A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as shown in the given two matrices. The columns and rows of Matrix – I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix – II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, for example, ‘N’ can be represented by 24, 66, etc. and ‘Q’ can be represented by 42, 97 etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word ‘EAGER’.
Direction: Find which one word cannot be made from the letters of the given word.
Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relation between snake, monkey and mammals?
In a certain code language, "SUBSTITUTION" is written as "ITSBUSNOITUT". How is DISTRIBUTION written in that code language?
Jais and his father has an age difference of 35 years now. After 5 years, the sum of their age is 125. What will be the age of Jais and his father after 12 years from now?
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace * signs and to balance the following to form an equation:
( √121 * 9) * (5 * 4) * 1
A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the question figure?
The first protocol to ban the emissions of choloroflurocarbons in the atmosphere was made in
The manufacturing of iron from iron ore involves the process of
In a rainforest, the vegetation that grows under the shade of a canopy is known as
Which of the following is the busiest International sea port in India?
The word "Secular" was added to the Preamble of the Constitution of India by which Constitutional Amendment?
Identify the answer figure from which the pieces given in the question figure have been cut.
In the following questions four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase italicised and underlined in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of idiom/phrase.
Q. The project did not appear to hold out bright prospects.
Direction: Each question below has one blank, which is indicating that something has been omitted. Find out which option can be used to fill up the blank in the sentence in the same sequence to make it meaningfully complete.
There has been _____________ interest among retail investors in ETF, thanks to the underperformance of the actively-managed large-cap equity funds.
Directions: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and mark the appropriate letter (1), (2) and (3). If there is no error, mark (4).
Many people who are otherwise (1) / law-abide citizens (2) / break traffic rules knowingly. (3) / No error (4)
Directions: In each of the following questions, there are four sentences or parts of sentences that form a paragraph. Identify the sentence(s) or part(s) of the sentence(s) that is/are correct in terms of grammar and usage (including spelling, punctuation, and logical consistency). Then, choose the most appropriate option.
A. One of the classroom exercise I conduct with my Persuasive Communication students.
B. At IIMA is taken from Kurukshetra war.
C. I ask a student to be Kunti, other to be Karna.
D. Kunti has to persuade Karna to leave Duryodhana and join the Pandavas.
A paragraph has been broken up into four different parts. Which of the parts has no error?
He confidentially asked the crowd if they thought he was right and the crowd shouted that they did.
वाक्य के अशुद्ध भाग का चयन कीजिए : संसार के प्रत्येक कोने-कोने में अनगिनत भाषाएँ बोली जाती हैं |
वाक्य के अशुद्ध भाग का चयन कीजिए : कृपया आप ही यह बताने की कृपा करें कि दिल्ली कब चलना है |
निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, चार विकल्पों में से, दिए गए वाक्य का सही काल वाला विकल्प पहचानिये।
प्रश्न. आज वर्षा होगी।
जो सर्वनाम शब्द वाक्य में कर्ता के साथ अपनेपन का बोध कराते हैं ,उन्हें ______कहते हैं ?
निर्देश: निम्नलिखित शब्दों के लिए दिये गये विकल्पों में से सही विलोम छांटिए।