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All questions of Rearrangement of Sentences for CDS Exam

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(A) As part of such a policy, it should create an online database of vehicle recalls in the country that sets out the reason, the defect and the solution for the benefit of consumers.
(B) The policy should also prescribe strict penalties for recalls that arise from negligence or a deliberate attempt to cut corners due to competitive pressures as was the case with Tavera.
(C) It has such a website which not only details all motor- vehicle recalls but also allows buyers to report technical defects that could be a potential safety issue.
(D) It is time for the government to frame a comprehensive policy for vehicle recall.
(E) The U.S has a mandatory recall policy for this.
Which of the following is the FIFTH sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Correct order is : 
(a) It is time for the government to frame a comprehensive policy for vehicle recall
(b) As part of such a policy, it should create an online database of vehicle recalls in the country that sets out the reason, the defect and the solution for the benefit of consumers.
(c) The U.S has a mandatory recall policy for this.
(d) It has such a website which not only details all motor- vehicle recalls but also allows buyers to report technical defects that could be a potential safety issue.
(e) The policy should also prescribe strict penalties for recalls that arise from negligence or a deliberate attempt to cut corners due to competitive pressures as was the case with Tavera.

(A) This has made, it difficult for women to free themselves from violent relationship and claim relief.
(B) The land rights of women have been a vexatious issue.
(C) To make this change more effective, related reforms such as joint holding of land by women groups that would help them access financial assistance should also be implemented.
(D) Despite 75 per cent of India’s working women being involved in agriculture, the state has invariably ignored them and allotted land to the male head of a family.
(E) The draft policy has done the right thing by recommending future allotments in their name.
Which of the following is the THIRD sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Saini answered
's population being covered by various social security schemes, women still face challenges in accessing these benefits due to lack of awareness and patriarchal attitudes.


A) Women find it challenging to leave abusive relationships and seek help due to the current situation.
B) The issue of women's land rights has caused frustration and difficulty.
C) To enhance the effectiveness of this change, additional reforms such as allowing women's groups to jointly own land to access financial aid should be put in place.
D) India's social security programs cover 75 percent of the population, but women still encounter obstacles in obtaining these benefits due to limited knowledge and traditional beliefs.

A)   Vedanta, our most valuable heritage, gives us this understanding.
B)   Body, mind and intellect need careful management and guidance
C)   Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life.
D)   If not managed or mismanaged the same instruments that are designed to give us success; happiness and spiritual enlightenment become the source of strife and stress.
E)   Understand yourself. Your body comprises your outer personality, whereas your inner personality comprises the mind, the realm of feelings and emotions.
Which is the SECOND sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Akshara shah answered
B. Body, mind and intellect need careful management and guidance

Understanding the importance of managing and guiding our body, mind, and intellect is crucial for overall well-being and success. Let's break down why this sentence is the second one:

First Reason:
- The first sentence, "Vedanta, our most valuable heritage, gives us this understanding," introduces the concept of Vedanta and its significance in providing us with essential knowledge.
- Following this introduction, it is necessary to delve into how this understanding translates into practical application, which is managing the body, mind, and intellect.

Second Reason:
- The sentence highlights the importance of careful management and guidance for our body, mind, and intellect.
- This sets the stage for the subsequent sentences that elaborate on the potential consequences of not managing these aspects effectively.
Therefore, the second sentence, "Body, mind and intellect need careful management and guidance," logically follows the introductory statement about Vedanta and serves as a foundational principle for the ensuing discussion on the implications of neglecting this management.

A)   Vedanta, our most valuable heritage, gives us this understanding.
B)   Body, mind and intellect need careful management and guidance
C)   Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life.
D)   If not managed or mismanaged the same instruments that are designed to give us success; happiness and spiritual enlightenment become the source of strife and stress.
E)   Understand yourself. Your body comprises your outer personality, whereas your inner personality comprises the mind, the realm of feelings and emotions.
Which of the following is the FIRST sentences?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Sheetal iyer answered

The first sentence among the given options is sentence C, which states: "Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life."


To determine the first sentence, we need to analyze the context and logical flow of the statements given.

The given sentences seem to be discussing the importance of Vedanta and the management of body, mind, and intellect for personal growth and well-being.

Logical Flow:
1. The first sentence should introduce the topic or set the context for the subsequent sentences.
2. It should be followed by statements that build upon or provide further information related to the topic.
3. The sentences should flow logically and coherently to convey a clear message or idea.

Let's analyze each sentence to determine the logical flow and identify the first sentence.

Sentence A: "Vedanta, our most valuable heritage, gives us this understanding."
- This sentence introduces Vedanta as a valuable heritage and suggests that it provides some understanding. However, it doesn't set the context or introduce the topic clearly.

