The moleucular weight of NaCl (degree of dissociation=x) determined by the osmotic pressure method, is found to be different from its actual molecular wieght (M).Which of the following relationship is correct ?
A metal crystallizes with a face-centered cubic lattice. The edge of the unit cell is 408 pm. The diameter of the metal atom is
Given length of side of HCP is 100/√2 pm. The volume of HCP unit cell is (in pm3) x × 106 then x will be–
The radius of A+ in ionic compound AB is .225Å If AB has ZnS structure, the ideal radius of B– will be (in PM)
K[Co(CO)4], K3[Co(CN)6] Find the difference between oxidation number of central metal in the given complexes.
Number of chiral carbon atoms in the given compounds are W, X, Y and Z respectively then Calculate the I, II, III & IV value of W + X + Y– Z.
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