All questions of General Technological Developments for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Exam

Which motor is NOT suitable for use as a DC machine?
  • a)
    Permanent magnet motor
  • b)
    Series motor
  • c)
    Squirrel cage motor
  • d)
    Synchronous motor
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Ipsita Reddy answered
Not Suitable DC Machine

DC machines are electrical machines that convert direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy. They are widely used in various applications like electric motors, generators, and battery chargers. Among various types of DC machines, some are suitable for DC machines, while others are not. In this question, we need to identify the motor that is not suitable for use as a DC machine.

Squirrel Cage Motor:
The squirrel cage motor is a type of AC induction motor that is not suitable for use as a DC machine. The reason behind this is that the squirrel cage motor is designed to work on AC supply, and it has no commutator and brushes. The commutator and brushes are essential components of a DC machine that enable the conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy. In a squirrel cage motor, the stator's rotating magnetic field induces a current in the rotor, which produces a torque that drives the motor. However, when a DC voltage is applied to the squirrel cage motor, it will not rotate because it is not designed to operate on DC supply.

Suitable DC Machines:
The following are the types of DC machines that are suitable for use as a DC machine:

1. Permanent Magnet Motor: A permanent magnet motor is a type of DC motor that uses permanent magnets to produce a magnetic field. It is simple in construction, reliable, and efficient.

2. Series Motor: A series motor is a type of DC motor that has its armature and field windings connected in series. It is suited for applications that require high starting torque, like electric traction.

3. Synchronous Motor: A synchronous motor is a type of AC motor that can also operate as a DC motor. It has a rotor that rotates at the same speed as the rotating magnetic field in the stator. It is used in applications that require constant speed, like in clocks and synchronous generators.

In conclusion, the squirrel cage motor is not suitable for use as a DC machine because it is designed to operate on AC supply and does not have commutator and brushes. On the other hand, permanent magnet motors, series motors, and synchronous motors are suitable for use as DC machines.
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In which decade with the first transatlantic radio broadcast occur?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Milan Kulkarni answered
On December 12, 1901, a radio transmission received by Guglielmo Marconi resulted in the first transmission of a transatlantic wireless signal (Morse Code) from Poldhu, Cornwall, to St. John's, Newfoundland.

Most modern TV's draw power even if turned off. The circuit the power is used in does what function?
  • a)
  • b)
    Remote control
  • c)
    Color balance
  • d)
    High voltage
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Poulomi Menon answered
Some authorities are recommending TV's, VCR's and Stereo's be connected to power strips with switches and turned off when not in use to save energy. Your remote will not work until power is switched back on.

In which decade was the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) founded?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

The American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE)

The American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) was founded in the year 1884. It was a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of electrical engineering. The AIEE played a crucial role in shaping the development and growth of electrical engineering in the United States.


In the late 19th century, there was a rapid expansion of the electrical industry. Engineers and professionals working in the field recognized the need for a platform where they could exchange knowledge, discuss challenges, and collaborate on advancements in electrical engineering. As a result, the AIEE was established to fulfill this purpose.


The AIEE was founded in New York City on May 13, 1884. Its first president was Norvin Green, who was the president of the Western Union Telegraph Company. The organization aimed to promote the practical and theoretical knowledge of electrical engineering and its applications.

Mission and Activities

The AIEE held regular meetings, conferences, and technical sessions where engineers and researchers presented their work and shared their findings. These events provided a platform for professionals to discuss technical challenges, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. The organization also published the "Transactions of the AIEE," a journal that disseminated research and developments in electrical engineering.

Mergers and Evolution

Over the years, the AIEE played a significant role in advancing electrical engineering and contributed to the establishment of standards and regulations in the field. In 1963, the AIEE merged with the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) to form the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This merger brought together professionals from various disciplines, including electrical engineering, electronics, and computer science, under one organization.


The AIEE played a crucial role in the development of electrical engineering as a profession in the United States. Its establishment and activities helped foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advancements in the field. The organization's legacy continues to be carried forward by the IEEE, which remains one of the largest professional organizations in the world dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

In conclusion, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) was founded in 1884. It served as a platform for engineers and professionals in the electrical engineering field to exchange knowledge, collaborate, and promote advancements in the industry. The AIEE's contributions continue to shape the field of electrical engineering today through its merger with the IRE to form the IEEE.

