusion I and II is/are definitely true ?
@AU, UL$, JL*
I. JA*
@PQ means P is not greater than Q
PQ@ means P is not smaller than Q
PQ$ means P is neither greater nor smaller than Q
*PQ means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
PQ* means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
Now in each of the folowing questions, find out which of the 2 conclusion I and II is/are definitely true ?
*YG, GH@, HR$
I. RG$
@PQ means P is not greater than Q
PQ@ means P is not smaller than Q
PQ$ means P is neither greater nor smaller than Q
*PQ means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q
PQ* means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
Now in each of the folowing questions, find out which of the 2 conclusion I and II is/are definitely true ?
@CS, *SD, DM*
I. DC*