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DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - DSSSB TGT/PGT/PRT MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test DSSSB PGT Mock Test Series 2025 - DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 for DSSSB TGT/PGT/PRT 2025 is part of DSSSB PGT Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 questions and answers have been prepared according to the DSSSB TGT/PGT/PRT exam syllabus.The DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 MCQs are made for DSSSB TGT/PGT/PRT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 below.
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DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 1

Directions: Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

M, T, J, R, D, W and Q are seven friends traveling in three cars – X, Y, and Z with at least two persons in each car. There are three female members among them with at least one in each car. T travels only with her boyfriend Q in car Y. M travels in his car X. D, a male, and W do not travel in car Z. J is not a female member and W is a female.

Q. J travels in which car?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 1

M-travels in car X
T-+Q as given in Y
J-no female, and travels in Z
R-car X(sequential)
D-car Y
W-female with Z
hence correct option is C.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 2

By solving inequality 3(a - 6) < 4 + a, answer will be

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 2

Numbers obtained in three throws are 5,3 and 6
Let the number obtained in fourth throw be x
Now, Sum > 20
5 + 3 + 6 + x > 20
14 + x > 20
x > 6(never wins)

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 3

Find the solution for the pair of solution x > 1 and x > -1

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 3

x > 1 and x > -1
Take two points 1,-1 on number line
Therefore x > 1

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 4

At what time between 5 and 6 o'clock will the hands of a clock be 3 minutes apart?  

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 4

In this type of problem, the formula is"

Here, H is replaced by the first interval of given time and t is spaces apart.
Given that H is 5.

 mins or 24 mins
Therefore, the hands will by 3 minutes apart at 336/11 minutes or 24 minutes past 5.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 5

Given below is an inequality, which of the following condition is TRUE?

If A > B > C > D = F ≥ G < H

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 5

From the given conditions, A > B > C > D = F ≥ G < H.

1. G > C → C > D = F ≥ G, C > G → False.

2. B > F → B > C > D = F, B > F → True.

3. G > F → D = F ≥ G < H, F ≥ G → False.

4. D < G → D = F ≥ G, D ≥ G → False.

So, B > F is the correct inequality.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 6

Which one of the following was the actual cause of the Kalinga war?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 6

Answer: A. Ashoka wanted to control both the land and sea routes to south India, and any hostile power obstructing the route would have had to be conquered.

- The Kalinga war took place in 261 BCE when the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka invaded the kingdom of Kalinga, which lay along the eastern coast of India.
- There were multiple factors that contributed to the war, but the primary reason was Ashoka's ambition to control both the land and sea routes to south India.
- South India was a major source of wealth and resources for trade, and controlling these routes would enhance the prosperity and power of the Mauryan empire.
- Kalinga was a strategically important region as it lay between the Mauryan Empire and the southern kingdoms, and its control would ensure uninterrupted access to these trade routes.
- The hostile power of Kalinga obstructing the route made it necessary for Ashoka to conquer the region in order to secure the trade routes and further expand the Mauryan empire.
- Although other factors such as Kalinga's growing power, the piracy by the Nagas, and its potential threat to the Mauryan empire might have played a role, the primary cause of the war was Ashoka's ambition to control the land and sea routes to south India.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 7

Which of the following was a great custom port and artificial harbour?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 7

The Chola kingdom known as Cholamandalam, was situated to the northeast of the Pandya territory between Pennar and Velar Rivers. Sangam literature throws light on the fact that their center of political power was Uraiyur, an important center of cotton products and their most important port was Puhar or Kaveripattinam.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 8

The Terai region is a

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 8
  • It was in the news due to Nepalese constitution issues.

  • The Northern plains can be divided into four regions - two are discussed here.

  • After descending from the mountains, the rivers deposit pebbles in a narrow belt of about 8 to 16km in width lying parallel to the slopes of the Shivalik. It is known as bhabar.

