General solution of equation (sin x - x cos x)y" - (x sin x) y' + (sin x)y = 0, given that y = sin x is a solution
The equation is linear differential equation of first order, if
An integrating factor of x dy/dx + (3x + 1)y = xe–2x is
What is the reason behind the non-existence of any real function which satisfies the differential equation, (y’)2 + 1 = 0?
What is the order of the partial differential equation,
A particular integral of y" - (a + b)y' + aby = Q(x) is,
The homogeneous differential equation M(x, y)dx, N(x, y) dy = 0 can be reduced to a differential equation, In which the variable are separated, by the substitution
In linear ordinary differential equation, the dependent variable and its differential coefficients are not multiplied together and occurs only in
General solution of the equation Given that y = sin x is a solution, is
Solve d3y/dx3 - d2y/dx2 - 4dy/dx + 4y = 0 has the solution
The P.I. of the differential equation (D3 - D)y = ex + e-x, is
If φ(x, y) = 0 is a singular solution, then φ(x, y) is a factor of
A differential equation of first order and first degree is homogeneous, if
Given, an equation and a solution of it is y = a0 + a1 sinh x + a2 cosh x, where a0, a1, a2 are arbitrary constants, then this solution is
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