In which decade was the SPICE simulator introduced?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Suyash Saini answered
SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) was introduced in May 1972 by the University of Berkeley, California.

What is the relationship between resistivity r and conductivity s?
  • a)
    R = s2
  • b)
    R = s
  • c)
    R > s
  • d)
    R = 1/s
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Sneha Sharmaa answered
Yes ,d is correct option because resistivity and conductivity are inversely related to each other as resistvity is obstruction to flow current so if resistivity increase then conductivity decrease

The sampling rate, (how many samples per second are stored) for a CD is...?
  • a)
    48.4 kHz
  • b)
    22,050 Hz
  • c)
    44.1 kHz
  • d)
    48 kHz
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Nandita Saha answered
CDs reproduce 44,100 samples per second. Which has a maximum frequency reproduction of 22,050 Hz, or just a hair past the upper limit of human hearing. In this way CDs can theoretically reproduce any frequency in the human hearing range.

Larger buildings may be supplied with a medium voltage electricity supply, and will required a substation or mini-sub. What is the main item of equipment contained in these?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Deepak Verma answered
The transformer is used to transform a medium voltage supply to a low voltage supply, e.g. from 11 000 V to 400 V. A transformer is rated in kVA, kilo-Volt-Amps, which is a measurement of electrical power.

What does AC and DC stand for in the electrical field?
  • a)
    Alternating Current and Direct Current
  • b)
    A Rock Band from Australia
  • c)
    Average Current and Discharged Capacitor
  • d)
    Atlantic City and District of Columbia
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Kalyan Verma answered
Electricity is voltage and current. Voltage is electrical pressure, and current is the flow of charged particles. The difference between alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) is that the electrons in an AC circuit regularly reverse their direction. In a DC circuit electrons always flow in the same direction.

The input used by an antenna or cable to a TV set uses frequencies called...?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Shounak Malik answered
Frequencies Used by Antenna or Cable to TV Set

The input used by an antenna or cable to a TV set refers to the frequencies that are transmitted through the airwaves or delivered through a cable connection. These frequencies carry the audio and video signals that allow the television to receive and display programming.

RF Frequencies:
The frequencies used by an antenna or cable to a TV set are called Radio Frequencies (RF). RF frequencies are electromagnetic wave frequencies that range from 3 kilohertz (kHz) to 300 gigahertz (GHz). They are commonly used for communication and broadcasting purposes, including television transmission.

Explanation of Options:
Let's analyze the given options to understand why option 'B' (RF) is the correct answer:

a) IF (Intermediate Frequency): Intermediate Frequency refers to a frequency that is generated during the process of signal amplification and processing in a TV receiver. It is not the input frequency used by the antenna or cable.

b) RF (Radio Frequency): RF frequencies are the correct answer. They are the actual frequencies used by an antenna or cable to transmit audio and video signals to a TV set.

c) AF (Audio Frequency): Audio Frequency refers to the range of frequencies that are audible to humans, typically between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. While audio signals are included in the transmission, the input frequencies used by the antenna or cable cover a much wider range.

d) SAP (Secondary Audio Program): SAP refers to an additional audio channel that can be provided alongside the main audio channel in a TV broadcast. It is not related to the input frequencies used by the antenna or cable.

In conclusion, the input used by an antenna or cable to a TV set uses frequencies called RF (Radio Frequencies). These RF frequencies carry the audio and video signals that allow the television to receive and display programming.

What frequency range is the High Frequency band?
  • a)
    100 kHz
  • b)
    1 GHz
  • c)
    30 to 300 MHz
  • d)
    3 to 30 MHz
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Bhargavi Dey answered
The HF band is based on frequencies 3 to 30 Mhz. AM radio stations are in the HF band but normally are stated in kilohertz.

A given signal's second harmonic is twice the given signal's __________ frequency...?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Shounak Malik answered
A given signal's second harmonic is twice the given signal's fundamental frequency. Harmonics are generated when there are non-linearities in an amplifier (there are always non-linearities). The worse the non-linearities, the more harmonics. A signal at 27.5 MHz (approximate frequency for US citizen's band) would have a second harmonic at 55.0 MHz (on US channel 2!). Can you see why there might be problems? A CB operator might do well to place a low-pass filter on his radio.

