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30 Questions MCQ Test AEES PRT Mock Test Series 2025 - AEES PRT Mock Test - 2

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 for AEES PRT 2025 is part of AEES PRT Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the AEES PRT exam syllabus.The AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 MCQs are made for AEES PRT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 below.
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AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 1

Which river is the longest in the world?

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 1

The Nile River is the longest river in the world, stretching approximately 6,650 kilometers (4,130 miles) through northeastern Africa. It is a significant water source for several countries along its course.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 2

Ashoka Chakra’ is awarded for

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 2

The Ashoka Chakra is one of the highest peacetime gallantry awards in India. It is awarded to recognize the most conspicuous bravery or self-sacrifice displayed by individuals, either civilians or military personnel, in situations other than in the presence of the enemy. The award is equivalent to the Param Vir Chakra, which is awarded for acts of gallantry in the presence of the enemy.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 3

Who cannot acquire Indian citizenship by birth?

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 3
Children of foreign diplomats and enemy aliens cannot acquire Indian citizenship by birth.
AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 4

Pointing to a person, a man said to a woman. His mother is the only daughter of your father. How was the woman related to the person?

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 4

Only daughter of woman’s father is woman herself. So, the woman is person’s mother.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 5

A kite is flying at a tallness of 75 m from the level of ground, joined to a string slanted at 60° to the level. The string's length is:

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 5

Let AB be the kite and AC be the level ground
So that BC - AC.
At that point, ∠BAC = 60°and BC = 75m. Let AB = x meters.
Presently AB/BC = coses60° = 2/ √3
=> x/75 = 2/√3 => x = 150/√3 = 150 * √3/3 = 50 √3m.
∴ Length of the string = 50 √3m.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 6

If 70% of a number added to 90 gives the result as the number itself. What is the number?

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 6

Let the number = x
70% of x + 90 = x

x = 300
Hence, Option A is correct.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 7

दिए गए विकल्पों में से 'प्रखर' का विलोम शब्द है?

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 7

'प्रखर' का उचित विलोम शब्द 'मंद' है। 

प्रखर के पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं- उत्तुंग, उत्कृष्ट, ऊँचा, उत्तम, श्रेष्ठ, बुलंद, उन्नत। 

मंद के पर्यायवाची शब्द हैं - धीमा, सुस्त, ढीला।

प्रखर दो शब्दों के योग से अर्थात 'प्र + खर' से बना है।

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 8

"बच्चे बस से पाठशाला जाते हैं।" इस वाक्य में कौन सा कारक हैं?

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 8

"बच्चे बस से पाठशाला जाते है।" में करण कारक है।

संज्ञा आदि शब्दों के जिस रूप से क्रिया के करने के साधन का बोध हो अर्थात् जिसकी सहायता से कार्य संपन्न हो वह करण कारक कहलाता है। इसके हिन्दी पर्याय ‘से’ के ‘द्वारा’ है। जिसकी सहायता से कोई कार्य किया जाए, उसे करण कारक कहते हैं। जैसे – वह कलम से लिखता है। इस वाक्य में ‘कलम’ करण है, क्योंकि लिखने का काम कलम से किया गया है।

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 9

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से उस विकल्प का चयन करें जो दिए गए लोकोक्ति का सही अर्थ वाला विकल्प हो।

अंधा बांटे रेवड़ी, फिर - फिर अपनों को दे

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 9

अंधा बांटे रेवड़ी, फिर - फिर अपनों को दे लोकोक्ति का सही अर्थ वाला विकल्प न्याय रहित आदमी अपने ही लोगों को लाभ पहुंचाता है होगा।

  • वाक्य प्रयोग - आज कल नेताओ का अपने प्रिय जनो को ही लाभ पहुँचाना अँधा, अंधा बांटे रेवड़ी, फिर - फिर अपनों को दे जैसा हो गया है।

Key Pointsअन्य विकल्पों का विश्लेषण -

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 10

“भगवान श्रीराम के अयोध्या लौटने पर प्रजा ने खुशियाँ मनाई थी।” वाक्य में रेखाँकित शब्द के लिए सही मुहावरा है-

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 10

विकल्प घी के दिए जलाना सही है।

Key Points
  • घी के दिए जलाना
    • अर्थ: खुशियाँ मनाना
    • वाक्य प्रयोग: भगवान श्रीराम के अयोध्या लौटने पर प्रजा ने घी के दिए जलाए थे।

