Choose the word or phrase which is nearest in meaning to the key word:
The following question comprises two words that have a certain relationship between them followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that has same relationship as the original pair of words
Fox : Cunning
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Replace the phrase printed in bold to make it grammatically correct ?
A twenty-first century economy "cannot be held" hostage by power cuts nor travel on nineteenth century roads.
Improve the sentence with suitable options by replacing the underlined word.
He "lay" on the grass enjoying the sunshine.
Fill in the blanks :
At times, we are all ______ to be mistaken.
There are two solutions of wine and water, the concentration of wine being 0.4 and 0.6 respectively. If five liters of the first solution be mixed with fifteen liters of the second, find the concentration of wine in the resultant solution.
Rajiv bought some apples at the rate of 25 for Rs. 400 and an equal number at the rate of 30 for Rs. 270. He then sold all at the rate of 10 for Rs. 180. Find his profit/loss percentage
Out of 10 persons working on a project, 4 are graduates. If 3 are selected, what is the probability that there is alteast one graduate among them ?
2 men and 3 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days, while 3 men and 2 boys can do the same work in 8 days. In how many days can 2 men and 1 boy do the work ?
In an exam, 60% of the candidates passed in Maths and 70% candidates passed in English and 10% of the candidates failed in both the subjects, 300 candidates passed in both the subjects. Find the total number of candidates appeared in the exam, if they took test in only two subjects that is Math and English.
In the figure, the value of resistor R is (I + 5) ohms, where I is the current in amperes. The value of current I is
The velocity of propagation of electromagnetic wave in an underground cable with relative permittivity of 9 is
The function shown in the figure can be represented as
Consider an LTI system with impulse response h(t) = e-5t u(t). Determine the output of the system for the input x(t) = 5 u(t)
A rectangular pulse x(t) is shown in the figure. Determine the value of
If and f(t) is as t → ∞ . Determine the value of K
In the signal flow graph shown in the given figure, the value of C/R ratio is
What is the open-loop transfer function for an unity feedback system having root locus shown in the following figure ?
The digital circuit shown in the figure works as a
The simplified form of Boolean function F(A,B,C) implemented by the given 3 × 8 decoder is
The contents of the accumulator in an 8085 microprocessor is altered after the execution of the instruction
Assuming that all the diodes are ideal in figure, the current in the diode D2 is
Determine the upper and lower threshold voltage of the schmitt trigger shown below :
The transistor in the given circuit, should always be in saturation region. Take VCE (sat) = 0V and VBE = 0.7V. the minimum value of RC is
A differential amplifier has input at non inverting terminal is 1050 μV and at inverting terminal 950 μV. What is the error in the differential output if CMRR is 1000.
Which one of the following type of negative feedback increases the input resistance and decreases the output resistance of an amplifier ?
The spectral density and auto correlation function of white noise are respectively.
For a random variable x having the probability density function is shown in the figure, what are the variance of random variable.
An amplitude modulated signal is given as, S(t) = 100 Cos 2pfct 50 Cos 2pfmt.Cos 2pfct, where fc fm. and fc is the carrier frequency and fm is the modulating signal frequency. The power efficiency is.