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Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - NEET MCQ

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5 Questions MCQ Test Biology Class 12 - Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations

Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations for NEET 2025 is part of Biology Class 12 preparation. The Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations questions and answers have been prepared according to the NEET exam syllabus.The Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations MCQs are made for NEET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations below.
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Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 1

Read the following text and answer the following question on the basis of the same:

Growth of a population with time shows specific and predictable patterns. Two types of growth pattern of population are exponential and logistic growth. When resources in the habitat are unlimited each species has the ability to realize fully its innate potential to grow in number. Then the population grows in exponential fashion. When the resources are limited the growth curve shows an initial slow rate and then it accelerates and finally slows giving the growth curve which is sigmoid.

Q. Identify the incorrect statement:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 1

In logistic growth the population seldom grows beyond the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

Topic in NCERT: Logistic Growth and Carrying Capacity

Line in NCERT: "In nature, a given habitat has enough resources to support a maximum possible number, beyond which no further growth is possible."

Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 2

Read the following text and answer the following question on the basis of the same:

Growth of a population with time shows specific and predictable patterns. Two types of growth pattern of population are exponential and logistic growth. When resources in the habitat are unlimited each species has the ability to realize fully its innate potential to grow in number. Then the population grows in exponential fashion. When the resources are limited the growth curve shows an initial slow rate and then it accelerates and finally slows giving the growth curve which is sigmoid.

Q. The population growth is generally described by the following equation:

dN/dt = rN(K-N)/K

What does 'r' represent in the given equation?

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 2

'r' represents Intrinsic rate of natural increase.

Topic in NCERT: Population Growth and Regulation

Line in NCERT: "The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) is a measure of the inherent potential of a population to grow."

Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 3

Read the following text and answer the following question on the basis of the same:

Growth of a population with time shows specific and predictable patterns. Two types of growth pattern of population are exponential and logistic growth. When resources in the habitat are unlimited each species has the ability to realize fully its innate potential to grow in number. Then the population grows in exponential fashion. When the resources are limited the growth curve shows an initial slow rate and then it accelerates and finally slows giving the growth curve which is sigmoid.

Q. Identify the correct equation that represents the exponential population growth curve:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 3

At the constant birth rate in population through time and is never limited by food or disease, known as exponential growth. 
The formula of exponential growth is dN/dt=rN where dN/dt is the rate of change in population size, r is the biotic potential and N is the population size.

Topic in NCERT: Population Growth Models

Line in NCERT: "dN/dt = rN"

Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 4

Read the following text and answer the following question on the basis of the same:

Growth of a population with time shows specific and predictable patterns. Two types of growth pattern of population are exponential and logistic growth. When resources in the habitat are unlimited each species has the ability to realize fully its innate potential to grow in number. Then the population grows in exponential fashion. When the resources are limited the growth curve shows an initial slow rate and then it accelerates and finally slows giving the growth curve which is sigmoid.

Q. Study the population growth curves (A and B) in the given graph and select the incorrect statement:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 4

Since resources of growth for most animal populations are finite and become limiting sooner or later, the logistic growth model is considered as more realistic.

Topic in NCERT: Logistic Growth Model

Line in NCERT: "Since resources for growth for most animal populations are finite and become limiting sooner or later, the logistic growth model is considered a more realistic one."

Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 5

Read the following text and answer the following question on the basis of the same:
Growth of a population with time shows specific and predictable patterns. Two types of growth pattern of population are exponential and logistic growth. When resources in the habitat are unlimited each species has the ability to realize fully its innate potential to grow in number. Then the population grows in exponential fashion. When the resources are limited the growth curve shows an initial slow rate and then it accelerates and finally slows giving the growth curve which is sigmoid.
Q. The equations correctly represents Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth is:

Detailed Solution for Case Based Questions Test: Organisms & Populations - Question 5

S-shaped growth curve is also called Verhulst-Pearl logistic curve and is represented by the following equation.
dN/dt = rN (K - N / K) = rN (1 - N/K)
where dt/dN = rate of change in population size, r = intrinsic rate of natural increase, N = population density, K= carrying
capacity and K / K - N = environmental resistance.
Topic in NCERT: Population Growth Models
Line in NCERT: "this type of population growth is called Verhulst-Pearl Logistic Growth and is described by the following equation: dN/dt = rN(K-N)/K"

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