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All questions of File Handling for Humanities/Arts Exam

What happens when the following statement is executed and file1.txt is not present in the current directory?
file_obj = open("file1.txt", "r")
(1) Python creates a new file ‘file1.txt’
(2) Raises a FileNotFoundError
(3) Raises an IOError
(4) Does nothing
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Anaya Patel answered
  • The code raises a FileNotFoundError because the file ‘file1.txt’ is not present in the current directory.
  • Since the file is being opened in read mode, the file must be available to be opened. If the file would be opened in write mode, then Python would have created a new file with the given name. But that does not happen for the read mode.
  • The IOError occurs when a file exists but it cannot be opened due to some reason.
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Select the statement that is not true for r+ mode.
(1) If the file does not exist, it gives an error.
(2) Both reading and writing can be performed.
(3) If the file does not exist, it creates a new file.
(4) Existing data is not truncated.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?


Reading and Writing in r+ Mode:
In the r+ mode, both reading and writing operations can be performed on a file. When a file is opened in r+ mode, the file pointer is positioned at the beginning of the file, and both reading and writing operations can be carried out.

Creating a New File in r+ Mode:
Unlike the statement mentioned in option 3, if the file does not exist in r+ mode, it does not create a new file. Instead, it gives an error indicating that the file does not exist. This error needs to be handled appropriately in the code to avoid any issues.

Existing Data Truncation in r+ Mode:
When a file is opened in r+ mode, the existing data in the file is not truncated. This means that any data present in the file will remain intact, and new data can be written or existing data can be read without affecting the existing content.
Therefore, option 3 is not true for r+ mode as it does not create a new file if the file does not exist. It is important to handle the error appropriately to ensure smooth execution of the program when working with files in r+ mode.

Which one is the following advantage of using with clause while opening a file.
  • a)
    The file write automatically.
  • b)
    The file read automatically.
  • c)
    The file closed automatically.
  • d)
    The file delete automatically.
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Advantage of Using With Clause While Opening a File: The File Closed Automatically

The with statement in Python is used to wrap the execution of a block of code with methods defined by a context manager. When it comes to file handling, the with statement is particularly useful as it ensures that the file is automatically closed after the block of code is executed. This has several advantages:

1. Automatic File Closure:
When a file is opened using the with statement, the file object is automatically closed at the end of the block. This eliminates the need for explicit calls to the file's close() method, ensuring that the file is always closed properly. By automatically closing the file, potential issues such as resource leaks or data corruption are avoided.

2. Exception Handling:
The with statement also provides a built-in exception handling mechanism. If an exception occurs within the block of code, the file is still closed before the exception is propagated further. This is crucial for preventing file-related errors from causing the program to terminate abruptly and potentially leaving the file in an inconsistent state.

3. Readability and Simplicity:
Using the with statement makes the code more readable and concise. The intention of opening and closing a file is clearly expressed in a single block, making the code easier to understand. It eliminates the need for additional try-finally blocks or explicit checks to ensure the file is closed.

4. Efficient Resource Management:
By automatically closing the file, the with statement ensures efficient resource management. It guarantees that system resources, such as file handles, are released promptly when they are no longer needed. This is especially important when dealing with a large number of files or when working with limited resources.

In summary, the with clause while opening a file provides the advantage of automatically closing the file after the block of code is executed. This ensures proper resource management, simplifies the code, and prevents potential errors or data corruption. By using the with statement, the file handling process becomes more efficient and less error-prone.

Which method is used to rename the file or folder?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Roshni Patel answered
Renaming a file or folder using the 'rename()' method

To rename a file or folder, the 'rename()' method is used. This method allows you to change the name of a file or folder to a new name of your choice.


The 'rename()' method is a function provided by programming languages and operating systems to modify the name of a file or folder. When using this method, you provide the current name of the file or folder, as well as the new name that you want to assign to it.

Here is a step-by-step explanation of how to use the 'rename()' method to rename a file or folder:

1. Identify the current name: First, you need to know the current name of the file or folder that you want to rename. This could be the full path to the file or folder or just the name if it is located in the current directory.

