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Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Mathematics MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test Topic-wise Tests & Solved Examples for Mathematics - Linear Transform MCQ - 2

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 for Mathematics 2025 is part of Topic-wise Tests & Solved Examples for Mathematics preparation. The Linear Transform MCQ - 2 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Mathematics exam syllabus.The Linear Transform MCQ - 2 MCQs are made for Mathematics 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 below.
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Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 1

Let V be vector space of real polynomials of degree atmost 2. Define a linear operator The matrix of T-1 with respect to the basis {1, x, x2} is

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 2

For a positive integer n let denotes the vector space of polynomials in one variable x with real coefficients and with degree less than n. Consider the map defined byT(p(x)) = p(x2).Then

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 3

Let V be the space of twice differentiable functions of satisfying f" - 2f' + f = 0. Define by T(f) = (f'(0), f(0)).Then T is

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 4

Let T be a 4 x 4 real matrix such that T4 = 0. Let ki = dim(kerTi) for 1 < i < 4 which of the following is not a possibility for the sequence k1 < k2 < k3 < k4?

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 5

Let  be a linear transformation. Which of the following statement implies that T is bijective?

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 5

Option D is correct because this is the only option which implies rank is n and nullity is 0.

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 6

Let  be linear transformation such that T ° S is the identity map of Then

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 7

Let n be a positive integer and let denotes the space of all n x n real matrices. If is a linear transformation such thatT(A) = 0 whenever is symmetric or skew symmetric then the rank of T is

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 7

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 8

Let A be a 3 × 3 matrix with eigenvalues 1, –1 and 3. Then 

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 8

A be a 3 × 3 matrix with eigenvalues of 1, –1 & 3.
For eigenvalues λ = 1, the characteristic equation is
|A – λI| = 0  ⇒ |A – I| = 0 
⇒ |A2 – A|= 0  ⇒ A2 – A is singular   
For λ  = –1, the characteristic equation is |A + I| = 0 ⇒ |A2 + A| = 0  ⇒ A2 + A is singular 
Similarly, for 
λ = 3, 
|A – 3I| = 0
⇒ |A2 – 3A| = 0  ⇒ A – 3A is singular 
Since 0 & –3 are not eigenvalues, 
So,|A| ≠ 0  &  |A + 3I| ≠ 0 
Hence |A2 + 3A| ≠ 0  ⇒  A2 + 3A is non-singular

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 9

Let S = {T: R3 → R3; T is a linear transformation with T (1, 0, 1) = (1, 2, 3) and T (1, 2, 3) = (1, 0, 1). Then S is 

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 9

Here, L.T. is T : R3 → R3 s.t.
T (1, 0) = (1, 2, 3)
T (1, 2, 3) = (1, 0, 1)
We can define a transformation for the third in depend vector in any way. So accordingly we get infinitely many linear transformations.

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 10

Let be the linear transformation defined by T(x1, x2, x3) = (x1 + 3x2 + 2x3, 4x2 + x3, 2x + x2 - x3). The dimension of null space of T3 is

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 11

Let the linear transformation be defined by T(x1, x2) = (x1, x2 + x2, x2). Then the nullity of T is

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 11

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 12

Let T be an arbitrary linear transformation from which is not one one then

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 13

Let be the linear transformation defined by T(x1, x2, x3) = (x1+ 3x2 + 2x3, 3x1 + 4x2 + x3, 2x1 + x2 - x3).The dim ension of the null space of T2 is

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 14

Choose the correct matching from a, b. c and d for the transformation T1, T2 and T3 as defined in group I with the statements given in group II

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 15

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 15

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 16

Let T (x, y, z) = xy2 + 2z – x2z2 be the temperature at the point (x, y, z). The unit vector in the direction in which the temperature decrease most rapidly at (1, 0, – 1) is

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 16

Let T(x, y), z) = xy2 + 2z – x2z2 be the temperature at a point (x, y, z).