Sentence B: "Body, mind and intellect need careful management and guidance."
- This sentence introduces the concept of managing and guiding the body, mind, and intellect. It provides information related to the topic but doesn't set the context clearly.

Sentence C: "Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life."
- This sentence instructs the reader to read and reflect upon something, and then apply it in their life. It sets the context of engaging with a particular text or material.

Sentence D: "If not managed or mismanaged the same instruments that are designed to give us success, happiness, and spiritual enlightenment become the source of strife and stress."
- This sentence introduces the idea that if the body, mind, and intellect are not managed properly, they can cause strife and stress. It builds upon the previous statements and elaborates on the consequences.

Sentence E: "Understand yourself. Your body comprises your outer personality, whereas your inner personality comprises the mind, the realm of feelings and emotions."
- This sentence provides information about understanding oneself and describes the relationship between the body and mind. It provides further details but doesn't set the context clearly.

Among the given options, sentence C is the first sentence as it sets the context by instructing the reader to read, reflect, and apply something in their life. The subsequent sentences build upon this instruction and provide further information related to the topic.

Rearrange the following five sentences A, B, C, D  and E and F in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. He halted a taxi and hurriedly instructed the driver to follow the ambulance.
B. The taxi-driver was very kind and allowed Manoj without paying the bill.
C. At the hospital gate, he felt his pockets but found all of them empty.
D. Bored with loneliness, Manoj was standing in front of the gate of a park.
E. Manoj could recognise the patient who was his neighbourer.
F. An ambulance carrying a patient passed by him with speed..
Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Aryan Saini answered
C. At the hospital gate, he felt his pockets but found all of them empty.


The sentence "At the hospital gate, he felt his pockets but found all of them empty" should be the first sentence in the paragraph. This sentence sets the scene and introduces the main character, Manoj, as well as establishes the context of the story.

Manoj is standing at the hospital gate, and he realizes that he has no money or any valuables in his pockets. This creates a sense of urgency and sets the stage for the following events in the paragraph.

The sentence also provides a logical starting point for the paragraph because it introduces the problem or conflict that Manoj faces. He is in a difficult situation with no resources, and this sets the stage for the actions he takes next.

By rearranging the sentences, we can form a meaningful paragraph:

C. At the hospital gate, he felt his pockets but found all of them empty.
F. An ambulance carrying a patient passed by him with speed.
E. Manoj could recognize the patient who was his neighbor.
D. Bored with loneliness, Manoj was standing in front of the gate of a park.
A. He halted a taxi and hurriedly instructed the driver to follow the ambulance.
B. The taxi-driver was very kind and allowed Manoj without paying the bill.

This sequence of sentences tells the story of Manoj's encounter at the hospital gate, his recognition of the patient as his neighbor, and his decision to follow the ambulance. The final sentence reveals that the taxi-driver was kind and allowed him to travel without paying the bill.

By starting with sentence C, the paragraph begins with the problem or conflict that Manoj faces, creating a sense of intrigue and drawing the reader in.

(A) As part of such a policy, it should create an online database of vehicle recalls in the country that sets out the reason, the defect and the solution for the benefit of consumers.
(B) The policy should also prescribe strict penalties for recalls that arise from negligence or a deliberate attempt to cut corners due to competitive pressures as was the case with Tavera.
(C) It has such a website which not only details all motor- vehicle recalls but also allows buyers to report technical defects that could be a potential safety issue.
(D) It is time for the government to frame a comprehensive policy for vehicle recall.
(E) The U.S has a mandatory recall policy for this.
Which of the following is the FIRST sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Damini mehta answered
The FIRST sentence is option D: "It is time for the government to frame a comprehensive policy for vehicle recall."

The first sentence sets the context for the rest of the sentences and introduces the main topic of discussion, which is the need for a comprehensive policy for vehicle recall. Let's analyze the other options to understand why option D is the correct answer.

Option A: "As part of such a policy, it should create an online database of vehicle recalls in the country that sets out the reason, the defect and the solution for the benefit of consumers."
This sentence talks about what should be included in the policy, but it assumes the existence of the policy. It cannot be the first sentence because it refers to a policy that is already established.

Option B: "The competitive pressures policy should also prescribe strict penalties for recalls that arise from negligence or a deliberate attempt to cut corners due to com was the case with Tavera."
This sentence mentions a specific aspect of the policy, which is the prescription of strict penalties. It cannot be the first sentence because it does not introduce the broader topic of a comprehensive policy for vehicle recall.