  • All the streams disappear in this bhabar belt. South of this belt, the streams and rivers re-emerge and create a wet, swampy and marshy region known as terai. This was a thickly forested region full of wildlife. The forests have been cleared to create agricultural land and to settle migrants from Pakistan after partition.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 9
What does the concept of "paramountcy" refer to in a federalist state?
Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 9
The concept of "paramountcy" in a federalist state refers to the legal principle where the regulations of one government take precedence over those of another. In a scenario where both federal and regional governments have the authority to enact laws on the same subject, paramountcy establishes a hierarchy of laws. This ensures that conflicting or competing laws are reconciled, and the regulations of the higher authority are given preference.
DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 10

A, B, C subscribe Rs. 50,000 for a business. A subscribes Rs. 4000 more than B and B Rs. 5000 more than C. Out of a total profit of Rs. 35,000, A receives

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 10

Let C = x.
Then, B = x + 5000 and A = x + 5000 + 4000 = x + 9000
So, x + x + 5000 + x + 9000 = 50000
⇒ 3x = 36000
⇒ x = 12000
A : B : C = 21000 : 17000 : 12000 = 21 : 17 : 12
So A's Share

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 11

A container contains 40 litres of milk. From this container 4 litres of milk was taken out and replaced by water. This process was repeated further two times. How much milk is now contained by the container?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 11

Assume that a container contains x of liquid from which y units are taken out and replaced by water. After n operations, the quantity of pure liquid

Hence milk now contained by the container = 40

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 12

Bucket P has thrice the capacity as bucket Q. It takes 80 turns for bucket P to fill the empty drum. How many turns it will take for both the buckets P and Q, having each turn together to fill the empty drum?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 12

Let capacity of bucket P = x
Then capacity of bucket Q =  x/3
Given that it takes 80 turns for bucket P  to fill the empty drum
⇒ capacity of the drum = 80x
Number of turns required if both P and Q are used = 

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 13

"बेइंसाफी" में प्रयुक्त उपसर्ग है-

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 13

"बेइंसाफी" में प्रयुक्त उपसर्ग "बे" है।
उपसर्ग, वह अव्यय है जो किसी शब्द के पहले लगकर शब्द का अर्थ परिवर्तित कर देता है।

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 14

"भवानी" का पुल्लिंग है-

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 14

जिस संज्ञा के शब्द से पुरुष जाति का ज्ञात होता है, उसे पुल्लिंग कहते हैं।
"भवानी" का पुल्लिंग "भव" हैं।

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 15

"अतिथि" का उचित पर्यायवाची शब्द है-

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 15

"अतिथि" का उचित पर्यायवाची शब्द "आगंतुक" है।
अतिथि के अन्य पर्यायवाची- पहुना, मेहमान, अभ्यागत।
एक ही अर्थ में प्रयुक्त होने वाले शब्द, जो बनावट में भले ही अलग हों, को पर्यायवाची शब्द कहते है। 
पर्यायवाची शब्द को समानार्थी शब्द भी कहा जाता है।

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 16

निम्नलिखित विकल्पों में से "बंधन" का विलोम है-

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 16
  • एक-दूसरे के विपरीत अर्थ देने वाले शब्द, विलोम कहलाते है।
  • बंधन का अर्थ- बँधने या बाँधने की अवस्था या भाव।
  • मोक्ष का अर्थ- मुक्ति, छुटकारा।
DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 17