Temperature increase most rapidly in the direction of gradient i.e., ∇T

At point (1, 0, – 1), = ∇T(1, 0,1) =
unit vector in direction of ∇T is

So, temperature decreases most rapidly in the direction of –∇T i.e.,

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 17

Let T: R4 → R4 be a linear transformation satisfy T3 + 3T2 = 4I, where I is the identity 

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 17

Here, L.T T : R4 → R4 satisfy 
T3 + 3T2 = 4I, where I is identity transformation one of the eigenvalues of T is I 
⇒ One of eigenvalue of S = T4 + 3T3 – 4I is zero 
⇒ S is non-invertible

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 18

 be the linear map defined by T (A) = AM where V be the vector space of all 2 x 2 real matrices. Then rank and nullity of T respectively

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 19

Let T be a linear transformation from a vector space into a vector space with U as finite dimensional. The rank of T is the dimension of the

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 19

linear transformations and their properties related to rank. The rank of a linear transformation T from a vector space U into a vector space V is defined as the dimension of the image (or range) of T. This means that the rank of T is the number of dimensions in the image of T, which is the subset of V that consists of all the vectors that can be obtained by applying T to vectors in U.
Therefore, the rank of T corresponds to dimension of the range of T.

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 20

Let a matrix Amxn represents a linear mapping T : Vn → Vm.Then range ofT is generated by

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 21

T is non singular iff

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 22

Let T : R2 → R2 be a linear transformation such that T((1, 2)) = (2, 3) and T((0, 1)) = (1, 4).Then T((5, -4)) is

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 22

Given, T((1, 2)) = (2, 3) and

T((0, 1)) = (1, 4)

As T is the linear transformation

⇒ T(av1 + bv2) = a T(v1) + b T(v2).

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 23

Let T be a linear operator on ℝ3. Let f(X) ∈ ℝ[X] denote its characteristic polynomial. Consider the following statements.

(a). Suppose T is non-zero and 0 is an eigen value of T. If we write f(X) = X g(X) in ℝ[X], then the linear operator g(T) is zero.

(b). Suppose 0 is an eigenvalue of T with at least two linearly independent eigen vectors. If we write f(X) = X g(X) in ℝ[X], then the linear operator g(T) is zero.

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 23

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 24

The matrix A is represented asThe transpose of the matrix of this matrix is represented as?

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 24

Given matrix is a 3 × 2 matrix and the transpose of the matrix is 3×2 matrix.
The values of matrix are not changed but, the elements are interchanged, as row elements of a given matrix to the column elements of the transpose matrix and vice versa but the polarities of the elements remains same.

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 25

Let  be a linear transformation given by T(x, y, z) = (x, y, 0). Then the null space is generated by which one of the following?

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 26

Let  and  be two linear transformation. Then which of the following can be true?

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 27

What is the rank of the linear transformation defined by T(x, y, z) = (y, 0, z)?

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 28

Consider the linear map   is the set of all real valued continuously differential functions defined by D(f) = f' then

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 29

Consider the linear transformation  is given by T(x, y, z, u) = (x, y, 0, 0). Then which one of the following is correct?

Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 30

Let the linear transform ations S and  be defined by 

S(x, y, z) = (2x, 4x - y, 2x + 3y - z)
T(x, y, z) = (x cosθ - y sinθ, sinθ + y cos θ, z)   where 

Detailed Solution for Linear Transform MCQ - 2 - Question 30

Analysis of Linear Transformations S and T

To determine whether the linear transformations S and T are one-to-one (injective), we analyze their definitions to see if any non-zero vector in their domain is mapped to the zero vector in their codomain. A linear transformation is one-to-one if and only if the only solution to T(v) = 0 is v = 0.

For S

Given S(x, y, z) = (2x, 4x - y, 2x + 3y - z), setting S(x, y, z) = 0 and solving for xy, and z shows that the only solution is (x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0), indicating that S is one-to-one.

For T

Given T(x, y, z) = (x cosθ - y sinθ, x sinθ + y cos θ, z), setting T(x, y, z) = 0 and solving for xy, and z shows that the only solution is (x, y, z)

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