When measuring the characteristics of a small-signal amplifier, say for a radio receiver, one might be concerned with its "Noise..."?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Avik Chawla answered
Noise Figure is the correct answer.

Noise Figure refers to the amount of noise added by an amplifier to the input signal. In the context of a small-signal amplifier used in a radio receiver, measuring the Noise Figure is crucial to evaluate the amplifier's performance in terms of its ability to amplify weak signals while minimizing the introduction of additional noise.

Why is Noise Figure important in a radio receiver?

A radio receiver is designed to receive and amplify weak signals from various sources, such as radio stations or wireless communication devices. These weak signals are often accompanied by noise, which can degrade the quality of the received signal. Therefore, it is essential to measure and optimize the Noise Figure of the amplifier in the receiver to ensure that the desired signals are amplified while minimizing the impact of noise.

Understanding Noise Figure:

Noise Figure is defined as the ratio of the output noise power of the amplifier to the input noise power. It is usually expressed in decibels (dB). A lower Noise Figure indicates a better performance of the amplifier in terms of noise contribution.

The Noise Figure takes into account both the inherent noise of the amplifier itself and the noise contributed by the source impedance and the subsequent stages of the receiver. By measuring the Noise Figure, one can evaluate the overall noise performance of the receiver system.

Importance of measuring Noise Figure:

1. Sensitivity: The Noise Figure directly impacts the sensitivity of the receiver. A lower Noise Figure allows the receiver to detect and amplify weaker signals, improving its ability to receive signals in low signal-to-noise ratio conditions.

2. Signal Quality: The Noise Figure affects the signal quality by determining the signal-to-noise ratio. A higher Noise Figure introduces more noise, resulting in a lower signal-to-noise ratio and potentially degrading the quality of the received signal.

3. System Design: Measuring the Noise Figure helps in optimizing the design of the receiver system. It allows engineers to identify and address sources of noise, such as component selection, grounding, shielding, and filtering techniques, to improve the overall performance of the receiver.

In conclusion, when measuring the characteristics of a small-signal amplifier in a radio receiver, the Noise Figure is an important parameter to evaluate its noise performance. It helps in determining the sensitivity, signal quality, and overall design optimization of the receiver system.

'OS' computer abbreviation usually means ?
  • a)
    Order of Significance
  • b)
    Open Software
  • c)
    Operating System
  • d)
    Optical Sensor
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Athul Saini answered

The computer abbreviation "OS" stands for "Operating System". An operating system is a software program that manages computer hardware and software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.

Operating System Functions:

1. Resource Management: The operating system manages the computer's resources, including the CPU, memory, disk space, and input/output (I/O) devices.

2. Process Management: The operating system manages processes (programs in execution), including scheduling, synchronization, and interprocess communication.

3. Memory Management: The operating system manages memory resources, including allocation, deallocation, and protection.

4. File Management: The operating system manages files and directories, including creation, deletion, and access control.

5. Security Management: The operating system provides security services, including user authentication, access control, and auditing.

Types of Operating Systems:

1. Single-user Operating Systems: These operating systems are designed for use by a single user, and are typically found on personal computers (PCs).

2. Multi-user Operating Systems: These operating systems are designed for use by multiple users, and are typically found on servers.

3. Real-time Operating Systems: These operating systems are designed for use in embedded systems, where timing is critical.

Some examples of popular operating systems include:

1. Microsoft Windows: A popular operating system for personal computers.

2. Apple macOS: An operating system for Apple's Macintosh computers.

3. Linux: A popular open-source operating system.


In conclusion, "OS" is an abbreviation for "Operating System", which is a software program that manages computer hardware and software resources, and provides common services for computer programs. Operating systems perform various functions such as resource management, process management, memory management, file management, and security management. There are different types of operating systems, including single-user, multi-user, and real-time operating systems.

The first step to getting output from a laser is to excite an active medium. What is this process called?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Advait Chawla answered
A collection of atoms or molecules that can be excited to a higher energy state is called an active medium. Before lasing can occur, the active media is "pumped". The process of raising the atoms in the active media from a lower energy state to a higher state is like pumping water up from a well.