Option C: "It has such a website which not only details all motor-vehicle recalls but also allows buyers to report technical defects that could be a potential safety issue."
This sentence talks about the existence of a website that provides information on vehicle recalls and allows buyers to report technical defects. However, it does not provide any context or introduction to the topic of a comprehensive policy for vehicle recall.

Option E: "The U.S has a mandatory recall policy for this."
This sentence provides information about the recall policy in the U.S, but it does not introduce the topic of a comprehensive policy for vehicle recall in the given country. It cannot be the first sentence because it does not set the context for the rest of the sentences.

Therefore, option D is the correct answer as it introduces the main topic and sets the context for the subsequent sentences.

(A) A protocol of mutually beneficial restraints and responsibilities is at the heart of the social compact.
(B) The “authority” has a duty to protect the citizens from harm from other nations, as also to impose reasonable restrictions in order to ensure an ordered & just social existence.
(C) For instance, a motorist halts at a red light in the reciprocal expectation that the other motorists too would observe the traffic rule.
(D) An established order rests on a social compact, in which everyone undertakes to observe restraint on his freedom in exchange for a minimum expectation of security of life & liberty.
(E) In return, the citizens offer allegiance to the nation–state & undertake to obey reasonable laws reasonably crafted and reasonably enforced.
(F) Then, there is the traffic policeman to see to it that everyone gets to use the road safety with minimum of inconvenience.
Which is the THIRD sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Sindhuja Menon answered
Social compact is a foundational agreement that sets out the rights and obligations of individuals within a society.
(C) This social contract is based on the idea that individuals willingly give up certain freedoms and rights in exchange for the protection and benefits provided by the collective.
(D) It is a reciprocal arrangement, where individuals agree to abide by certain laws and norms in order to maintain order and ensure the common good.
(E) In return, the government or governing body promises to protect the rights and well-being of its citizens.
(F) This social contract is essential for the functioning of society, as it establishes the rules and expectations that guide individual behavior and interaction.
(G) Without this social compact, society would descend into chaos and individuals would be left to fend for themselves without any guarantee of safety or security.
(H) The social compact is not a static agreement, but rather an evolving one that can be renegotiated over time as societal values and circumstances change.
(I) It is the responsibility of both individuals and the government to uphold their respective duties and obligations outlined in the social compact.
(J) Ultimately, the social compact serves as the foundation for a just and harmonious society, where individuals can live together in peace and mutual prosperity.

Rearrange the following five sentences A, B, C, D and E and F in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different.
B. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.
C. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
D. Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.
E. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
F. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.
Which of the following should be the SIXTH sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Mohit Sharma answered
The correct answer is option 'D' - "Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures."


The given sentences are related to the response of public officials to public pressures. The correct sequence of the sentences to form a meaningful paragraph is as follows:

C. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
F. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.
B. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.
A. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different.
E. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
D. Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.

Hence, the sentence "Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures" should be the SIXTH sentence. This sentence provides an overview of the topic of the paragraph and sets the context for the other sentences that follow.

(A) A protocol of mutually beneficial restraints and responsibilities is at the heart of the social compact.
(B) The “authority” has a duty to protect the citizens from harm from other nations, as also to impose reasonable restrictions in order to ensure an ordered & just social existence.
(C) For instance, a motorist halts at a red light in the reciprocal expectation that the other motorists too would observe the traffic rule.
(D) An established order rests on a social compact, in which everyone undertakes to observe restraint on his freedom in exchange for a minimum expectation of security of life & liberty.
(E) In return, the citizens offer allegiance to the nation–state & undertake to obey reasonable laws reasonably crafted and reasonably enforced.
(F) Then, there is the traffic policeman to see to it that everyone gets to use the road safety with minimum of inconvenience.
Q. Which is the FIFTH sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Niti chauhan answered


First, let's identify the sentences:

(A) A protocol of mutually beneficial restraints and responsibilities is at the heart of the social compact.
(B) The “authority” has a duty to protect the citizens from harm from other nations, as also to impose reasonable restrictions in order to ensure an ordered & just social existence.
(C) For instance, a motorist halts at a red light in the reciprocal expectation that the other motorists too would observe the traffic rule.
(D) An established order rests on a social compact, in which everyone undertakes to observe restraint on his freedom in exchange for a minimum expectation of security of life & liberty.
(E) In return, the citizens offer allegiance to the nation-state & undertake to obey reasonable laws reasonably crafted and reasonably enforced.
(F) Then, there is the traffic policeman to see to it that everyone gets to use the road safety with the minimum of inconvenience.

Now, let's determine the fifth sentence:

The fifth sentence in the sequence is (A) A protocol of mutually beneficial restraints and responsibilities is at the heart of the social compact.

