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CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - CG TET MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test CG TET Mock Test Series 2025 - CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science)

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) for CG TET 2025 is part of CG TET Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) questions and answers have been prepared according to the CG TET exam syllabus.The CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) MCQs are made for CG TET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) below.
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CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 1

A student has the habit of writing with his right hand. Due to loss of his right hand in an accident, he uses his left hand for writing. It is an example of

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 1

A student has the habit of writing with his right hand. Due to loss of his right hand in an accident, he uses his left hand for writing. It is an example of bilateral transfer. Bilateral transfer is an aspect of the transfer of learning and is the transfer of learning or performance from one side of the body after training to the other. So, for example, after training a task with the right hand, there is an improvement in left-handed performance.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 2

Human development starts from: 

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 2

Development refers to an increase in structure for better and enhanced functioning of organs. It is a wide and continuous process that starts from the pre-natal stage.
In the pre-natal stage, baby develops inside the mother's womb and becomes a mature one by passing through three different stages of prenatal development.
The three stages of pre-natal development include:

  • Germinal period: First 2 weeks after conception.
  • Embryonic period: 8 weeks from conception.
  • Fetal Period: 9 weeks until birth or 38 to 40 weeks.

Hence it could be concluded that development starts from the pre-natal stage.​

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 3

A few students in your class are exceptionally bright. You will teach them

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 3

'Enriched programme' can be used as it is a broad term for special practices, procedures and theories used in the education of children. An enrichment programme teaches additional related material to the student through the standard curriculum, faster than the normal.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 4

"Adolescence is the period of great stress, strain, storm and strike" is the statement of :

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 4

Childhood refers to the period of the human lifespan, ranging from birth to puberty. It consists of many developmental stages and 'adolescence' is one of them.
'Adolescence' comes from the Latin word 'Adolescere' which means 'to grow to become mature'. It a stage which lies between the age of '12 to 19 years'.
According to Stanley Hall:

  • Adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings.
  • The time period of transition from childhood and adolescence is of great stress.
  • Adolescence fails to think clearly and it creates great frustration and stress in their lives.

So, it could be concluded that "Adolescence is the period of great stress, strain, storm and strike" is the statement of Stanley Hall.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 5

If a student frequently remains inattentive in class, he or she should be:

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 5

If the teacher comes to know that a student is absent in the class, in such a case, instead of expelling/punishing/preventing him/her from attending the class, the teacher should know the reason for his/her negligence and find out the appropriate remedy.
Improving Teacher Preparation in Classroom Management

  • Provide teacher candidates with instructional approaches for classroom management through coursework and guided practice with feedback, and
  • Address the challenges facing teacher candidates and new teachers in creating a positive classroom context
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 6

