Four molecules of a gas are having speed of 1, 4, 8 and 16 ms-1. The root mean square velocity of the gas molecules is
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The root mean square velocity of a gas molecule is 300 m/s. What is the r.m.s velocity of a molecule of gas with twice the molecular weight and half the absolute temperature?
The energy density u/V of an ideal gas is related to its pressure p as.
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A gas behaves as an ideal gas at ___________
V versus T curves at constant pressure P1 and P2 for an ideal gas as shown in figure. Here
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The density of air at a Pressure of 105 Nm-2 is 1.2 kgm-3. Under these condition, the root mean square velocity of the air molecule in ms-1 is
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Formula for average speed of a gas having M molecular mass.
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For O2 gas molecule, the most probable speed at temperature T is equal to 1.5 × 103 ms-1 , then temperature T is
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Which of the following graphs best represents the relationship between absolute temperature of a gas and the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules?
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