2. Choose a new name: Decide on the new name you want to assign to the file or folder. Make sure the new name complies with any naming conventions or restrictions imposed by the operating system or programming language.

3. Use the 'rename()' method: Call the 'rename()' method and provide the current name and the new name as arguments. The method will then update the name of the file or folder accordingly.

4. Verify the renaming: After calling the 'rename()' method, you can verify if the renaming was successful. You can check if the file or folder with the new name exists in the desired location.


Here is an example of how to use the 'rename()' method in Python to rename a file:

import os

current_name = 'old_file.txt'
new_name = 'new_file.txt'

os.rename(current_name, new_name)

In this example, the 'rename()' method from the 'os' module is used to change the name of the file 'old_file.txt' to 'new_file.txt'. After executing this code, the file will be renamed accordingly.


The 'rename()' method is the correct option (D) for renaming a file or folder. This method is available in various programming languages and operating systems, allowing you to easily change the name of a file or folder to a new name of your choice.

Which of the following option is true?, 1)
(1) Move file pointer ten characters behind from the current position.
(2) Move file pointer ten characters ahead from the current position.
(3) Move file pointer ten characters ahead from the beginning of a file.
(4) Move file pointer ten characters behind ahead from the end of a file.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Sai Dey answered
This question is related to the Python programming language and file handling. The correct answer is option 'D', which states that the `, 1)` command moves the file pointer ten characters ahead from the current position.

Here is a detailed explanation:

1. Understanding the `seek()` function:
The `seek()` function in Python is used to change the position of the file pointer within a file. It takes two arguments: the offset and the reference point. The offset specifies the number of bytes to be moved, and the reference point determines from where the offset should be calculated.

2. The given command: `, 1)`
The `, 1)` command indicates that the file pointer `fp` needs to be moved ten characters ahead from the current position.

3. Explanation of the options:
a) Option 1: "Move file pointer ten characters behind from the current position."
This option is incorrect because the command `, 1)` moves the file pointer ahead, not behind.

b) Option 2: "Move file pointer ten characters ahead from the current position."
This option is incorrect because it is essentially the same as the correct answer, option 'D'. Therefore, the correct answer cannot be option 'D'.

c) Option 3: "Move file pointer ten characters ahead from the beginning of a file."
This option is incorrect because the command `, 1)` moves the file pointer from the current position, not from the beginning of the file.

d) Option 4: "Move file pointer ten characters behind ahead from the end of a file."
This option is incorrect because it does not accurately describe the functionality of the given command.

4. Final conclusion:
Considering the explanations above, it is evident that option 'D' is the correct answer. The command `, 1)` moves the file pointer ten characters ahead from the current position.

A ___________ method is used to position the file object at a particular position in a file.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Anjana Bose answered

The correct answer is option 'D', seek().
The seek() method is used to position the file object at a particular position in a file. It allows us to move the file pointer to a specific location within the file.

File Object:
In Python, a file object is used to interact with files. It provides various methods and attributes that allow us to perform actions such as reading, writing, and manipulating files.

Positioning the File Object:
When we open a file, the file object's internal pointer is positioned at the beginning of the file. By default, the file object reads from the beginning of the file.

However, there may be scenarios where we want to read or write from a specific location within the file. This is where the seek() method comes in handy.

Usage of seek() Method:
The seek() method is used to change the position of the file object within the file. It takes two arguments: offset and whence.

- Offset: It specifies the number of bytes to move.
- Whence: It specifies the reference position from where the offset is calculated. There are three possible values for whence:
- 0: Beginning of the file (default)
- 1: Current position of the file object
- 2: End of the file

Consider the following example:

file = open("example.txt", "r") # Move file pointer to the 6th byte from the beginning of the file
data = # Read from the current position

In this example, we open the file "example.txt" in read mode. Then, we use the seek() method to move the file pointer to the 6th byte from the beginning of the file. Finally, we read from the current position and print the data.

By using the seek() method, we can easily navigate to a specific location within a file and perform operations accordingly.