किसी उत्पाद का इस्तेमाल करके उपभोक्ता भी बाजार में भागीदार बन जाता है। यदि उपभोक्ता नही होंगे तो किसी भी कंपनी का अस्तित्व नही होगा। जहाँ तक उपभोक्ता के अधिकार का सवाल है तो उपभोक्ता की स्थिति दयनीय ही कही जायेगी। इसको समझने के लिए आप वैसे दुकानदार का उदाहरण ले सकते है जो कम वजन तौलता है या वह कम्पनी जो अपने पैक पर झूठे वादे करती है। ज्यादातर मिठाई बेचने वाले कच्चे माल में मिलावट करके लड्डू या बर्फी बनाते है। कुछ वर्षो पहले मिलावटी सरसों तेल से फैलने वाली ड्रॉप्सी नाम की बीमारी आपको याद होगी। यदि आपने कभी ट्रेन से सफर किया होगा तो आपको पता होगा कि ट्रेन में बिकने वाले खाने पीने की ज्यादातर चीजे घटिया होती है। यहाँ तक की पैंट्री में मिलने वाला खाना भी घटिया क्वालिटी का होता है। भारत में मिलावट, कालाबाजारी, जमाखोरी, कम वजन आदि की पुरानी परम्परा रही है। 1960 के दशक से भारत में उपभोक्ता आन्दोलन शुरू हुए थे। 1970 के दशक तक उपभोक्ता आन्दोलन केवल आर्टिकल लिखने और प्रदर्शनी लगाने तक ही सीमित था। लेकिन हाल के वर्षो में उपभोक्ता संगठनों की संख्या में तेजी से उछाल आया है।
विक्रेताओं और सेवा प्रदाताओं से लोगो में इतनी अधिक असंतुष्टि थी कि उपभोक्ताओं के पास अपनी आवाज उठाने के सिवा और कोई रास्ता नही बचा था। कई वर्षो के लम्बे संघर्ष के बाद सरकार को इसकी खैर लेने के लिए बाधित होना पड़ा और इसकी परिणति के रूप में 1986 में कंज्यूमर प्रोटेक्शन एक्ट (कोपरा) को लागू किया गया। एक उपभोक्ता को किसी उत्पाद के बारे में सही जानकारी पाने का अधिकार होता है। अब ऐसे कानून है जो किसी उत्पाद के पैक पर अवयवों और सुरक्षा के बारे में जानकारी देना अनिवार्य बनाते है। सही सूचना से उपभोक्ता को किसी भी उत्पाद को खरीदने के लिए उचित निर्णय लेने में मदद मिलती है। किसी भी उत्पाद के पैक पर खुदरा मूल्य लिखना भी अनिवार्य होता है। यदि कूई दुकानदार एमआरपी से अधिक चार्ज करता है तो उपभोक्ता उसकी शिकायत कर सकता है। एक उपभोक्ता को विभिन्न विकल्पों में से चुनने का अधिकार होता है। कोई भी विक्रेता केवल एक ही ब्रांड पेश नही कर सकता है। उसे अपने ग्राहक को कई विकल्प देने होगे। इस अधिकार को मोनोपोली ट्रेंड के खिलाफ बने कानूनों के जरिये लागू किया जाता है।

Q. किसी चीज से उपभोक्ता को किसी भी उत्पाद को खरीदने के लिए उचित निर्णय लेने में मदद मिलती है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 6

उपर्युक्त गद्यांश के अनुसार सही सूचना से उपभोक्ता को किसी भी उत्पाद को खरीदने के लिए उचित निर्णय लेने में मदद मिलती है।
गद्यांश से

  • "सही सूचना से उपभोक्ता को किसी भी उत्पाद को खरीदने के लिए उचित निर्णय लेने में मदद मिलती है। किसी भी उत्पाद के पैक पर खुदरा मूल्य लिखना भी अनिवार्य होता है।"
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 7

योजना शिक्षण विधि के प्रवर्तक है।

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 7

योजना/परियोजना शिक्षण विधि के प्रवर्तक 'डब्लयू. एच. किलपैट्रिक' हैं। यह विधि 'जॉन डेवी' द्वारा शुरू किए गए 'प्रोग्रेसिव एजुकेशन मूवमेंट' का उत्पाद थी परंतु बाद में इसे दुनिया भर में 'डब्ल्यू. एच. किलपैट्रिक' द्वारा विस्तार से वर्णित किया गया था।
यह विधि एक समूह में व्यावहारिक ज्ञान के प्रयोग द्वारा किसी परियोजना को पूरा करने के लिए छात्रों की सक्रिय भागीदारी को संदर्भित करती है।
इस पद्धति में जीवनोपयोगी शिक्षा दी जाती है तथा बच्चों को स्वयं के अनुभव द्वारा अर्थात खुद कर के सीखने का मौका दिया जाता है।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 8

वाणी और लेखन में मूल अंतर यह है की लिखित भाषा ______ स्तर पर देखी जाती है और ______ होती है।

