If A is a non-zero column matrix of order m * 1 and B is a non-zero row matrix of order 1 * n, then rank of AB is equal to
If a 3 x 3 matrix A has its inverse equal to A, then A2 is equal to , ......
The sum of the eigen values of the matrix for real and negative values of x is
Let U be a 3 * 3 complex Hermitian matrix which is unitary. Then the distinct eigen values of U are
Let the characteristics equation of a matrix M be λ2 - λ - 1 =0, then
If then find eigen values of the matrix I + A + A2, where I denotes the identity matrix
Let An eigenvalue of A is 2. Find a basis for the corresponding eigen space.
An arbitrary vector X is an eigen vector of the matrix
The values of λ and μ for which the equations x + y + z = 3, x + 3y + 2z = 6 and x + λy + 3z = μ have
If the matrix B is obtained from the matrix A by interchanging two rows, then-
Let V be the vector space of polynomials with degree not exceeding two. Let S = {1, x -1, x2 - 2x + 1} be a subset of V. Then which of the following(s) is/are true ?
Let and
be ordered basis of
be a linear transformation such that
The matrix of T w.r. to basis β1 and β2 is then which of the followings is /are correct ?
If matrix then the rank of the matrix A is _____________.
If A be an invertible matrix and Suppose that the inverse of 7 A is then the determinant of matrix A is ___________.
If has the eigen values 3 and 9 then the sum o f the eigen values of A3 is __________.
The number of distinct real roots of in the interval
is __________.
The sum of distinct characteristic roots of the matrix is _______.
If 3, - 2 are the eigen values of a non-singular matrix A and |A| = 4, then the sum of the eigen values o f adj(A) are ________ .
The system of linear equations
(4d - 1) x + y + z = 0, - y + z = 0, (4d - 1 )z = 0 has a non-trivial solution, if the value of d is ___ .
Find the value of a for which the following system of equations over R is inconsistent.
If V is a vector space over an infinite field F such that dim V = 2, then the number of distinct subspaces V has ________.
The dimension of the subspace of R3 spanned by (-3,0, 1), (1, 2, 1) and (3, 0, - 1 ) is ______ .
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