This sentence introduces the concept of a social compact based on mutually beneficial restraints and responsibilities, setting the foundation for the subsequent sentences that elaborate on the responsibilities of both the citizens and the authorities within this social framework. Hence, sentence (A) is the fifth sentence in the sequence.

(A) A protocol of mutually beneficial restraints and responsibilities is at the heart of the social compact.
(B) The “authority” has a duty to protect the citizens from harm from other nations, as also to impose reasonable restrictions in order to ensure an ordered & just social existence.
(C) For instance, a motorist halts at a red light in the reciprocal expectation that the other motorists too would observe the traffic rule.
(D) An established order rests on a social compact, in which everyone undertakes to observe restraint on his freedom in exchange for a minimum expectation of security of life & liberty.
(E) In return, the citizens offer allegiance to the nation–state & undertake to obey reasonable laws reasonably crafted and reasonably enforced.
(F) Then, there is the traffic policeman to see to it that everyone gets to use the road safety with minimum of inconvenience.
Which is the SECOND sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Suyash Singh answered
Social compact is a fundamental agreement among individuals to give up some individual freedoms in exchange for protection and benefits provided by the government.

(A) This statement describes the nature of the social compact as a set of rules and obligations that benefit everyone involved. It implies that individuals agree to certain limitations on their behavior in order to create a society that is fair and functional.
(B) This statement provides a broader definition of the social compact, describing it as a fundamental agreement between individuals and their government. It emphasizes the idea that individuals give up certain rights and freedoms in exchange for the protections and benefits that come with living in a society governed by laws and regulations.

(A) This has made, it difficult for women to free themselves from violent relationship and claim relief.
(B) The land rights of women have been a vexatious issue.
(C) To make this change more effective, related reforms such as joint holding of land by women groups that would help them access financial assistance should also be implemented.
(D) Despite 75 per cent of India’s working women being involved in agriculture, the state has invariably ignored them and allotted land to the male head of a family.
(E) The draft policy has done the right thing by recommending future allotments in their name.
Q. Which of the following is the FOURTH sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

The passage discusses the challenges faced by women in India in terms of land rights and access to financial assistance.

Evaluation of Options:
- Sentence A talks about the difficulty women face in leaving violent relationships, which is not directly related to the discussion of land rights.
- Sentence B addresses the issue of land rights, but it does not provide any further information on the topic.
- Sentence C suggests a solution to the problem by recommending joint holding of land by women groups for better access to financial assistance.
- Sentence D highlights the negligence of the state towards working women in agriculture with regards to land allotment.
- Sentence E acknowledges the draft policy's recommendation of future land allotments in women's names.

Reason for Selection:
Sentence C is the fourth sentence as it provides a solution to the issue of land rights for women by recommending joint holding of land by women groups. This sentence follows the introduction of the problem (sentence B) and leads to the discussion of the state's negligence in land allotment (sentence D) and the positive step taken by the draft policy (sentence E). Therefore, sentence C logically follows the sequence of the passage.

Rearrange the following five sentences A, B, C, D  and E and F in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. He halted a taxi and hurriedly instructed the driver to follow the ambulance.
B. The taxi-driver was very kind and allowed Manoj without paying the bill.
C. At the hospital gate, he felt his pockets but found all of them empty.
D. Bored with loneliness, Manoj was standing in front of the gate of a park.
E. Manoj could recognise the patient who was his neighbourer.
F. An ambulance carrying a patient passed by him with speed..
Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Sonali kumar answered
The correct answer is option 'A' - F.


The paragraph talks about Manoj's experience when he sees an ambulance passing by him. Let's rearrange the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.

D. Bored with loneliness, Manoj was standing in front of the gate of a park.
F. An ambulance carrying a patient passed by him with speed.
A. He halted a taxi and hurriedly instructed the driver to follow the ambulance.
C. At the hospital gate, he felt his pockets but found all of them empty.
E. Manoj could recognize the patient who was his neighbour.
B. The taxi-driver was very kind and allowed Manoj without paying the bill.

Now, let's analyze the sequence of events in the paragraph:

1. Manoj is standing in front of the gate of a park, feeling bored and lonely.
2. Suddenly, an ambulance carrying a patient passes by him.
3. Manoj, realizing that the patient is his neighbor, decides to follow the ambulance.
4. Manoj halts a taxi and instructs the driver to follow the ambulance.
5. At the hospital gate, Manoj realizes that he has no money in his pockets to pay the taxi fare.
6. The kind taxi-driver allows Manoj to travel without paying the bill.

