EduRev Infinity for Railways
for Railways + Banking + SSC CGL (1 Year)
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for Railways + Banking + SSC CGL (1 Year)
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the EduRev Infinity Package for Railways?

EduRev Infinity package for Railways is a group of highly curated courses that provides the content which matters and will help you crack the Railways Exam.
The Railways courses are designed to provide you a clear understanding and conceptual clarity of the entire syllabus through the video lectures, Mock Tests Series, notes for Railways & many more.
Here’s a list of courses included in the EduRev Infinity package:
- RRB JE for Mechanical Engineering
- RRB JE for Computer Science Engineering
- RRB JE for Electrical Engineering
- RRB JE for Civil Engineering
- RRB JE for Electronics & Communication Engineering

Mock Tests
- RRB JE Mock Test Series for Civil Engineering (CE)
- RRB JE Mock Test Series for Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- RRB JE Mock Test Series Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- RRB JE Mock Test Series for ECE
- RRB JE Mock Test Series for Computer Science Engineering

EduRev also offers mock test series & tests for other important Exams:
- RRB NTPC - Mock Tests Papers 2020
- RRB NTPC - Previous Year Papers
- RRB (Group D) - Mock Tests & Previous Year Papers
- RRB Railway Group D - Mock Tests Papers 2020 in Hindi
- RRB JE (Railways Junior Engineer) CBT Mock Test Series
- RRB ALP & Technician Exam (Group C ) - Mock Tests
- RRB NTPC - Mock Tests Papers (Hindi)

What does the EduRev course for RRB JE for Mechanical Engineering include?

The course for “RRB JE for Mechanical Engineering” on EduRev has been created completely as per the syllabus.
The RRB JE for Mechanical Engineering includes:
- Topic-Wise Tests like Theory of Machines (TOM), Thermodynamics, Strength of Materials (SOM) & many more.

What does the EduRev course for RRB JE for Computer Science Engineering include?

The course for “RRB JE for Computer Science Engineering” on EduRev has been created completely as per the syllabus.
The RRB JE for Computer Science Engineering includes:
- Topic-Wise Tests like Theory of Computation, Programming & Data Structures, Algorithms & many more.

What does the EduRev course for RRB JE for Electrical Engineering include?

The course for “RRB JE for Electrical Engineering” on EduRev has been created completely as per the syllabus.
The RRB JE for Electrical Engineering includes:
- Topic-Wise Tests like Network Theory (Electric Circuits), Engineering Mathematics, Digital Electronics & many more.

What does the EduRev course for RRB JE for Civil Engineering include?

The course for “RRB JE for Civil Engineering” on EduRev has been created completely as per the syllabus.
The RRB JE for Civil Engineering includes:
- Topic-Wise Tests like Solid Mechanics, Environmental Engineering, Soil Mechanics & many more.

What does the EduRev course for RRB JE for Electronics and Communication Engineering include?

The course for “RRB JE for Electronics & Communication Engineering” on EduRev has been created completely as per the syllabus.
The RRB JE for Electronics & Communication Engineering includes:
- Topic-Wise Tests like Engineering Mathematics, Electronic Devices, Signals & Systems & many more.

Does EduRev offer Mock test series for the RRB JE?

EduRev offers mock test series for all the branches and is as per exam pattern only. To give aspirants real-time experience for Civil Engineering (CE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering Exam, Computer Science Engineering exam - EduRev offers:
- 10 Full Mock Tests for CBT I (each branch)
- 5 Full Mock Tests for CBT II (each branch)

What does EduRev provide for RRB NTPC, RRB Group D and Group C, RRB NTPC, RRB ALP?

- RRB NTPC Mock tests: 20 Full Mock Tests.
- RRB NTPC Previous year papers: 15+ Full Previous year papers.
- RRB (Group D): 40+ Mock Tests which includes 40 Full Mock Tests, 5+ Previous year papers.
- RRB Railway Group D (Hindi): 15+ Full Mock Tests.
- RRB JE (Railways Junior Engineer): 15+ tests which includes 10 CBT Full Mock Tests, 5+ Topic-Wise Mock Tests.
- RRB ALP & Technician Exam (Group C): 100 tests which includes 15 Practice Tests, 25 Full Mock Tests (English), 10+ Full Mock Tests (Hindi), 10+ Previous year papers.
- RRB NTPC (Hindi): 35+ tests which includes 20+ Full Mock Tests, 5 General awareness tests, 5 General Intelligence and Reasoning tests, 5 Quantitative Aptitude tests.

Can EduRev be accessed through a laptop or PC?

You can access the EduRev website ( from your laptop or PC. Please make sure that you log in with the same credentials (email id & password) you've created an account on EduRev.

Does EduRev offer a refund?

We hate to see you go, but we also want you to pay for EduRev Infinity only if you like the experience so we offer a complete 100% refund for requests raised within 24hrs of purchase.
Note: Though, a refund cannot be claimed more than once and is also subject to extreme usage.

If I have any doubt/query while studying, where do I ask?

EduRev Users can ask their doubts on the EduRev Discussion Forum, which is a community of students & teachers. You can ask about a problem you’re having; share something you’ve enjoyed about the course; or help out your fellow students. Around 2Mn+ doubts have been solved within the EduRev Community.