A column is a compression member, the effective length of which exceeds
For unstiffened webs of girders, the thickness of the web shall not be less than
Permissible compressive strength of M 200 concrete grade is -
Crushing strength of good building stone should be more than -
In the following question, select the related letters/number from the given alternatives.
GREAT : 25 : : NUMBER : ?
The moment of inertia of a circular area of radius r with respect to diameter axis is
What will be the cant deficiency (cm), if maximum safe speed on a 5 Degree curve of a broad gauge track is 110 km/h and average speed of train is 85 km/h?
If a uniform bar is supported at one end in a vertical direction and loaded at the bottom end by a load equal to the weight of the bar, the strain by a load equal to the weight of the bar, the strain energy as compared to that due to self-weight will be-
Which of the following statements with reference to an isogonic line are correct in magnetic declination?
(1) It is drawn through the points of the same declination
(2) It does not form a complete great circle
(3) It radiates from the north and south magnetic regions and follows irregular paths
The length of the straight portion of a bar beyond the end of the hook should be at least-
The minimum grade of reinforced concrete in seawater per IS 456: 2000 is-
Column may be made of plan concrete if their unsupported length does not exceed their least, lateral diameter by-
Effective length of the fillet weld of length L and size S is given by -
The modulus of elasticity of steel is more than that of concrete. It indicates that steel is
Low workability of concrete conforms to a slump of
For an isotropic, homogeneous, and elastic material obeying Hooke's law, the number of independent elastic load (W) on a cantilever-
The enlarged head of the supporting column of a flat slab is called-
According to IS : 800-1962 the permissible bending stress in steel slab plates is-
The distribution system in water supplies is designed on the basis of:
Which one of the following is not a classification of stones?
If W is the load in a circular slab of radius R, the maximum radial moment at the center of the slab is