Where is the Punjab Lalit Kala Academy located?
What does happens when water is condensed into ice?
Which of the following gases is not a noble gas?
Which of the following diffuses most quickly?
Which temperature in celsius scale is equal to 300 k?
First Youth Olympic games will be held in-
Where was the capital of Pandya dynasty situated?
Who is the author of ‘Adhe Adhure’?
Which of the following Constitutional Amendments has included fundamental duties into the constitution?
Where is the Central Food Technology Research Institute situated?
Which of the following is common in both, Buddhism and Jainism ?
Light-Year measures which of the following ?
Which of the following gases is used for ripening the fruits ?
Who among the following was involved in Alipore bomb case?
Sikh Guru Arjundev was contemporary to which of the following rulers?
Besides hydrogen, which of the following elements is common in organic compounds?
Find the correct meanings of the words given below :
Find the correct meanings of the words given below :
Find the correct meanings of the words given below :
Find the correct meanings of the words given below :
Choose the word / Phrase which is nearest in meaning to the words in question
Choose the word / Phrase which is nearest in meaning to the words in question-
Choose the word / Phrase which is nearest in meaning to the words in question-
Choose the word / Phrase which is nearest in meaning to the words in question-
Solid Carbon Dioxide is termed as-
1 kg of a liquid is converted into its vapour at its boiling point. The heat absorbed in the process is called-
Whether all the universities in the country should start online admission at all levels with immediate effect?
i. No, since all the students may not have access to the internet easily
ii. Yes, it may liberate the students and their parents from the long-standing problems of knocking at the doors of different colleges and standing in queue.
The product ‘Fair and Lovely’ is related to-
Should the Government make it compulsory for the private medical colleges to join the entrance test conducted by the government ?
i. No, private institutions should be empowered, so that they may decide their own admission strategy and improve their work-management.
ii. Yes, all medical institutions, whether these are private or government’s should adopt the same entrance standard.