Additional Information

  • घाव पर नमक छिड़कन
    • अर्थ: दुखी को और दुखी करना
    • वाक्य प्रयोग : वह अनुत्तीर्ण होने के कारण पहले दुखी है, तुम जली – कटी सुनाकर उसके घाव पर नमक छिड़क रहे हो।
  • घोड़े बेचकर सोना
    • अर्थ : निश्चित होना
    • वाक्य प्रयोग: दिन-भर थकने के बाद मजदूर रात को घोड़े बेचकर सोते हैं।
  • चाँद पर थूकना
    • अर्थ:निर्दोष पर दोष लगाना
    • वाक्य प्रयोग: अरे, उस संत-महात्मा पर व्यभिचार का आरोप लगाना चाँद पर थूकना है ।
Important Points
  • अन्य उदाहरण
  • झोली भरना
    • अर्थ – भरपूर प्राप्त होना
  • टाँग अड़ाना
    • अर्थ – अड़चन डालना
  • टका सा जबाब देना
    • अर्थ – साफ़ इनकार करना
  • टस से मस न होना
    • अर्थ – कुछ भी प्रभाव न पड़ना
  • टोपी उछालना
    • अर्थ – निरादर करना
AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 11
पानी न बरसता तो धान सूख जाता'- यह किस तरह का वाक्य है-
Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 11

'पानी न बरसता तो धान सूख जाता'- यह 'संकेतवाचक वाक्य' है।Key Points

  • संकेतवाचक वाक्य - जिन वाक्यों से संकेत का बोध होता है।
  • उदाहरण - अगर वर्षा होती तो फसल भी अच्छी होती।

Additional Informationअर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य के आठ भेद है।

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 12

Some of the rice ___________ still left.

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 12

Answer: A (is)

- In the given sentence, "some of the rice" is the subject.
- "Rice" is an uncountable noun, which means it cannot be counted as individual items or units.
- When dealing with uncountable nouns, we use singular verbs, such as "is" in this case.
- Thus, the correct sentence is: "Some of the rice is still left."

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 13

Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb.

I _________ like to buy the same television for my house.

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 13


C: would


  • The sentence is talking about a preference or desire to buy the same television for the house.
  • In this context, the most appropriate modal verb is "would," which is used to express a preference or polite request.
  • Option A, "could," indicates possibility or ability, which is not suitable for this sentence.
  • Option B, "must," implies obligation or necessity, which is also not suitable in this case.
  • Option D, "have to," is used to indicate a strong obligation or requirement, which is not the intended meaning of the sentence.
AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 14

Fill in the blank with the correct option. 

My sister usually drives to work with a friend. She _________ drives alone.

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 14


Option A: never


  • My sister usually drives to work with a friend, which means she often has someone with her.
  • The sentence says she "_______ drives alone," so we are looking for a word that indicates she rarely or does not drive alone.
  • Option A, "never," implies that she does not drive alone at all, which matches the context of the sentence.
AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 15

Choose the correct meaning of the given proverb/idiom.

To make clean breast of

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 15
Answer: C Explanation: The idiom "to make a clean breast of" means: - To confess without reserve - To admit one's mistakes or wrongdoings - To be completely honest about a situation or issue This expression is often used when someone is disclosing something they have been hiding or when they are being completely open about a situation.
AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 16

Find out the Synonym of the following word:


Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 16
  • Lament has two meanings out of which one is 'to complain'.
  • Meaning of Complaint: a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable
  • Meaning of Comment: a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction
  • Meaning of Condone: accept (behaviour that is considered morally wrong or offensive)
  • Meaning of Console: comfort (someone) at a time of grief or disappointment
AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 17

Directions: In the given sentence, an idiom or phrase is missing. Choose the phrase/idiom that can fill the blank both grammatically and contextually.

All the workers are working _______________ since the company has got a very big order and the time to deliver is very short.

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 17

According to the given context, it is clear that we are talking about the workers who are working tirelessly to finish an order since very little time is there for the company to get over with it.
A steal: A bargain that is very inexpensive 
Against the clock: Rushed and short on time 
All and sundry: Without making any distinction 
Add fuel to the fire: Whenever something is done in order to make a bad situation worse 
According to the given context, we can use option B in the blank here to express that the workers in the company are working very fast and tirelessly to deliver the order on time.

This makes option B the correct choice among the given options.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 18

Direction: Out of four alternatives,choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

Something capable of being done

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 18

feasible : that is possible and likely to be achieved

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 19

Directions: A sentence is given here with a blank and you need to fill the blank choosing the word/words given below. If all the words given can fill the blank appropriately, choose ‘All are correct’ as your answer.

The ship is uncrewed on this occasion, but if it completes the current flight without incident, astronauts will be on the next _______________ in two years' time.

I. Cruise

II. Expedition

III. Outing

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 19

Let us first learn the meanings of the given words:

Cruise (noun): a voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a holiday and usually calling in at several places.

Expedition (noun): a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration, research, or war.

Outing (noun): a short journey made by a group of people, usually for pleasure or education.

