Let there be a spherical symmetric charge distribution with charge density varying as ρ(r) = up to r = R and ρ(r) = 0 for r > R, where 'r' is the distance from origin. The electric field at a distance r (< r)="" from="" the="" origin="" is="" given="" />
A block of mass √3/10 kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface as shown in the figure.
A force of 1 N is applied at one end of the block, and the block remains stationary. The normal force exerted by the surface on block acts through (g = 10 m/s2)
Three resistances each of 4 Ω are connected to form a triangle. The resistance between any two terminals is
A ray of light is incident on the interface between water and glass at an angle i and refracted parallel at the water surface, then value of μg will be
Velocity & acceleration vector of a charged particle moving in a magnetic field at some instant are Select the correct alternatives -
Two inductors having self inductances L1, L2 and mutual inductance M are arranged in parallel combination as shown in the diagram. The sense of the helix is same for both the inductors.
A wave travels through a number of slabs of absorbing medium such that for every slab, intensity decreases by 5%. If after 'n' slabs, the intensity left is 81.45% of the original, then the number of slabs (n) is
A bullet loses 1/x4 of its velocity in passing through a given plank of energy dissipating medium. If after passing through 8 such planks, the bullet comes to rest, the value of 'x' is
To find the distance d over which a signal can be seen clearly in foggy conditions, a railway engineer uses dimensions and assumes that the distance depends on the mass density p of the fog, intensity (power/area) S of the light from the signal and its frequency f. The engineer finds that d is proportional to S1/n. The value of n is
Three charges Q, q and q are placed at the vertices of a right-angled isosceles triangle such that the potential energy of the system is zero. The value of Q in terms of q is given by the expression, Then, the value of m is
A particle is suspended by a light vertical inelastic string of length ll from a fixed support. At its equilibrium position, it is projected horizontally with a speed . What is the ratio of the tension in the string in its horizontal position to that in string when the particle is vertically above the point of support ?
Two particles A and B are located at points (0, −10√3) and (0, 0) in xy plane. They start moving simultaneously at time t = 0 with constant velocities m s−1 and
m s−1 respectively. Time when they are closest to each other is found to be K/2 seconds. Find K. All distances are given in meter.
Answer the following by appropriately matching the lists based on the information given:
List I gives laws/processes and List II gives some physical phenomena.
Identify (X) and (Z) in the above sequence of reaction.
Directions: The following question is based on the paragraph given below.
P and Q are isomers of dicarboxylic acid C4H4O4. Both decolorise Br2/H2O. On heating, P forms the cyclic anhydride. Upon treatment with dilute alkaline KMnO4, P as well as Q could produce one or more than one from S, T and U.
The compounds formed from P and Q respectively are:
The coordination number of AI in the crystalline state of AICI3 is
A certain buffer solution contains equal concentrations of X- and HX. The Kb for X- is 10-10. The pH of the buffer is:
If the value of Avogadro's number is 6.023 × 1023 mol–1 and the value of Boltzmann constant is 1.380 x 10–23 J K–1, then what is the number of significant digits in the calculated value of the universal gas constant?
Match the drugs in List - I with the uses in List - II, and choose the correct option.
Match the structure in List - I with the compounds in List - II, and choose the correct option.
Answer the following question by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table.
Select the correct combination for the anions in Sphalerite unit cell regarding their arrangement, closest distance between two anions and the number of anions touching an anion.
Answer the following question by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table.
A 2 L solution of buffer mixture of 1.0 M NaH2PO4 and 1.0 M Na2HPO4 is placed in two compartments of an electrolytic cell, each containing 1 L mixture and a platinum electrode inserted in it. It is assumed that electrolysis of water is the only reaction that takes place when 1.25 ampere current is passed for 212 minutes.
pKa for H2PO4- is 2.15.
From the table given below, select the correct combination for the electrode reaction.
Match the statements given in Column I with the intervals/union of intervals given in Column II.
Which of the following is the only correct option?
Answer by appropriately matching the information given in the three columns of the following table.
f(x) = a tan8x + a tan6x - b tan4x - b tan2x
Column 1 contains different functional value of f(x), f'(x) at different points.
Column 2 contains integration of different functional value.
Column 3 contains increasing and decreasing characteristics of function.
If a = b = 1, then find the which of the following is correct combination.
Column 1 has equations of planes, column 2 gives acute angle bisector of equation of planes in column 1 and column 3 has obtuse angle bisector.
Which of the following combinations is incorrect?
356 docs|142 tests