Based on this sequence, it is clear that sentence F - "An ambulance carrying a patient passed by him with speed" should be the second sentence in the paragraph. This sentence introduces the incident that prompts Manoj's actions in the subsequent sentences.

A) Vedanta, our most valuable heritage, gives us this understanding.
B) Body, mind and intellect need careful management and guidance
C) Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life.
D) If not managed or mismanaged the same instruments that are designed to give us success; happiness and spiritual enlightenment become the source of strife and stress.
E) Understand yourself. Your body comprises your outer personality, whereas your inner personality comprises the mind, the realm of feelings and emotions.
Which is the FIFTH sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Snehal gupta answered

The fifth sentence in the given paragraph is option D) If not managed or mismanaged the same instruments that are designed to give us success; happiness and spiritual enlightenment become the source of strife and stress.


To determine the fifth sentence, we need to analyze the logical flow of the paragraph and identify the sentence that comes after the fourth sentence and before the sixth sentence.

The paragraph discusses the importance of Vedanta and how it provides understanding for managing and guiding our body, mind, and intellect. It emphasizes the need to read Vedanta, reflect on its message, and apply it to one's life. The paragraph also highlights the consequence of not managing or mismanaging these instruments, which can lead to strife and stress.

Logical Flow:

1) The paragraph starts by introducing Vedanta as our most valuable heritage, which provides understanding. (Sentence A)
2) It then explains the need for careful management and guidance of the body, mind, and intellect. (Sentence B)
3) The paragraph emphasizes the importance of reading Vedanta, reflecting on its message, and applying it in life. (Sentence C)
4) It further states that if these instruments are not managed or mismanaged, they can become a source of strife and stress. (Sentence D)
5) The fifth sentence should logically follow the fourth sentence and precede the sixth sentence.
6) There is no direct connection between sentence D and sentence E. Therefore, sentence E cannot be the fifth sentence.


Based on the logical flow and the given options, the fifth sentence in the paragraph is option D) If not managed or mismanaged the same instruments that are designed to give us success, happiness, and spiritual enlightenment become the source of strife and stress.

A) Vedanta, our most valuable heritage, gives us this understanding.
B) Body, mind and intellect need careful management and guidance
C) Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life.
D) If not managed or mismanaged the same instruments that are designed to give us success; happiness and spiritual enlightenment become the source of strife and stress.
E) Understand yourself. Your body comprises your outer personality, whereas your inner personality comprises the mind, the realm of feelings and emotions.
Which is the THIRD sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Rohan Shukla answered
The third sentence is option C) "Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life."

In order to determine the third sentence, let's analyze the given options and understand the logical flow of the statements.

A) Vedanta, our most valuable heritage, gives us this understanding.
This statement introduces the concept of Vedanta, emphasizing its value and the understanding it provides. However, it does not provide any specific instructions or actions to be taken.

B) Body, mind and intellect need careful management and guidance.
This statement highlights the importance of managing and guiding our body, mind, and intellect effectively. It sets the foundation for the subsequent statements but does not provide any instructions or actions either.

C) Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life.
This statement instructs the reader to engage with Vedanta by reading it, reflecting on its message, and applying it in their life. It provides a clear directive on how to approach Vedanta and make it a practical part of one's life.

D) If not managed or mismanaged the same instruments that are designed to give us success; happiness and spiritual enlightenment become the source of strife and stress.
This statement explains the potential consequences of mismanaging the instruments of body, mind, and intellect. It expands on the idea introduced in statement B but does not provide any specific instructions or actions.

E) Understand yourself. Your body comprises your outer personality, whereas your inner personality comprises the mind, the realm of feelings and emotions.
This statement emphasizes the importance of self-understanding by distinguishing between the outer personality (body) and the inner personality (mind, feelings, and emotions). While it provides valuable information, it does not offer any instructions or actions to be taken.

Considering the logical flow and the presence of clear instructions, it can be concluded that the third sentence is option C) "Read it, reflect over its message and apply it in your life."

Rearrange the following five statements A, B, C, D and E in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
A. We only lose scientists.
B. Even very advanced countries like Britain have been losing some of their scientists to the U.S.A
C. But for India it is a one way traffic.
D. But in their case they lose only a few scientists and on other hand they gain scientists from various countries.
E. The brain drain is a problem not peculiar to India.
Which of the sentences should come fourth in the paragraph?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Ashwini bajaj answered
Paragraph Formation and Question Answering

The given statements are to be arranged in a meaningful paragraph. The paragraph talks about the brain drain problem and how it affects different countries.