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 8

वाणी, और लेखन में मूल अंतर यह है की लिखित भाषा सचेतन स्तर पर देखी जाती है और कालबद्ध होती है।
वाणी भाषा का मौखिक रूप है। वाणी को लिपि की सहायता से लिखित भाषा में बदला जा सकता है।

  • अभिव्यक्ति की दृष्टि से वाणी तथा लेखन परस्पर पूरक हैं।
  • वाणी से लेखन कठिन होता है।
  • लेखन में वर्तनी का विशेष महत्व है जबकि वाणी में ध्वनि का।
  • लेखन की कला स्थायी साहित्य का अंश है।
  • लेखन की विषय वस्तु साहित्य का क्षेत्र होती है।
  • लेखन में चिंतन और सोचने के लिए अधिक समय मिलता है।
  • लेखन से ही विचारों को सुरक्षित रख सकते हैं। अतः लिखित भाषा कालबद्ध होती है।
  • अच्छा लेखन, लेख के पात्रों को सचेतन बना देता है।
  • लेखन पाठक की चेतना को जाग्रत करने का कार्य करता है।
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 9

फ़ैली खेतों में दूर तलक 
मखमल की कोमल हरियाली,
लिपटी जिससे रवि की किरणें 
चाँदी की सी उजली जाली।
तिनकों के हरे हरे तन पर 
हिल हरित रुधिर है रहा झलक,
श्यामल भू तल पर झुका हुआ 
नभ का चिर निर्मल नील फलक।
रोमांचित - सी लगती वसुधा 
आई जौ गेहूँ में बाली,
अरहर सनई की सोने की 
किंकिणियाँ है शोभाशाली।
उडती भीनी तैलाक्त गंध,
फूली सरसों पीली - पीली,
लो, हरित धरा से झाँक रही 
नीलम की कलि, तीसी नीली।
रंग - रंग के फूलो में रिलमिल 
हंस रही सखियाँ मटर खडी 
मखमली पेटियों सी लटकी 
छीमियाँ, छिपाए बीज लड़ी 
फिरती है रंग रंग की तितली 
रंग - रंग के फूलो पर सुंदर,
फुले फिरते हो फूल स्वयं 
उड़ - उड़ वृन्तो से वृन्तो पर।

Q. किसके पीले फूल अपनी तैलीय सुगंध बिखेर रहे है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 9

उपर्युक्त पद्यांश के अनुसार सरसों के पीले फूल अपनी तैलीय सुगंध बिखेर रहे हैं।
पद्यांश से

  • "उड़ती भीनी तैलाक्त गंध… फूली सरसों पीली-पीली"
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 10

_______ भाषा सीखने की रीढ़ है।

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 10

श्रवण कौशल भाषा सीखने की रीढ़ है।
किसी भी भाषा में मौखिक गायन में भाग लेना और उसकी व्याख्या करना श्रवण कहलाता है। छात्र भाषा वस्तुओं, जैसे शब्दों, मुहावरों, वाक्यांशों, स्वर आदि का अनुकरण और याद करता है और इस तरह भाषा बोलना सीखता है। श्रवण कौशल किसी भाषा को सीखने की रीढ़ होता है, भले ही वह पहली या दूसरी भाषा हो।

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 11

वृक्ष हों भले खड़े,
हों घने हों बड़े,
एक पत्र छाँह भी,
माँग मत, माँग मत, माँग मत,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।
तू न थकेगा कभी,
तू न थमेगा कभी,
तू न मुड़ेगा कभी,
कर शपथ, कर शपथ, कर शपथ,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।
यह महान दृश्य है,
चल रहा मनुष्य है,
अश्रु स्वेद रक्त से,
लथपथ लथपथ लथपथ,
अग्निपथ अग्निपथ अग्निपथ।
​उपर्युक्त पद्यांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे गए प्रश्न का उत्तर बताइए।

Q. असफल होने और गिरने वाले व्यक्ति का हौसला कवि किन शब्दों से बढ़ा रहा है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 11