The idea here is to express the next trip of the astronauts, as the context is about ‘astronauts’, thus ‘expedition’ is the correct answer while ‘cruise’ and ‘outing’ are contextually weak.

Hence, the correct answer is option A.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 20

The number of elements in the Power set P(S) of the set S = {{Φ}, 1, {2, 3}} is

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 20

There’s a result in mathematics used for this. It says that a power set B of any set A is a set of all the subsets of A and the number of elements of B will be 2^n where n is the number of elements of A.
So taking your question as an example;
A = {1,2,3}
B : set of all subsets of A
List out all the subsets of A - {1},{2},{3},{1,2},{2,3},{1,3},{1,2,3},{empty set}
Number of elements in A (n) = 3 
so 23 = 8
So, B = {{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{2,3},{1,3},{1,2,3},{empty set}} 
and the number of elements are 8.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 21

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 21

 P(n) : An = {(1+2n, -4n), (n,(1 - 2n))}
= P(k + 1) = {(1+2(k+1), -4(k+1)), (k+1, (1 - 2(k+1)}
= {(1+2k+2, -4k-4) (k+1, 1-2k-2)}
= {(2k+3, -4k-4), (k+1, -2k-1)}

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 22

The equation of the parabola with focus at (a,0) where a>0 and directrix x = -a is

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 22

When a is positive, the parabola is opening to the right and since directrix is x=-a, it gives the answer.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 23

The transpose of  is

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 23

The transpose of the given column matrix is a row matrix with the same elements in the same order. So, the transpose of the given matrix is ([4, -1, 2]), which matches option B.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 24

What is the diagonal of the square with area 32 cm2?

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 24

Side of the square = √32 = 4√2
Diagonal of the square = side√2 = 4√2 × √2 = 8 cm
Hence, Option B is correct.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 25


Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 25

 ∫sin2(2x+1) dx
Put t = 2x+1
dt = 2dx
dx= dt/2
= 1/2∫sin2 t dt
=1/2∫(1-cos2t)/2 dt
= 1/4∫(1-cos2t) dt
= ¼[(t - (sin2t)/2]dt
= t/4 - sin2t/8 + c
= (2x+1)/4 - ⅛(sin(4x+2)) + c
= x/2 - 1/8sin(4x+2) + ¼ + c
As ¼ is also a constant, so eq is = x/2 - 1/8sin(4x+2) + c

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 26

A square matrix  A = [aij]n×n is called an upper triangular if aij = 0 for

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 26

Upper Triangular matrix is given by  :
 Here, aij=0 , if i is greater than j.and aij ≠ 0, if I is less than j.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 27

If the HCF of 65 and 117 is expressible in the form 65m – 117, then the value of m is

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 27

Find the HCF of 65 and 117,

117 = 1×65 + 52

65 = 1× 52 + 13

52 = 4 ×13 + 0

∴ HCF of 65 and 117 is 13.

65m - 117 = 13

65m = 117+13 = 130

∴m =130/65 = 2

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 28

Name the state of matter which has least compressibility.

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 28

The least compressible state of matter is solid form. 

Solids have much more connected bonds or forces between their own atoms. Since their atoms are more tightly packed together, closer to one another, and are stronger bonds than liquids and gases, then they require more energy (more compression) to change the structure of their atoms. 

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 29

Where does fertilisation take place?

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 29
Where does fertilisation take place?

  • Fertilisation: The process in which a sperm cell fuses with an egg cell to form a zygote, which eventually develops into an embryo.

  • Location: Fertilisation takes place in the Fallopian tube of the female reproductive system.


  • The female reproductive system consists of several organs, including the uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes, and cervix.

  • During sexual intercourse, sperm is deposited in the vagina.

  • The sperm then travels through the cervix and enters the uterus.

  • From the uterus, the sperm continues its journey through the Fallopian tube.

  • If an egg is present in the Fallopian tube, fertilisation can occur.

  • The sperm penetrates the egg, and their genetic material combines to form a zygote.

  • The zygote then implants itself in the uterus, where it develops into an embryo.


  • Fertilisation takes place in the Fallopian tube of the female reproductive system.

  • It is the process of sperm fusing with an egg to form a zygote.

  • The zygote then develops into an embryo and implants itself in the uterus.

AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 30

The potential difference of a circuit is constant. If the resistance of a circuit is doubled, then its current will become;

Detailed Solution for AEES PRT Mock Test - 2 - Question 30

According to ohm's law

Current (I) = Potential difference (V) / Resistance(R)

If the potential difference is maintained constant and the resistance is changed,

Cureent (I) is inversely proportinal to the reisistance (R)

V = IR                     --(1) 

Now, here V is constant.

Let , new resistance R' = 2R and assume that current flow be I'

So, from (1),

IR = I'. R',

=> IR = I'. 2R,

Therefore, I' = I / 2

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