The following functions are used to access data randomly.
  • a)
    open() and readlines()
  • b)
    seek() and read()
  • c)
    seek() and tell()
  • d)
    tell() and read()
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
Setting Offsets in a File:
The functions we've learned so far are utilized to access data sequentially from a file. However, if we wish to retrieve data at random, Python has the seek() and tell() methods.
The tell() method:
This function returns a number indicating the file object's current location in the file. The supplied position is the byte location from the start of the file to the current position of the file object.
The seek() method:
This function is used to place a file object at a certain location within a file. 
syntax: [, reference_point])
Here offset is the number of bytes by which the file object is to be moved. reference_point indicates the starting position of the file object.
Hence the correct answer is seek() and tell().

Serialisation is also known as____________.
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
    None of these
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
The pickle module implements binary protocols for serializing and de-serializing Python object structures.
  • Serialization is also known as Pickling.
  • Pickling is the process of converting a Python object hierarchy into a byte stream.
  • Serialization is the process of converting an object in memory to a byte stream that can be stored on a disk or sent over a network.
  • The pickling process is also called marshaling.
The following example serializes data into a binary file.
import pickle
data = {
    'a': [1, 4.0, 3, 4+6j],
    'b': ("a red fox", b"and old falcon"),
    'c': {None, True, False}
with open('data.bin', 'wb') as f:
    pickle.dump(data, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
  • Deserialization is also known as unpickling.
  • Unpickling is the process of converting a byte stream into an object hierarchy, which is the inverse of Pickling.
  • Deserialization is the process of converting a byte stream to a Python object.
  • The unpickling process is also called unmarshalling.
In the next example, we unpickle data from a binary file.
import pickle
with open('data.bin', 'rb') as f:
    data = pickle.load(f)
Hence the correct answer is pickling.

With reference to file handling in Python, which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
a. The file seek points are 0, 1, and 2.
b. The seek() function works differently for text and binary files.
c. When a file is opened in binary mode, the seek() method can have a negative offset value.
d. The offset in the seek() function specifies the number of bits by which the file pointer is to be moved.
  • a)
    b, d
  • b)
    a, c
  • c)
    b, c, d
  • d)
    a, b, c, d
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
  • The seek() function can take reference points from where it starts counting the offset value. The reference points are start of file, current position, and end of file. The values to specify each of these positions are 0, 1, and 2 respectively.
  • The seek() function sets the file pointer at the specified position in a file. It performs the same task for a text file as well as a binary file.
  • Usually, the offset value in the seek() function is a greater than or equal to 0. However, if the file is opened in binary mode, then the offset value can be negative.
  • The offset in the seek() function specifies the number of bytes by which the file pointer is to be moved. Each character in a file is of 1 byte. So, the seek() function specifies how many characters to move.

Which of the following is an invalid file mode?
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
To read or write a file in python, we first need to open it using the open() function and the open function will return a file object.
>>>open(file_name, mode)
The "mode" attribute is used to specify the mode in which we require to open the file.
There are several access modes available for the open() function:
"r+" opens the file in read-write mode.
"rb" opens the file as read-only in binary format.
"ab" opens the file for appending in binary mode.
"rw" is an invalid mode.

The following code will perform which operation?
  • a)
    Read first 10 lines
  • b)
    Read first 10 characters of line
  • c)
    Read first 10 bits in line
  • d)
    Read first 10 words of line
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
Python File readline() Method:
The readlines() are used to read all of the lines at once and return them as string elements in a list. This method is useful for tiny files since it reads the entire file content to memory and then splits it into individual lines. We may go through the list and use the strip() method to remove the newline 'n' character.
Here size is Optional. The number of bytes from the line to return. Default -1, which means the whole line.
readline reads a line of the file and returns it in the form of the string. It takes a parameter 10, which specifies the maximum number of bytes that will be read. However, does not reads more than one line, even if 10 exceeds the length of the line.
So it read the first 10 characters of line.
Hence the correct answer is to read the first 10 characters of the line.

