Who said, “All children pass through a series of distinct stages in their intellectual development”
What will be the IQ when mental age and chronological age are same
A teacher wants to ensure that her students are motivated intrinsically. She would
How do we describe early childhood in terms of psychosocial development?
How everything is taught under the socialization process?
The inability of preoperational child to take another’s point of view in Piaget’s Theory is
Piaget proposes that pre-operational children are unable to conserve. He attributes this inability to which one of the following factors?
The children in the following phase of the development share their own inquisitiveness with parents
Which type of neurons carry message from the brain and spinal cord to effector organs in the shape of bodily reaction like working, talking etc?
Chomsky believed that linguistic competence was largely
A teacher in a multi-cultural classroom would ensure that the assessment considers the following
Images, concepts, symbols and signs, language muscle activities and brain functions are involved in
Which one of theories of intelligence advocates the presence of general intelligence ‘g’ and specific intelligence ‘s’ ?
Which one of the following is the better item of essay type of question?
Inclusive education means involving all children in learning process in
If the hearing aid is used only in one ear it is called
Persons with Disability Act 1945 assures that every child with disability has access to education till
In CCE, Formative and Summative Assessment totals to
Mrs. Gitanjli is a teacher at Springfield elementary school. She teaches academic objects to immigrant children in their native languages, while gradually adding English instruction, what type of teacher is Mrs. Gitanjli?
Pavlovian conditioning is also called
Of the following statements, which one do you agree with?
According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which of the following needs must be satisfied before a person can attain self esteem?
If one child make a noise in class then he should be
Preparation is a stage in
Needs for security, stability and order are
The most severe conflict situation is likely to be produced by the classification known as
As a teacher, what techniques you would follow to motivate students of your class
1. By setting induction
2. Use of black board
3. By illustration
4. By active participation of students.
An example of media that transports learners to remote places by means of Visualized reports is:
178 docs|90 tests
178 docs|90 tests