Which of the following is not an essential element of a contract to sale?
Under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 which of these are not considered as goods?
A contracts to sell to B all the oil to be produced from groundnut harvested from A’s farm. The crops having been harvested and oil made there from, A fills the oil in the cans supplied by B. Does the property in oil pass to B?
In case of an agreement to sell, subsequent loss or destruction of the goods is the liability of __________:
The position of the hire purchaser is that of (in sale):
When the seller causes a change in the possession of goods without any actual change in their actual and visible custody and without any movement from current location, it’s a case of :
Under the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, the seller in a contract of sale transfers the ________in the goods to the buyer for the price.
In case of sale of standing trees, the property passes to the buyer when trees are:
The keys of warehouse where the goods are stored is handed over to the buyer it is called as________________delivery.
Which of the following is not considered as goods ?
Q sells 100 tons of rice to P @ Rs. 50,000 per ton. P makes the full payment & says that he will pick the goods next week. Before P could pick the goods, the goods got destroyed. The loss will be borne by
In a sale of specific or ascertained goods the property in the goods passes to the buyer:
The law relating to sale of goods is contained in the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 which came into force on:
X agrees to buy goods from Y at a price to be fixed by C. The contract is:
Movable property dose not include money but includes –
A contract for the sale f future goods is.
Ram agrees to sell Mohan all the mangoes which will be produced in his garden next year. This is an agreement of sale of:
Which of the following is not recognised as Goods ?
Which of the following are covered within the definition of goods under Sale of Goods Act, 1930?
When the goods are identified in a contract of sale, they are called _______.
If the goods are in a deliverable state, the buyer:
Which of the following modes of delivery of goods is considered effective for a valid contract of sale?
Actionable claims are claims which are enforced only by.
A contract for sale of goods where property would pass to buyer at a future date is:
Which one of the following is not a document of title of goods ?