You are given the text file, file1.txt whose contents are:
hello everyone
today is a monday
all the best for your exams
What will be the output of the following code?
myfile = open("file1.txt", "r")
str = myfile.readline(20)
  • a)
    hello everyone\ntoday
  • b)
    hello everyone
  • c)
    hello everyone
  • d)
    none of the above
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Hansa Sharma answered
  • The readline() function reads the number of bytes specified, up to the end of the first line only.
  • That is, if the number of character exceeds the first line, the readline() function does not read them.
  • The readline() function does not read the \n escape sequence.
  • So, the given code only returns the first line even though it is less than 20 bytes or characters. The \n character is not included within the return value.
Important points:
  • The read() function reads exactly as many bytes as specified.
  • The readlines() function always reads complete lines. If the specified number of characters ends in the middle of a line, the function still reads that complete line up to the \n character. Also, the readlines() function returns the \n character.

What is the full form of CSV file?
  • a)
    Colon Separated Values
  • b)
    Context Separated Values
  • c)
    Comma Separated Values
  • d)
    Caps Separated Values
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?

Hansa Sharma answered
CSV Full Form:
  • The Comma Separated Value (CSV) format is a text file that contains data. It makes it easier to store data in a table-like format. The CSV extension is used to identify CSV files.
  • CSV files are used to transfer huge databases between applications while adhering to a precise format. CSV files may be opened with any text editor, such as Notepad or Excel.
  • Each data item is entered on a different line. If the record is too long, it may span numerous lines.
  • The data fields are separated by commas.
  • A set of double quotes contains the fields that contain commas and are separated by double-quotes.
  • The fields containing double quotes are contained in a set of double-quotes.
  • The space characters that appear adjacent to built-in commas are ignored.
Hence the correct answer is Comma Separated Values.

What is the full form of CSV file?
1) Colon Separated Values
2) Context Separated Values
3) Comma Separated Values
4) Caps Separated Values
  • a)
  • b)
  • c)
  • d)
Correct answer is option 'B'. Can you explain this answer?

Hansa Sharma answered
CSV Full Form:
  • The Comma Separated Value (CSV) format is a text file that contains data. It makes it easier to store data in a table-like format. The CSV extension is used to identify CSV files.
  • CSV files are used to transfer huge databases between applications while adhering to a precise format. CSV files may be opened with any text editor, such as Notepad or Excel.
  • Each data item is entered on a different line. If the record is too long, it may span numerous lines.
  • The data fields are separated by commas.
  • A set of double quotes contains the fields that contain commas and are separated by double-quotes.
  • The fields containing double quotes are contained in a set of double-quotes.
  • The space characters that appear adjacent to built-in commas are ignored.
Hence the correct answer is Comma Separated Values

Match the following Set 1 to set 2.
  • a)
    a-i, b- iii, c- ii, d- iv
  • b)
    a-i, b- iii, c- iv, d- ii
  • c)
    a-iii, b-i , c-iv , d-ii
  • d)
    a-iii, b-i , c-ii , d-iv
Correct answer is option 'D'. Can you explain this answer?

Gaurav Kumar answered
The seek() method :
This method is used to position the file object at a particular position in a file.
The syntax of seek() is: [ , reference_point])
In the above syntax, offset is the number of bytes by which the file object is to be moved. reference_point indicates the starting position of the file object. That is, with reference to which position, the offset has to be counted.
  • It can have any of the following values:
    • 0 - beginning of the file
    • 1 - current position of the file
    • 2 - end of file
  • By default, the value of reference_point is 0,
    • i.e. the offset is counted from the beginning of the file.
  • Move file pointer to the beginning of a File
  • Move file pointer five characters ahead from the beginning of a file.
  •, 2) Move file pointer to the end of a File
  •, 1) Move file pointer five characters ahead from the current position.
  •, 1) Move the file pointer five characters behind from the current position.
  •, 2) Move the file pointer in the reverse direction. Move it to the 5th character from the end of the file.
Hence the correct answer is a-iii, b-i, c-ii , d-iv.

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