"FET" is a type of transistor, Its full name is ________ Effect Transistor...?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Kalyan Verma answered
The terminals of FETs are called gate, drain and source. You might be more familiar with bipolar junction transistors (BJTs), which have terminals called base, collector and emitter. FETs were conceptualized first, but BJTs were easier to produce and so developed sooner.

The purpose of choke in tube light is ?
  • a)
    To decrease the current
  • b)
    To increase the current
  • c)
    To decrease the voltage momentarily
  • d)
    To increase the voltage momentarily
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The Purpose of Choke in Tube Light is to Increase the Voltage Momentarily

Choke, also known as an inductor, is an essential component in a tube light. It is used to regulate the current flow and voltage in the circuit. The purpose of the choke in a tube light is to increase the voltage momentarily. Let's understand this in detail.

Why is Voltage Important in a Tube Light?

A tube light works on the principle of gas discharge. When an electric current is applied to a gas-filled tube, it produces ultraviolet light. The ultraviolet light then reacts with the phosphor coating on the inside of the tube, producing visible light.

To initiate the gas discharge, a high voltage is required. The voltage required to start the gas discharge is known as the striking voltage. Once the gas discharge is initiated, the voltage required to sustain it is lower than the striking voltage.

The Role of Choke in Tube Light

The choke in a tube light is connected in series with the tube. It is designed to offer high resistance to the flow of current when the voltage is low. This high resistance limits the current flow, preventing the tube from drawing excessive current.

When the switch is turned on, the voltage across the tube light is low. The choke offers high resistance, limiting the current flow. This causes the voltage to build up across the tube.

Once the voltage across the tube reaches the striking voltage, the gas discharge is initiated. The voltage required to sustain the gas discharge is lower than the striking voltage. At this point, the choke offers low resistance, allowing the current to flow smoothly through the tube.


In summary, the purpose of the choke in a tube light is to increase the voltage momentarily. This is achieved by limiting the current flow when the voltage is low, causing the voltage to build up across the tube until the striking voltage is reached. Once the gas discharge is initiated, the choke offers low resistance, allowing the current to flow smoothly through the tube.

What was the active medium used in the first working laser ever constructed?
  • a)
    A diamond block
  • b)
    Helium-neon gas
  • c)
    A ruby rod
  • d)
    Carbon dioxide gas
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Theodore Maiman built the first working laser using a ruby rod while working at Hughes Research Laboratories in Malibu, California. It lased for the first time on May 16, 1960.

The electromagnetic coils on the neck of the picture tube or tubes which pull the electron beam from side to side and up and down are called a...?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Simran Datta answered


The yoke is the electromagnetic coil located on the neck of the picture tube or tubes in a television or monitor. It is responsible for pulling the electron beam from side to side and up and down, allowing for the proper scanning of the screen to create the image.

- The yoke generates a magnetic field that controls the movement of the electron beam, ensuring that it scans the screen in a precise and controlled manner.
- By adjusting the current passing through the yoke coils, the position of the electron beam can be manipulated to create the desired image on the screen.

- The yoke consists of two sets of coils wound around a ferrite core. These coils are typically arranged perpendicular to each other to control horizontal and vertical movement of the electron beam.
- The number of turns in each coil and the current passing through them determine the strength of the magnetic field produced by the yoke.

- The yoke plays a crucial role in ensuring that the electron beam scans the screen accurately, resulting in a clear and sharp image.
- Without the yoke, the electron beam would not be properly controlled, leading to distorted or incomplete images on the screen.

In conclusion, the yoke is an essential component in a television or monitor that controls the movement of the electron beam to create the images we see on the screen.

Which is a type of Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

It's commonly used for MP3 players, computer BIOS code and "thumb" drives. Originally developed in Japan by Toshiba, it has become quite popular for products requiring non-volatile erasable memory. Flash devices have a limited number of erase cycles (typically 10,000 to 1,000,000 cycles) so they're not as good a choice for applications in which the data changes constantly. However, since it has no moving parts (unlike a hard disk) it is an excellent choice for storing the operating code for small personal electronics like PDAs, cell phones, digital cameras, and the data in items like MP3 players.