असफल होने और गिरने वाले व्यक्ति का हौसला कवि शब्दों से बढ़ा रहा है- उपर्युक्त सभी (केवल माँग मत, केवल कर शपथ, केवल लथपथ)
पद्यांश के अनुसार-

  • एक पत्र छाँह भी, माँग मत, माँग मत, माँग मत,
  • तू न मुड़ेगा कभी कर शपथ, कर शपथ, कर शपथ
  • अश्रु स्वेद रक्त से, लथपथ लथपथ लथपथ,
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 12

हवा का ज़ोर वर्षा की झड़ी, झाड़ों का गिर पड़ना
कहीं गरजन का जाकर दूर सिर के पास फिर पड़ना
उमड़ती नदी का खेती की छाती तक लहर उठना
ध्वजा की तरह बिजली का दिशाओं में फहर उठना
ये वर्षा के अनोखे दृश्य जिसको प्राण से प्यारे
जो चातक की तरह ताकता है बादल घने कजरारे
जो भूखा रहकर, धरती चीरकर जग को खिलाता है
जो पानी वक्त पर आए नहीं तो तिलमिलाता है
अगर आषाढ़ के पहले दिवस के प्रथम इस क्षण में
वही हलधर अधिक आता है, कालिदास के मन में
तू मुझको क्षमा कर देना।
उपर्युक्त पद्यांश को पढ़कर नीचे पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न का उत्तर बताइए।

Q. चारों दिशाओं में बिजली कैसे चमकती है?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 12

पद्यांश में आया हुआ उल्लेख: 

  • ध्वजा की तरह बिजली का दिशाओं में फहर उठना l 
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 13

Direction: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Some words may be highlighted for you. Pay careful attention.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX has been testing the Starlink satellite broadband service which boasts of a speed boost of around 300mbps and latency reduction to around 20ms. Musk confirmed the speed boost in response to a tweet by a user who received the Starlink broadband kit in the United States and shared a screenshot of the service offering them broadband speeds of 130mbps. "Speed will double to ~300Mb/s & latency will drop to ~20ms later this year," he said. During the beta testing phase, Starlink offered users a broadband speed between 50mbps and 150mbps with the latency expected between 20ms and 40ms, depending on location. In this phase, the Starlink kit included a phased-arrayed satellite dish, a tripod and a Wi-Fi router. SpaceX says that the Starlink satellite broadband service will cover most of the Earth by the end of the year which means that the service could also be expanded in India although there is no confirmed roadmap for the same. SpaceX has already submitted its recommendations to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) last year for introducing satellite broadband in India.
"Most of Earth by end of the year, all by next year, then it’s about densifying coverage. Important to note that cellular will always have the advantage in dense urban areas. Satellites are best for low to medium population density areas," tweeted Musk.

Q. What does "densifying the coverage" means?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 13

The given passage is about "SpaceX Starlink satellite".

  • Let us refer to the line from the passage, "Most of Earth by end of the year, all by next year, then it’s about densifying coverage".
  • From the given line we get to know that Starlink wants to cover the whole earth and wants to keep its coverage closer and closer(denser). 

So, '​Keeping close coverage​' is the correct option.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 14

'We intend to go on a field trip with our teachers. This is our plan.'
In the given statement, which one is a reference word?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 14

"This" is going to be the reference word as it describes the plan of going on a field trip with the teachers.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 15

'Prediction' as a subskill is associated with: 

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 15

Language skills are necessary for effective communication in any environment and to interact with others. It allows an individual to comprehend and produce language for proper and effective interpersonal communication.

