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IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Mathematics MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test IIT JAM Mathematics Mock Test Series - IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 for Mathematics 2025 is part of IIT JAM Mathematics Mock Test Series preparation. The IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Mathematics exam syllabus.The IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 MCQs are made for Mathematics 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 below.
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IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 1

If , then 

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On operating [R1 → R1-R2  and R3→ R3-R2]

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 2

Let  , then the rank of M is equal to

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hence rank M = 2

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 3

If  , then

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i.e., AAT = I

AT = A-1

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 4

If  , then the matrix A is equal to

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we have

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 5

If A is a non-zero column matrix of order m * 1 and B is a non-zero row matrix of order 1 * n, then rank of AB is equal to

Detailed Solution for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 5

Let  and B = [b11 b12 b13..... b1n] be two non-zero columns and row matrices respectively.

Since A, B are non-zero matrices.

∴ Matrix AB will be a non-zero matrix. The matrix AB will have atleast one non-zero element obtained by multiplying corresponding non-zero elements of A and B. All the two-rowed minors of AB clearly vanish. 

∴ rank of AB = 1

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 6

If then

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Applying C1 → C1 - C2 + C3 - C4, we get

expanding with respect to first column

expanding with respect to the third column

= (a - 1)3 (a - 1)2 (a - 1) = (a - 1)6.

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 7

If a 3 x 3 matrix A has its inverse equal to A, then A2 is equal to ,  ......

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A-1 = A

⇒ A2 = I

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 8

The sum of the eigen values of the matrix  for real and negative values of x is

Detailed Solution for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 8

Eigen values are given by the solution of equation 

Since x is real and negative , put x = -k, where k is positive constant 

∴ ( 3 - λ ) ( 1 - λ ) + 4 k = 0 

⇒ λ2 - 4λ + 3 + 4 k = 0

If λ2 and λ2 be the solutions of the above equation, then λ2 and λ are the eigen values.

Now,Sum of the eigen values = Sum of the roots of the above equation


IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 9

Let U be a 3 * 3 complex Hermitian matrix which is unitary. Then the distinct eigen values of U are

Detailed Solution for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 9

By the well known facts, we know that a Hermitian matrix can have only real eigenvalues and a unitary matrix can have eigenvalues of unit modules. If U be 3 * 3 complex Hermitian matrix which is unitary also then distinct eigenvalues of U are of unit modulus and real. They can be 

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 10

Let the characteristics equation of a matrix M be λ2 - λ - 1 =0, then

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Given characteristic equation is λ2 - λ - 1 =0, By C - H theorem M2 - M - 1 = 0

⇒ M(M - 1) = i

⇒ M-1 = M - 1

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 11

If  then find eigen values of the matrix I + A + A2, where I denotes the identity matrix

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A + I is a triangular matrix. We know that the e igen values of a triangular matrix are its diagonal elements. Eigen values of A2 + A + 2 are 3, 7, 13

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 12

Let  An eigenvalue of A is 2. Find a basis for the corresponding eigen space.

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Row reduce the augmented matrix for (A - 2i)x = 0.

At this point, we are confident that 2 is indeed an eigenvalue of A because the equation (A - 2l)x = 0 have free variables. The general solution is

The eigen space, is

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 13

An arbitrary vector X is an eigen vector of the matrix

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(1,1) Since the matrix is triangular, the eigen values are 1, a, b. If (x1 x2, x3) is an arbitrary eigen vector, (say) corresponding to eigenvalue 1.

We have, x1 = x1, ax2 = X2 which gives a = 1 and bx3 = x3 which gives b = 1. x2 & x3 being not zero, 

∴ (a, b) = (1, 1).

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 14

The values of λ and μ for which the equations x + y + z = 3, x + 3y + 2z = 6 and x + λy + 3z = μ have

Detailed Solution for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 14

Given x + y + z = 3, x + 3y + 2z = 6 and x + λy + 3z = μ

If Δ ≠  0 i.e. λ ≠ 0 the solution is unique.

Case 1 If λ ≠ 5 and μ s any real number, then unique solution exists 

Case 2 If  λ ≠ 5 ⇒ Δ = 0

If Δ≠ 0 , μ ≠ 9  the system has no solution.
Case 3 If λ = 5 and μ = 9, infinite solutions exist

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 15

If the matrix B is obtained from the matrix A by interchanging two rows, then-

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Interchanging two rows (or columns) change the sign of determinant.

IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 16

The rank of the Matrix  is

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(Operating R1 -» R1 + R3 and R2 -> R2 - 2R3)


∴ ρ(A) = 1

where p(A) = number of non-zero rows


∴ ρ(A) = 2


∴ ρ(A) = 2

*Multiple options can be correct
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 17

Consider the matrix,  then

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, so eigen values are X = 1,1,4

Now  co rresponding to λ = 1 . 