निर्देश: नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न में, एक गद्यांश दिया गया है। गद्यांश को ध्यान से पढ़े और उसके निचे दिए गए प्रश्न का उत्तर दे-
मेरे मकान के आगे चौराहे पर ढाबे के आगे फुटपाथ पर खाना खाने वाले लोग बैठते हैं- रिक्शेवाले, मजदूर, फेरीवाले, कबाड़ी वाले। आना-जाना लगा ही रहता है। लोग कहते हैं- “आपको बुरा नहीं लगता? लोग सड़क पर गंदगी फैला रहे हैं और आप इन्हें बरदाश्त कर रहे हैं? इनके कारण पूरे मोहल्ले की आबोहवा खराब हो रही है।” मैं उनकी बातों को हल्के में ही लेता हूँ। मुझे पता है कि यहाँ जो लोग जुटते हैं वे गरीब लोग होते हैं। अपने काम-धाम के बीच रोटी खाने चले आते हैं और खाकर चले जाते हैं। ये आमतौर पर बिहार से आए गरीब ईमानदार लोग हैं जो हमारे इस परिसर के स्थायी सदस्य हो गए हैं। ये उन अशिष्ट अमीरों से भिन्न हैं जो साधारण-सी बात पर भी हंगामा खड़ा कर देते हैं। लोगों के पास पैसा तो आ गया पर धनी होने का स्वर नहीं आया। अधजल गगरी छलकत जाए की तर्ज पर इनमें दिखावे की भावना उबल खाती है। असल में यह ढाबा हमें भी अपने माहौल से जोड़ता है। मैं लेखक हूँ तो क्या हुआ? गाँव के एक सामान्य घर से आया हुआ व्यक्ति हूँ। बचपन में गाँव-घरों की गरीबी देखी है और भोगी भी है। खेतों की मिट्टी में रमा हूँ, वह मुझमें रमी है। आज भी उस मिट्टी को झाड़झुड कर भले ही शहरी बनने की कोशिश करता हूँ, बन नहीं पाता। वह मिट्टी बाहर से चाहे न दिखाई दे, अपनी महक और रसमयता से वह मेरे भीतर बसी हुई है। इसीलिए मुझे मिट्टी से जुड़े ये तमाम लोग भाते हैं। इस दुनिया में कहा-सुनी होती है, हाथापाई भी हो जाती है लेकिन कोई किसी के प्रति गाँठ नहीं बाँधता। दुसरे-तीसरे ही दिन परस्पर हँसते-बतियाते और एक-दुसरे के दुःख-दर्द में शामिल होते दिखाई पड़ते हैं। ये सभी कभी-न-कभी एक-दूसरे से लड़ चुके हैं लेकिन कभी प्रतीत नहीं होती कि ये लड़ चुके हैं। कल के गुस्से को अगले दिन धुल की तरह झाड़कर फेंक देते हैं।

Q. साधारण बात पर भी हंगामा कौन खड़ा कर देते हैं?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 17

गद्यांश के अनुसार-
"मुझे पता है कि यहाँ जो लोग जुटते हैं वे गरीब लोग होते हैं। अपने काम-धाम के बीच रोटी खाने चले आते हैं और खाकर चले जाते हैं। ये आमतौर पर बिहार से आए गरीब ईमानदार लोग हैं जो हमारे इस परिसर के स्थायी सदस्य हो गए हैं। ये उन अशिष्ट अमीरों से भिन्न हैं जो साधारण-सी बात पर भी हंगामा खड़ा कर देते हैं। लोगों के पास पैसा तो आ गया पर धनी होने का स्वर नहीं आया।"

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 18

"बहाव" शब्द में प्रयुक्त प्रत्यय कौन सा है?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 18

"बहाव" शब्द में प्रयुक्त प्रत्यय "आव" है।
प्रत्यय, वह अव्यय है जो किसी शब्द के बाद लगकर शब्द का अर्थ परिवर्तित कर देता है।

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 19

"चरण कमल बंदौ हरिराई" में कौन सा अलंकार है?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 19
  • "चरण कमल बंदौ हरिराई" में रूपक अलंकार है।

जब गुण की अत्यंत समानता के कारण उपमेय को ही उपमान बता दिया जाए अर्थार्थ उपमेय ओर उपमान में अभिन्नता दर्शायी जाए तब वह रूपक अलंकार कहलाता है।

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 20

Consider the ground state of Cr atom (Z = 24). The numbers of electrons with the azimuthal quantum numbers,  = 1 and 2 are, respectively:        

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 20

Sol.    = 1 p and  = 2 for d.