Arrangement of Statements:
E. The brain drain is a problem not peculiar to India.
B. Even very advanced countries like Britain have been losing some of their scientists to the U.S.A
C. But for India it is a one-way traffic.
D. But in their case, they lose only a few scientists and on the other hand, they gain scientists from various countries.
A. We only lose scientists.

The paragraph starts with a general statement that the brain drain problem is not just limited to India. It highlights how even advanced countries like Britain have been losing some of their scientists to the U.S.A. However, for India, it is a one-way traffic as it loses its scientists to other countries but does not gain many in return. The next statement talks about how some countries like Britain only lose a few scientists and, on the other hand, gain scientists from various countries. The paragraph ends with a conclusive statement that India only loses scientists.

Answering the Question:
The question asks about the statement that should come fourth in the paragraph. Looking at the arrangement of the given statements, it can be observed that statement 'C' should come fourth as it talks about how for India, the brain drain problem is a one-way traffic.

Rearrange the following six sentences (A),(B),(C),(D), (E)and (F) in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them.
(A) It seems logical to try to unite these separated functions in the activities of basic health workers under a participative rural health scheme.
(B) These include especially water supply, sanitation and also curative work.
(C) A variety of other air-borne or fecally transmitted and water borne diseases, also take their toll.
(D) These can be and have been pursued by expensive separate programmes, but with limited success.
(E) The main sources of mortality in India are malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis and tetanus
(F) The main measures to reduce their incidence require control, prevention and environmental improvements.
Which of the following should be the fifth statement after rearrangement?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Akshat Saha answered
Reordered Paragraph:

(E) The main sources of mortality in India are malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis and tetanus.

(C) A variety of other air-borne or fecally transmitted and waterborne diseases also take their toll.

(B) These include especially water supply, sanitation, and also curative work.

(D) These can be and have been pursued by expensive separate programs, but with limited success.

(A) It seems logical to try to unite these separated functions in the activities of basic health workers under a participative rural health scheme.


Statement E:
The paragraph begins by stating the main sources of mortality in India, which are malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis, and tetanus. This statement provides a general introduction to the topic.

Statement C:
The next statement talks about a variety of other diseases that also contribute to mortality in India. These diseases are air-borne, fecally transmitted, and waterborne. This statement adds to the discussion of mortality causes.

Statement B:
The third statement introduces the specific areas that need attention in order to reduce the incidence of these diseases. It mentions water supply, sanitation, and curative work as important aspects to focus on.

Statement D:
The fourth statement discusses the limited success of pursuing these measures through separate programs. This implies that a different approach is needed to address the issues effectively.

Statement A:
The fifth statement suggests the idea of uniting the functions of basic health workers under a participative rural health scheme. This statement proposes a solution to the problem discussed in the previous statements.

Therefore, the correct order of the statements is E, C, B, D, A.

Answer: The fifth statement after rearrangement is (D) These can be and have been pursued by expensive separate programs, but with limited success.

Rearrange the following five sentences A, B, C, D and E and F in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different.
B. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.
C. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
D. Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.
E. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
F. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.
Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Esha reddy answered
Meaningful Paragraph Formation:
Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.

The paragraph discusses the different responses of public officials to public pressures and how the best officials possess a strong understanding of the forces that must be considered when making decisions in the public interest. The poorest officials are preoccupied with their relationships with others, while the best officials are not swayed by external pressures and will only act when necessary.

Second Sentence:
The second sentence of the paragraph should provide further context for the discussion of public officials' responses to public pressures. Sentence A, "The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different," is the most appropriate second sentence. This sentence follows logically from the first sentence, which introduces the topic of different responses to public pressures, and provides a more specific focus on the means and methods used by public officials in dealing with these pressures.

A) This practice enhances spirituality and makes the individual an intellectually developed person.
B) This holy month of Ramadan comes to its conclusion with the festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which is the festival of the breaking of the month- long fast.
C) In other words, the month of Ramadan is meant for the acquisition of divine wisdom from the Book of God to make one a more awakened person.
D) During the month of Ramadan, people practice fasting. This fasting has a greater purpose; that is, studying the Quran and finding the deeper meaning of the word of God.
E) Breaking the fast in its extended sense is bringing to an end the secluded life that was required during the month of Ramadan.
Which should be the SECOND sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

In order to determine the correct second sentence, we need to analyze the given options and identify the logical flow of ideas. Let's break down each sentence and examine their content:

Sentence A: This practice enhances spirituality and makes the individual an intellectually developed person.
This sentence talks about the benefits of a particular practice, but it does not provide any context or connection to the other sentences. It seems to be a standalone statement.