(A - 1) x = 0

Clearly A has only one eigenvector corresponding to λ = 1.

⇒ A is not diagonalizable.

Characteristic eqwill be,  

*Multiple options can be correct
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 18

Let V be the vector space of polynomials with degree not exceeding two. Let S = {1, x -1, x2 - 2x + 1} be a subset of V. Then which of the following(s) is/are true ?

Detailed Solution for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 18

We know dim V = 3 and S is a linearly independent subset of V which has 3 elements = S form a basis for V

Now take (2x2- 5x + 6) = a(1) + b ( x - 1) + c(x2 - 2x + 1) = 3(1) + (-1) ( x -1)+ 2(x2 - 2x + 1) = 2x2- 5x + 6 = O ption (C) is correct

*Multiple options can be correct
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 19

Let  and  be  ordered basis of  be a linear transformation such that  

The matrix of T w.r. to basis  β1 and β2 is  then which of the followings is /are correct ? 

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we have


*Multiple options can be correct
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 20

If A be any matrix then AAT and ATA are

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Let A be real matrix , then take


⇒ AAT is Symmetric



⇒ ATA is Symmetric

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 21

If matrix  then the rank of the matrix A is _____________.

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Perform ing operations 

we have

Performing Operation wee have

Hence all minors of 3rd and higher orders of the equivalent matrix are zero and one minor  of order 2 whose value = 3 - 4 = -1 ≠0

Hence Rank of the equivalent matrix is Rank (A) = 2.

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 22

If A be an invertible matrix and Suppose that the inverse of 7 A is  then the determinant of matrix A is ___________.

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we know AA-1 = 1

on Solving (1), (2), (3), (4) we get 

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 23

If  has the eigen values 3 and 9 then the sum o f the eigen values of A3 is __________.

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Characterstic eqn of matrix A is

eigen values of matrix A is λ = 3, 9

then eigen values of  A3 → 27 , 729

so  = 27+729 = 756

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 24

The number of distinct real roots of  in the interval   is __________.

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(2 cos x + sin x) (sin x - cos x)= 0

∴ tan x = - 2 , 1, But  

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 25

The sum of distinct characteristic roots of the matrix  is _______.

Detailed Solution for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 25

The characteristic equation of A is 

or (2 - λ) [(6 - λ)( 4 - λ) - 8 ] = 0

or ( 2 - λ) (λ2 - 10 λ+ 16) = 0

or ( 2 - λ) (λ - 2 ) ( λ - 8 ) = 0.

There fore the characteristic roots of A are given by λ = 2, 2, 8.
Hence the sum of Distinct Charecteristic Root is 2+8 = 10

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 26

If 3, - 2 are the eigen values of a non-singular matrix A and |A| = 4, then the sum of the eigen values o f adj(A) are ________ .

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since  and if λ is eigen value of A, then λ-1 is eigen value of A-1.

Thus for adj (A)X = (A-1 X) |A| = |A| λ-1

Thus, eigen value corresponding to λ = 3 is 4/3 and corresponding to λ = -2 is -4/2 = -2

Sum of eigen values = 4/3 - 2

= -2/3

= - 0.67

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 27

The system of linear equations

(4d - 1) x + y + z = 0, - y + z = 0, (4d - 1 )z = 0 has a non-trivial solution, if the value of d is ___ .

Detailed Solution for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 27

The system of homogeneous linear equations has a non-trivial solution, if

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 28

Find the value of a for which the following system of equations over R is inconsistent.

Detailed Solution for IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 28

The augmented matrix is 

Adding the first row to the second row, and 2 times the first row to the third row, we make the entries other than the pivot one in the 1 st column zeros. The row equivalent matrix not looks like

Next, we add 3 times the row to the third row to make the entry below the pivot one in the second column zero. This produces

which is the row echelon form of the augmented matrix. 1st last column is a pivot column unless a = 5. In other words, if the real number a * 5, then the given system is inconsistent.

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 29

If V is a vector space over an infinite field F such that dim V = 2, then the number of distinct subspaces V has ________.

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Here, V has a subspace of dimensions 0, 1 and 2 thus there are three subspaces.

*Answer can only contain numeric values
IIT JAM Mathematics Practice Test- 5 - Question 30

The dimension of the subspace of R3 spanned by (-3,0, 1), (1, 2, 1) and (3, 0, - 1 ) is ______ .

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Here, we can se e that vectors (-3 , 0, 1) and (3, 0, - 1 ) are linearly dependent. Hence, dim = 2.

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