In a color television set using a picture tube a high voltage is used to accelerate electron beams to light the screen. That voltage is about...?
  • a)
    500 volts
  • b)
    5 thousand volts
  • c)
    25 thousand volts
  • d)
    100 thousand volts
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Ipsita Reddy answered
This voltage often remains in storage even if the set is unplugged. Although the voltage is very high it has very low power but it can be dangerous because your body jumps if brought in contact.

'.MPG' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
  • a)
    WordPerfect Document file
  • b)
    MS Office document
  • c)
    Animation/movie file
  • d)
    Image file
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Jaya Sarkar answered

The '.MPG' extension typically refers to an animation/movie file. It is a file format for digital video and audio that uses lossy compression. It was first developed in the early 1990s as a standard for video and audio compression and is still widely used today.

MPG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group, which is responsible for creating the standard. MPG files are often used for streaming video on the internet, as well as for storing video on DVDs and other media.

MPG files can be created using a variety of software tools, including video editing software, screen capture software, and other programs. They can also be played back using a variety of media players, including Windows Media Player, VLC Media Player, and many others.


In summary, the '.MPG' extension usually refers to an animation/movie file. This file format is widely used for digital video and audio compression and can be created and played back using a variety of software tools and media players.

Which is NOT an acceptable method of distributing small power outlets throughout an open plan office area?
  • a)
    Power Poles
  • b)
    Power Skirting
  • c)
    Flush Floor Ducting
  • d)
    Extension Cords
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Anand Verma answered
Extension cords can be a tripping hazard, and can be easily damaged, causing an unsafe situation. There are many ways of safely getting power to each work place, where wiring is protected and concealed.

'.INI' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
  • a)
    Image file
  • b)
    System file
  • c)
    Hypertext related file
  • d)
    Image Color Matching Profile file
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Keerthana Shah answered

.INI extension refers to a System file. INI stands for Initialization file, which is a configuration file used by various programs to store settings and preferences.

Heading: What is an Initialization file?

An initialization file is a text file that contains configuration settings and preferences for a program. It is used by a program to set default values and options at startup. Initialization files typically have a .INI extension, but can also have other extensions such as .CFG, .CONF, or .CNF.

Heading: What are the contents of an INI file?

An INI file contains sections and keys. A section is a group of related settings, and a key is a specific setting within a section. The format of an INI file is simple and easy to read, with each section and key listed in the format of [SectionName] and KeyName=Value, respectively.

Heading: How are INI files used?

INI files are used by various programs, including operating systems, device drivers, and applications. They are typically stored in the same directory as the program they are associated with, but can also be stored in other locations such as the Windows system directory.

Heading: Conclusion

In conclusion, the .INI extension refers to a System file used by programs to store configuration settings and preferences. It contains sections and keys, and is used by various programs including operating systems, device drivers, and applications.

What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

In a database, data is stored in various components such as fields, records, files, and reports. A field is a fundamental unit of data in a database that holds only one type of information. It is a specific piece of information that is stored in a specific location within a record.

Components of a database:
1. Field: A field is a specific piece of information that is stored in a specific location within a record. It holds only one type of information.
2. Record: A record is a collection of related fields that are treated as a single unit. It represents a complete set of information about a particular item or entity.
3. File: A file is a collection of related records that are stored together. It represents a set of information about a particular type of entity.
4. Report: A report is a presentation of information from a database in a structured format.

Therefore, a field is a basic building block of a database that holds only one type of information. It is used to store various types of data such as numbers, text, dates, and Boolean values. The database management system uses this information to organize, store, retrieve, and manipulate data efficiently.

What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some distance? It usually involves two or more small networks and dedicated high-speed telephone lines.
  • a)
    URL (Universal Resource Locator)
  • b)
    LAN (Local Area Network)
  • c)
    WAN (Wide Area Network)
  • d)
    World Wide Web
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

The correct answer is c) WAN (Wide Area Network).

A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network that connects multiple smaller networks over a large geographic area, such as cities, countries, or even continents. It uses dedicated high-speed telephone lines or other similar connections to facilitate communication between the different networks or network devices.