Sentence B: This holy month of Ramadan comes to its conclusion with the festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which is the festival of the breaking of the month-long fast.
This sentence introduces the festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which marks the end of the month-long fast of Ramadan. It provides some context and sets the stage for further discussion.

Sentence C: In other words, the month of Ramadan is meant for the acquisition of divine wisdom from the Book of God to make one a more awakened person.
This sentence explains the purpose of the month of Ramadan - to acquire divine wisdom from the Book of God. It provides a deeper understanding of the significance of Ramadan and its connection to personal growth.

Sentence D: During the month of Ramadan, people practice fasting. This fasting has a greater purpose; that is, studying the Quran and finding the deeper meaning of the word of God.
This sentence highlights the significance of fasting during Ramadan and connects it to the study of the Quran and the search for deeper meaning. It builds upon the idea introduced in Sentence C.

Sentence E: Breaking the fast in its extended sense is bringing to an end the secluded life that was required during the month of Ramadan.
This sentence explains the concept of "breaking the fast" in a broader sense, as the end of a secluded life that was necessary during Ramadan. It provides additional context and expands on the theme of personal transformation.

Based on the above analysis, it is clear that Sentence C should be the second sentence. It introduces the purpose of Ramadan and sets the stage for further discussion about the practices and significance of the month. Sentence B can then follow to provide more context about the festival of Eid-al-Fitr.

Rearrange the following five statements A, B, C, D and E in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
A. We only lose scientists.
B. Even very advanced countries like Britain have been losing some of their scientists to the U.S.A
C. But for India it is a one way traffic.
D. But in their case they lose only a few scientists and on other hand they gain scientists from various countries.
E. The brain drain is a problem not peculiar to India.
Which of the sentences should come second in the paragraph?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Ashwini bajaj answered
Arranging the Sentences to Form a Paragraph:

B. Even very advanced countries like Britain have been losing some of their scientists to the U.S.A

E. The brain drain is a problem not peculiar to India.

D. But in their case they lose only a few scientists and on the other hand they gain scientists from various countries.

A. We only lose scientists.

C. But for India, it is a one-way traffic.


The paragraph talks about the problem of brain drain, which is not limited to India only. The paragraph starts by stating that even very advanced countries like Britain have been losing some of their scientists to the U.S.A (sentence B). Then it says that the brain drain is not a problem peculiar to India (sentence E). The next sentence talks about the situation in other countries, where they lose only a few scientists and gain scientists from various countries (sentence D). The paragraph then comes back to India and states that India only loses scientists (sentence A). Finally, the paragraph concludes that for India, it is a one-way traffic (sentence C).

Answering the Question:

The question asks which of the sentences should come second in the paragraph. The correct answer is option 'B', which is "Even very advanced countries like Britain have been losing some of their scientists to the U.S.A". This sentence sets the context for the paragraph and introduces the problem of brain drain. It shows that the problem is not limited to less developed countries like India but is also faced by advanced countries like Britain. Hence, it is important to mention this sentence early in the paragraph.

Rearrange the following five sentences A, B, C, D and E and F in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different.
B. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.
C. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
D. Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.
E. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
F. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.
Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'E'. Can you explain this answer?

Esha reddy answered
Paragraph Formation:
E. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
C. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
D. Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.
F. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.
A. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different.
B. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.

The paragraph talks about how different public officials respond to public pressures. The fourth sentence in the paragraph should be the one that connects the previous sentences with the following ones. Looking at the options, only option E fits in as it talks about the best officials possessing an understanding of the forces that must be taken into account and not be swerved from the path of public interest. Hence, option E is the correct answer.

- The best possess understanding of the forces: This sentence talks about how the best officials possess an understanding of the forces that must be taken into account.
- The poorest are over-hesitant: This sentence talks about how the poorest officials are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
- Enormous difference is generally observed: This sentence talks about how there is an enormous difference in the ways various public officials respond to public pressures.
- They confront all embarrassments: This sentence talks about how public officials confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.
- The means and methods they employ: This sentence talks about how public officials employ different means and methods to deal with public pressures.
- They will make no move: This sentence talks about how public officials will not make a move unless the gallery is packed.