  • The four basic language skills and their natural order are listening-speaking-reading-writing. These foundational skills of language are divided into two categories which are receptive and productive skills.
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 16

Based on the text related to the lesson, students find the exact meaning of the text and understand the text formed by sentences, phrases and words. Interpreting text in this way is called _________

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 16

Sub skills are essentially sub-sets or parts of a skill that has to be acquired by the learners. for example, reading is a skill, and scanning the text is known as a sub-skill.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 17

With reference to judiciary, identify the odd one out of the following provision:

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 17

The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting the Constitution and laws and applying their interpretations to controversies brought before it.
Separation of power is the odd one out.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 18

At which place in Gujarat were the teachings of Lord Mahavira and his followers presently available which were written down about 1500 years ago?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 18

For several centuries, Mahavira's and his disciples' teachings were passed down orally. Around 1500 years ago, they were recorded in Gujarat at a location named Valabhi in the current form that is available today.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 19

Statement (A) : Pandita Ramabai travelled from place to place giving discourses on the Puranas.
Statement (B) : In 1889, she started Sharda Sadan, a home for widows.
Choose the correct option.

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 19
  • One of the most important names among women social reformers of India and more so, in Maharashtra, is that of Pandita Rama Bai.
  • After her parents died, she along with her brother continued to travel from place to place, giving discourses on the Puranas.
  • Consequently, her reputation as a scholar and religious speaker spread far and wide that the pundits of Kolkata also invited her to address the people of the city.
  • Everyone was astounded by her knowledge and elocution.
  • So people began calling her pandita, a title bestowed on the learned women. 
  • In 1882, Rama Bai moved back to Pune.
  • Naturally, she was drawn to the Prarthana Samaj, a reformation society which was propagating the message of the Brahmo Samaj in Maharashtra.
  • Here, she also concentrated on improving the condition of women.
  • In 1889, she started Sharda Sadan, a home for widows.

Hence, we can conclude that both the given statements about Pandita Rama Bai are true.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 20

Which of the following statements is not true?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 20

Samskaras are stressed elaborately in Vedic Society from conception to cremation.
Vasudhaiv Kutumbikam, "the world is one family", is the premise of the Vedic teachings. The Vedic texts teach how we all are one family.
About 1.8 million words in total, the Mahabharata is roughly four times the length of the Ramayana.
The head of the family is generally the senior male family member and is respected for his seniority, experience, and good judgement. The head of the family sets up rules for his family. He controls the family's finances and serves as the judge in case of family disputes.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 21

Consider the following statements regarding the participation of women in the freedom struggle:
A. Women from diverse backgrounds participated in the national movement.
B. Women’s participation gave the national struggle an immense force.
C. During the Salt Satyagraha, Mahatma Gandhi was initially opposed to women’s participation.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 21

Women shouldered critical responsibilities in India’s struggle for freedom.

  • They held public meetings, organized picketing of shops selling foreign alcohol and articles, sold Khadi and actively participated in National Movements.
  • They bravely faced the baton of the police and went to jails.
  • Hundreds and thousands of Indian women dedicated their lives to obtaining the freedom of their motherland.
CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 22

Which of the following philosophical texts literally means ‘approaching and sitting near’?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 22

Upanishad literally means ‘approaching and sitting near’.

  • The Upanishads are ancient philosophical texts that form a significant part of the Hindu scriptures.
  • These were part of the later Vedic texts.
  • Upanishad literally means ‘approaching and sitting near’.
  • The texts contain conversations between teachers and students.
  • Often, ideas were presented through simple dialogues. 
  • The term "Upanishad" refers to a collection of ancient philosophical texts that are considered to be the final part of the Vedas, the ancient scriptures of Hinduism.
  • The Upanishads contain some of the most important teachings and ideas of Hinduism, including the nature of the self (Atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman), the concept of karma and rebirth, and the practice of yoga and meditation.

Hence we conclude that Upanishad literary means ‘approaching and sitting near’.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 23

Kumar Devi was the wife of which Gupta ruler?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 23

Kumar Devi was the wife of Chandragupta I.