Here is a detailed explanation of why the correct answer is WAN:

1. Understanding the elements of the question:
- Network: A network refers to a collection of interconnected devices (computers, servers, printers, etc.) that can communicate and share resources.
- Separated by some distance: The network elements are physically located at different locations, which can be far apart.
- Two or more small networks: There are multiple local networks or LANs that need to be interconnected.
- Dedicated high-speed telephone lines: WANs often use dedicated lines, leased lines, or other high-speed connections to ensure efficient and reliable communication.

2. Local Area Network (LAN):
- LAN is a network that covers a small geographical area, typically within a building or a campus.
- LANs are commonly used in homes, offices, schools, or small businesses.
- LANs usually utilize Ethernet cables, Wi-Fi, or other local connections to connect devices within a limited area.
- They are designed for high-speed communication and resource sharing within a specific location.

3. Wide Area Network (WAN):
- WAN is a network that spans a wide geographic area, connecting multiple smaller networks.
- It is used to establish communication between LANs or other network devices across different locations.
- WANs can be used to connect offices in different cities, branches of a company in different countries, or even different countries altogether.
- WANs typically employ dedicated high-speed telephone lines, leased lines, or other connections to ensure reliable and efficient communication.
- They allow for the transmission of large amounts of data over long distances.

4. Explanation of the answer:
- Based on the given information, the network elements are separated by some distance, indicating that they are not located within the same physical area.
- The question also mentions the involvement of two or more small networks, suggesting the need to connect these smaller networks.
- Finally, the question specifies the use of dedicated high-speed telephone lines, which is a characteristic feature of WANs.
- Hence, the correct answer is c) WAN (Wide Area Network) as it perfectly fits the given description of a network whose elements may be separated by some distance, involving two or more small networks, and utilizing dedicated high-speed telephone lines.

Compact discs, (according to the original CD specifications) hold how many minutes of music?
  • a)
    74 mins
  • b)
    56 mins
  • c)
    60 mins
  • d)
    90 mins
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Devanshi Dey answered
According to many stories surrounding the origin of the compact disc, 74 minutes was settled on because it would comfortably contain all of Beethoven's 9th symphony on one disc. Although some stories reference a specific Sony higher-up who claimed this as his favorite piece of music, stories differ. All that's known for sure is that Sony insisted on this and won out over Phillips' original 60 minute proposal.

'DB' computer abbreviation usually means ?
  • a)
  • b)
    Double Byte
  • c)
    Data Block
  • d)
    Driver Boot
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Mita Mehta answered
Definition of DB
- DB is a computer abbreviation that usually stands for Database.
- DB is a common acronym used in the field of computer science and information technology.
- It is often used to refer to a Database, which is a structured collection of data stored and organized for easy access, retrieval, and management.
- Databases are widely used in various applications and systems, ranging from small-scale personal projects to large-scale enterprise solutions.
- Databases store data in a structured format, allowing efficient querying and manipulation of information.
- They are commonly used in web applications, mobile apps, business systems, and many other domains.
- Databases can be built using different technologies and systems, such as relational databases (e.g., MySQL, Oracle), NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB, Cassandra), and graph databases (e.g., Neo4j).
- DB can also refer to other terms in certain contexts, such as Double Byte (used to represent a character encoding scheme for languages with complex character sets) or Data Block (used in storage systems to represent a unit of data).
- In most cases, when someone mentions "DB" in the context of computer-related discussions, it is safe to assume that they are referring to a Database.

Once the active medium is excited, the first photons of light are produced by which physical process?
  • a)
    Blackbody radiation
  • b)
    Spontaneous emission
  • c)
    Synchrotron radiation
  • d)
    Planck�s oscillation
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Avik Chawla answered
Spontaneous emission is what you see with most "glow in the dark" toys. You excite the toy by exposing it to bright light, then the toy glows in the dark by spontaneously emitting photons as the excited atoms relax back down to their normal state.

Voltage is sometimes referred to as EMF, or Electromotive...?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Ashwini Mehta answered
The term EMF, or Electromotive Force, its use now in decline, is attributed to Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827). Today we generally use the term "voltage" - can you guess why we call it that?