Rearrange the following six sentences (A),(B),(C),(D), (E)and (F) in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them.
(A) It seems logical to try to unite these separated functions in the activities of basic health workers under a participative rural health scheme.
(B) These include especially water supply, sanitation and also curative work.
(C) A variety of other air-borne or fecally transmitted and water borne diseases, also take their toll.
(D) These can be and have been pursued by expensive separate programmes, but with limited success.
(E) The main sources of mortality in India are malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis and tetanus
(F) The main measures to reduce their incidence require control, prevention and environmental improvements.
Which of the following should be the fourth statement after rearrangement?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Maulik Sharma answered
Reordering the sentences to form a meaningful paragraph:

E) The main sources of mortality in India are malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis and tetanus
B) These include especially water supply, sanitation and also curative work.
F) The main measures to reduce their incidence require control, prevention and environmental improvements.
D) These can be and have been pursued by expensive separate programmes, but with limited success.
A) It seems logical to try to unite these separated functions in the activities of basic health workers under a participative rural health scheme.
C) A variety of other air-borne or fecally transmitted and water borne diseases, also take their toll.

The paragraph begins by stating the main sources of mortality in India, which are malnutrition, malaria, tuberculosis, and tetanus. It is followed by stating the need for water supply, sanitation, and curative work to combat these diseases, which can be pursued by expensive separate programs with limited success. The paragraph then suggests a solution to unite these separated functions under a participative rural health scheme. Finally, it highlights the prevalence of other air-borne or fecally transmitted and water-borne diseases that also contribute to the mortality rate in India.

Answer to the question:
The fourth statement after rearrangement is sentence B, which talks about the need for water supply, sanitation, and curative work to combat the main sources of mortality in India.

A) This practice enhances spirituality and makes the individual an intellectually developed person.
B) This holy month of Ramadan comes to its conclusion with the festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which is the festival of the breaking of the month- long fast.
C) In other words, the month of Ramadan is meant for the acquisition of divine wisdom from the Book of God to make one a more awakened person.
D) During the month of Ramadan, people practice fasting. This fasting has a greater purpose; that is, studying the Quran and finding the deeper meaning of the word of God.
E) Breaking the fast in its extended sense is bringing to an end the secluded life that was required during the month of Ramadan.
Which is the FIRST sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Arnav Kapoor answered

Identifying the First Sentence:
The first sentence in the given options is important to set the context and introduce the topic. In this case, the sentence that introduces the practice of fasting during the month of Ramadan is the first sentence.

Breaking Down the Sentences:
- Sentence A: Talks about how fasting during Ramadan enhances spirituality and intellectual development.
- Sentence B: Mentions the conclusion of Ramadan with the festival of Eid-al-Fitr.
- Sentence C: Discusses the purpose of Ramadan as acquiring divine wisdom from the Quran.
- Sentence D: Highlights the greater purpose of fasting during Ramadan as studying the Quran.
- Sentence E: Expands on the concept of breaking the fast as the end of a secluded life during Ramadan.

- Sentence B is the first sentence as it introduces the topic of the conclusion of Ramadan with the festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which is directly related to the practice of fasting during the month.
- Sentences A, C, D, and E provide further details and explanations related to the practice of fasting, spirituality, and the purpose of Ramadan.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B) This holy month of Ramadan comes to its conclusion with the festival of Eid-al-Fitr, which is the festival of the breaking of the month-long fast.

Rearrange the following five sentences A, B, C, D and E and F in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below.
A. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different.
B. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.
C. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
D. Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.
E. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
F. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.
Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
  • e)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?


The given sentences are:

A. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different.
B. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.
C. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
D. Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.
E. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
F. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.

The correct sequence of these sentences to form a meaningful paragraph is:

C. The poorest are over-hesitant, evasive and preoccupied with their relationships with others.
B. They will make no move unless the gallery is packed.
D. Enormous difference is generally observed in the ways in which various public officials respond to public pressures.
A. The means and methods they employ to deal with public pressures are also different.
E. The best possess understanding of the forces that must be taken into account with determination not to be swerved from the path of public interest.
F. They confront all embarrassments with stale general formula.


The paragraph discusses the different ways in which public officials respond to public pressures. It begins by stating that the poorest officials are hesitant, evasive, and preoccupied with their relationships with others (sentence C). This implies that they are not proactive in addressing public pressures.

The next sentence (B) states that these officials will not take any action unless they have public support, indicated by a packed gallery. This suggests that they are more concerned with public opinion than actually addressing public issues.

Sentence D highlights the enormous difference in the ways different public officials respond to public pressures. This further emphasizes the variations in their approaches.

Sentence A states that these officials employ different means and methods to deal with public pressures. This reinforces the idea of diversity in their responses.

Sentence E introduces the concept of "the best" officials who possess an understanding of the forces that must be considered and are determined to prioritize public interest. This contrasts with the poorest officials mentioned earlier.

Finally, sentence F states that these officials confront all embarrassments with a stale general formula. This implies that they have a fixed approach to dealing with challenges, indicating a lack of flexibility.

Therefore, the correct sequence is C, B, D, A, E, F, making option B the correct answer.

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