  • Chandragupta I, the first important ruler of the Gupta dynasty, ascended the throne of Magadha in 320 CE.
  • He married Kumar Devi, a princess of the powerful Lichchhavi tribe of Vaishali, and got Pataliputra as part of his dowry.
  • He ruled from Pataliputra and laid the foundation of the Gupta Empire by conquering a number of territories with the support of the Lichchhavis.
  • He expanded his kingdom as far as Allahabad.
  • He ruled for 15 years and took the title of 'Maharajadhiraja'.
  • The gold coins attributed to Chandragupta bear portraits of Chandragupta and Kumaradevi, and the legend Lichchhavayah (the Lichchhavis).
  • Their son Samudragupta is described as Lichchhavi-dauhitra ("Lichchhavi daughter's son") in the Gupta inscriptions.

Hence, we can conclude that Kumar Devi was the wife of Chandragupta I.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 24

Though India chose universal adult franchise after becoming independent, this was withheld in many other sovereign countries on the basis of certain criteria. Which of the following was not one of the criteria?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 24

Education was not one of the criteria.
In the aftermath of the Reformation, it was common in European countries for people of disfavoured religious denominations to be denied civil and political rights, often including the right to vote, to stand for election or to sit in parliament.
The autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland in the Russian Empire was the first nation to allow all women to both vote and run for parliament.
Until the nineteenth century, many Western proto-democracies had property qualifications in their electoral laws; e.g. only landowners could vote.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 25

If you stay in the Southern Hemisphere, which of the following will hold true about 21st June? 

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 25
  • The Earth's axial tilt causes the variation in daylight hours and the changing of the seasons.
  • The tilt is approximately 23.5 degrees relative to the Earth's orbital plane around the Sun.
  • As Earth orbits the Sun, the axial tilt causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year, resulting in the seasons.
  • On June 21st, the Northern Hemisphere experiences the summer solstice, which is the longest day and shortest night of the year.
  • This occurs because the North Pole is tilted towards the Sun, and as a result, the Sun appears at its highest point in the sky at solar noon.
  • This leads to more daylight hours and warmer temperatures.
  • At the same time, the Southern Hemisphere experiences the winter solstice, which is the shortest day and longest night of the year.
  • This occurs because the South Pole is tilted away from the Sun.
  • As a result, the Sun appears lower in the sky, leading to fewer daylight hours and colder temperatures.

So, on June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere, the correct statement is: Shortest day and longest night

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 26

Which of the following is an essential quality of creative thinking?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 26

A creative thinker must be generative. The most important part of creative thinking is one's ability to generate ideas.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 27

Which of the following statement is correct regarding the assessment rubric?
A. It improves student performance by clearly showing the students how their work will be evaluated.
B. Increase the amount of time teachers spend evaluating students' work.
C. Allow assessment to be more objective and consistent.
D. Difficult to use and explain.

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 27

A rubric is a type of scoring guide that assesses and articulates specific components and expectations for an assignment. Rubrics can be used for a variety of assignments: research papers, group projects, portfolios, and presentations. Rubrics help to identify the characteristics of student performances, what is it that students are supposed to demonstrate.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 28

Which of the following types of rainfall is common along mountainous regions?

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 28

Orographic/relief rainfall: It occurs when large mass of air is forced to rise across landform barriers, such as high mountain ranges, plateau, escarpment or over high hills.
Frontal rainfall or cyclonic rainfall is a type of condensation that occurs when a cold front meets a warm front. Warm air is less dense than cold air. When the two air masses meet, warm air is forced over the cold air. When the air becomes fully saturated, rain begins to fall.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 29

Activity-based questions make Social Science lessons

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 29

If a child is provided an opportunity to explore by his own and provided an optimum learning environment, then the learning becomes joyful and long-lasting.

CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 30

Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer from the following.
Assertion (A): The thin blanket of gases protects the earth from harmful effects.
Reason (R): Its density is maximum at the sea level and decreases upward

Detailed Solution for CG TET Paper 2 Mock Test - 2 (Social Science) - Question 30

There are four major domains of the Earth as follows- lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and the biosphere.

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