What will a UPS be used for in a building?
  • a)
    To provide power to essential equipment
  • b)
    To monitor building electricity use
  • c)
    To carry messages between departments
  • d)
    To control lighting and power systems
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Mira Sharma answered
UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply. Examples of equipment that may require a UPS supply are computers, fire detection systems, hospital operating theatre equipment and escape route lighting.

In the United States the television broadcast standard is...?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

PAL and SECAM are standards used in other countries. RGB stands for red, green, and blue - the colors of light used to create an image in a color tv set and is often used as a format name for computer monitors.

'.MOV' extension refers usually to what kind of file?
  • a)
    Image file
  • b)
    Animation/movie file
  • c)
    Audio file
  • d)
    MS Office document
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

MOV file format

The '.MOV' file extension is usually used for animation/movie files. This format is a multimedia container file format developed by Apple Inc. and is used to store multiple tracks of media data. It is a popular format used for storing video and audio files on Mac computers and iOS devices.

Features of MOV file format

Some of the features of the MOV file format are:

1. High-quality video and audio: The MOV file format supports high-quality video and audio, making it a popular file format for storing movies, music videos, and other multimedia content.

2. Multiple tracks: The MOV file format supports multiple tracks of media data, including video, audio, and text tracks. This makes it possible to store movies with multiple audio tracks and subtitles.

3. Compression: The MOV file format uses various compression algorithms, such as H.264 and AAC, to compress the video and audio data. This results in smaller file sizes without compromising the quality of the content.

4. Cross-platform compatibility: Although developed by Apple, the MOV file format is compatible with both Mac and Windows operating systems, as well as many other devices like smartphones and tablets.

Uses of MOV file format

Some of the common uses of MOV file format are:

1. Storing movies: The MOV file format is commonly used for storing movies, including feature films, documentaries, and short films.

2. Storing music videos: The MOV file format is also used for storing music videos and other multimedia content related to music.

3. Video editing: The MOV file format is widely used in video editing software, such as Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro, because it supports high-quality video and audio.


In conclusion, the '.MOV' file extension refers to animation/movie files that are stored in the MOV file format. This format is widely used for storing high-quality video and audio content, including movies, music videos, and other multimedia content. It is a popular format for video editing software and is cross-platform compatible, making it accessible on both Mac and Windows operating systems.

The most common format for a home video recorder is VHS. VHS stands for...?
  • a)
    Video Home System
  • b)
    Very high speed
  • c)
    Video horizontal standard
  • d)
    Voltage house standard
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Akanksha Joshi answered
JVC (Japan Victor Corporation) and Matsushita (Panasonic) developed the VHS format to compete with Sony which developed the Beta format as the first home video cassette recorder. VHS originally stood for Vertical Helical Scan, but now means Video Home System.

Which consists of two plates separated by a dielectric and can store a charge?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Sounak Basu answered
Useful in tuning and filtering circuits, it blocks DC while passing AC. How much charge a capacitor can store is its capacitance, measured in farads.nn

Who created Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)?
  • a)
    Phil Zimmermann
  • b)
    Tim Berners-Lee
  • c)
    Marc Andreessen
  • d)
    Ken Thompson
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Shreya Desai answered
Phil Zimmermann created the first version of PGP encryption in 1991. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) is a data encryption and decryption computer program that provides cryptographic privacy and authentication for data communication. PGP is often used for signing, encrypting and decrypting texts, E-mails, files, directories and whole disk partitions to increase the security of e-mail communications.

What are three types of lasers?
  • a)
    Gas, metal vapor, rock
  • b)
    Pointer, diode, CD
  • c)
    Diode, inverted, pointer
  • d)
    Gas, solid state, diode
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

The first laser was a solid state laser. Solid state refers to any solid material like a glass rod. Diode lasers are very common because they are used to read compact disks and digital video disks in computers, CD players, and DVD players. Before diode lasers, the most common type of laser may have been the helium-neon laser, in which the active medium is a combination of the two gasses helium and neon. - is an example of what?
  • a)
    A URL
  • b)
    An access code
  • c)
    A directory
  • d)
    A server
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Sneha Kumar answered
A URL (Uniform {or Universal} Resource Locator) is an address for a specific document found on the Web. It is made up of several components: a domain name, the directories and subdirectories of the site, and the extension. To learn about these parts of a URL, visit the Evaluating Web Sites tutorial.

