Integrating factor of the DE (y2 + 2x2y)dx + (2x3 - xy)dy = 0 is
The c-discriminant when equated to zero includes nodal locus
Solve (D + 1) x + (D - 1) y = et, ( D2 + D + 1) x + (D2 - D + l)y = t2 where D = d/dt
The number of arbitrary constants complete primitive of differential equation contains
A solution of a differential equation which contains no arbitrary constants is
The solution of the differential equation, when x = 0 is
Order and degree of the differential equation ey'" - xy" + y = 0 are respectively
Consider a general first order linear non-homogeneous ordinary differential equation with y = φ(x) as its solution.
Let ψ(x) be the solution of the associated homogeneous equation and C an arbitrary constant. Then, the general equation has the following solution.
Which One of the following is the solution of differential equation?
The differential equation (3a2x2 + by cos x) dx + (2 sin x - 4ay') dy = 0 is exact for
The orthogonal trajectory to the family of circles x2 + y2 = 2cx (c arbitrary) is describe by the differential equation,
Which of the following is/are integrating factor of the differential equation xdx + ydy = 0
The differential equation when solved with the condition y(0) = 0, yields the result
The solution of differential equation contains as many as arbitrary constant as the order of a differential equation, then the solution is said to be
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