 Now Cr has configuration

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1

Hence there are 12, p-electrons and 5, d-electrons

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 21

The phenomenon in which adsorption and absorption takes place simultaneously is called?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 21

Adsorption and absorption is commonly known as sorption.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 22

Which of the following is the best example of shape selective catalysis?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 22

The catalytic reaction that depends upon the structure of pores of the catalyst and the size of the reactant and product molecules is called shape/selective catalysis. Zeolites are good shape selective catalysts because of their honeycomb structure. 

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 23

Which property of colloids is applied in rubber plating & sewage disposal?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 23

The correct answer is Option D.
Electrophoresis movement of colloidal particles towards an electrode, when they are subjected to an electrical field.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 24

The role of catalyst in a chemical reaction is to change the

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 24

Role of catalyst is to decrease the activation energy of reaction.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 25

In oxygen difluoride (OF2) and dioxygen difluoride(O2F2), the oxygen is assigned an oxidation number of

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 25

Oxidation Numbers in Oxygen Difluoride (OF2) and Dioxygen Difluoride (O2F2)

Oxidation numbers are assigned to elements in compounds according to several rules. Here, we'll use the rule that states the oxidation number of fluorine (F) in a compound is always -1, and the rule that states the sum of oxidation numbers of all atoms in a compound is 0.

Oxidation Number in OF2:

  • In Oxygen Difluoride (OF2), there are two fluorine atoms, each with an oxidation number of -1. So, the total oxidation number contributed by fluorine is -2.
  • To make the total oxidation number 0, the oxygen atom must have an oxidation number of +2.

Oxidation Number in O2F2:

  • In Dioxygen Difluoride (O2F2), there are two fluorine atoms, each with an oxidation number of -1. So, the total oxidation number contributed by fluorine is -2.
  • There are also two oxygen atoms. To make the total oxidation number 0, the combined oxidation number of the two oxygen atoms must be +2.
  • Therefore, the oxidation number of each oxygen atom in O2F2 is +1 (because +2 divided by 2 equals +1).

So, in OFand O2F2, the oxygen is assigned an oxidation number of +2 and +1, respectively. Therefore, the correct answer is B: +2 and +1.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 26

Which one of the following statement is false?


Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 26

The correct answer is option D
The statement D is false.
Two sucrose solutions of the same molality prepared in different solvents will have different freezing point depression. This is because the molal depression in freezing point constant Kb​ is different for different solvents.
The freezing point depression = ΔTf​=Kb​×m
Here, m is the molality of sucrose solution.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 27

If a is the degree of dissociation of Na2SO4, the vant Hoff's factor (i) used for calculating the molecular mass is–  


Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 27

The correct answer is option D
For Na2​SO4 ​: −i = n
Na2​SO4 ​⟶ 2Na+ + SO42−​​

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 28

A pi-bond is formed by the overlap of:

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 28

pi-bond is always formed by sidewise overlapping of p – p orbitals in sidewise manner.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 29

Which of the following are all properties of nonmetals?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 29

There are several ways to tell metals and nonmetals apart. Nonmetalsdon't have a metallic appearance. Unlike metals, they typically have lower melting and boiling points and tend not to conduct heat or electricity very well.

DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 30

Which of the following is an ionic hydride?

Detailed Solution for DSSSB PGT Chemistry Mock Test - 6 - Question 30

Ionic hydrides are commonly known as saline hydrides or pseudohalides. These compounds form between hydrogen and the most active metals, especially with the alkali and alkaline-earth metals of group one and two elements.


In this group, the hydrogen acts as the hydride ion (H−). They bond with more electropositive metal atoms. Ionic hydrides are usually binary compounds (i.e., only two elements in the compound) and are also insoluble in solutions. Now I hope you can form your own examples, but common examples are Sodium Hydride (NaH), Lithium hydride (LiH), Potassium hydride (KH) etc.

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