Who is largely responsible for breaking the German Enigma codes, created a test that provided a foundation for artificial intelligence?
  • a)
    Alan Turing
  • b)
    Jeff Bezos
  • c)
    George Boole
  • d)
    Charles Babbage
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Alan Turing is largely responsible for breaking the German Enigma codes and creating a test that provided a foundation for artificial intelligence.

Breaking the German Enigma Codes:
- During World War II, Turing worked with a team of codebreakers at Bletchley Park to crack the German Enigma codes.
- He developed a machine called the Bombe that helped decipher the codes, which were used by German military and intelligence forces to communicate.
- Turing's work helped the Allies gain a significant advantage in the war effort.

Foundation for Artificial Intelligence:
- Turing also played a crucial role in the development of artificial intelligence.
- He proposed a test, now known as the Turing Test, that evaluates a machine's ability to exhibit intelligent behavior that is indistinguishable from that of a human.
- This test provided a foundation for the field of artificial intelligence and continues to be a significant benchmark for AI research today.
- Turing's work on the mathematical basis of computing also laid the groundwork for modern computing and computer science.

In short, Alan Turing's contributions to breaking the German Enigma codes and developing the foundation for artificial intelligence have had a lasting impact on technology and society.

In which year was MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface) introduced?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Amrutha Malik answered
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a protocol that enables electronic musical instruments, computers, and other devices to communicate and synchronize with each other. It allows for the transmission of musical data such as notes, control changes, and timing information. MIDI has been widely adopted in the music industry and has revolutionized the way music is created and produced.

MIDI was introduced in the year 1983. Here's a detailed explanation of why option 'B' is the correct answer:

The Birth of MIDI:
- In the early 1980s, there was a need for a standardized communication protocol that would allow different electronic musical instruments to work together seamlessly.
- In 1981, a meeting was held by the International Electronic Music Association where Dave Smith, the founder of Sequential Circuits, proposed the idea of a universal interface for electronic musical instruments.
- This idea was further developed in collaboration with other key industry players, including Roland, Yamaha, and Korg.
- In 1983, the MIDI 1.0 specification was released, defining the MIDI protocol and its capabilities.

Key Features of MIDI:
- MIDI uses a serial interface for communication, allowing data to be transmitted and received using a single cable.
- It uses a 5-pin DIN connector for physical connections, which became a standard in the industry.
- MIDI allows for the transmission of various types of musical data, including note on/off messages, control changes, program changes, and more.
- It also supports synchronization and timing information, enabling devices to stay in sync with each other.
- MIDI is a versatile protocol and can be used not only for connecting musical instruments but also for controlling lighting systems, recording automation data, and much more.

Impact and Adoption:
- The introduction of MIDI revolutionized the music industry by enabling musicians to connect and control multiple instruments and devices.
- It allowed for the creation of complex compositions and arrangements without the need for multiple performers.
- MIDI-compatible instruments and equipment quickly became popular, leading to a wide adoption of the standard.
- Today, MIDI is still widely used in studios, live performances, and music production software.

In conclusion, MIDI was introduced in the year 1983 and has since become an essential tool in the music industry, allowing for seamless communication and synchronization between electronic musical instruments and other devices.

In the UK, what type of installation requires a fireman's switch?
  • a)
    Neon Lighting
  • b)
    High Pressure Sodium Lighting
  • c)
    Water Features
  • d)
    Hotel Rooms
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Kajal Shah answered
Neon lighting runs at a high voltage, typically above 1000 Volts. A fireman's switch protects a fireman from receiving a shock when a water jet is sprayed onto the installation. The switches are red, and mounted in a conspicuous position. (This is specified by IEE Regulations (Europe), SANS (South Africa), UK Electricity regulations and many Asian countries. I am unable to confirm other countries' requirements, so feel free to let me know.)

The transformer that develops the high voltage in a home television is commonly called a...?
  • a)
    Tesla coil
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    Van de Graaf
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Avik Chawla answered
The flyback is usually connected to the system that pulls the electron beam across the screen in one direction to 'paint' a line of the image and then returns in the other direction much faster.

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