The percentage of population living below the poverty line has been estimated in the 2004-05 at:
The percentage of population living below the poverty line in India in 2004-05 was:
In which plan period, the integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) was started in India
Which of the following poverty eradication scheme is presently operational in India?
Which plan set a target of reduction in poverty ratio to 19.3 percent by 2007?
Scheme for construction of house to be given to the poor free of cost was:
When poverty is taken in relative term and is related to the distribution of income consumption expenditure its called :
According to the planning commission how many average daily calories per person define the poverty line in urban and rural areas.
Integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDA) and Allied Programmes and Million Wells Scheme were integrated into one in 1999 and since then it is known as ________.
When poverty is taken in relative term and is related to the distribution of income consumption expenditure its called :
The integrated Rural Development Programme (IRDP) started in India in which plan period?
Which of the following poverty eradication scheme is presently operational in India?
Which plan set a target of reduction in poverty ratio to 19.3 percent by 2007?
According to the planning commission, how many average daily calories per person define the poverty calories per person define the poverty line in urban areas?
Scheme for construction of house to be given to the poor free of cost was:
The percentage of population living below the poverty line in India in 2004-05 was:
Scheme for construction of house to be given to the poor free of cost was:
The percentage of population living below the poverty line has been estimated in the 2004-05 at:
A person in urban India is considered below the poverty line if his daily intake of calories is less than ________
According to the planning commission how many average daily calories per person define the poverty line in urban and rural areas.