What was the name of the person who first discovered the ruins of ‘Mohenjo-daro’?
The Gandhara Art was mainly patronized by:
Which is the largest bank in the world by assets?
‘Chukker’ is a sports term is related to:
Facing towards south, Praveen walked 30m in the same direction, he turns to his right and walked for 10m. Then turns left for 20 m, in which direction is he facing now?
What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?
55, 20, 50, 25, 45, ?
जिस विकारी शब्द के प्रयोग से हम किसी वस्तु के विषय में कुछ विधान करते हैं, उसे कहते हैं -
वर्ण, मात्रा, गति, यति आदि से नियन्त्रित रचना को क्या कहते हैं?
Bacteria was observed for the first time by____________?
Length of small intestine in humans is about-
The study of internal structure of plant is called___________?
In the following questions a part of sentence is bold. Below are given alternatives to the part of sentence given in bold, which may improve the sentence. Choose the alternative which makes the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. In case the sentence is correct as it is, choose 'No Improvement' as your option.
An important figure in the Scottish explanation, Adam Smith’s two major books are to democratic capitalism what Marx’s Das Kapital is to socialism.
The ratio of boys and girls in a school is 4:3. If 40% of boys and 60% of girls play badminton, then find the percentage of the students who do not play badminton.
The average age of a group of 8 cricketers is increased by 2 years when a new cricketer replace a player from them of age 16 years. What will be the age of the new player?
In the post testing system for medium and large force, following system is used:
The magnitude of type pressure controls the followings:
Which one of the following statements is true for a two dimensional flow of ideal fluids?
The plane carrying maximum shear stress are–
Sea salt, pollen, ash, smoke soot, fine soil — these are associated with:
Density of No fines concrete is about _________
A first-class brick should not absorb more than ________ of its dry weight after 24 hours immersion in normal water.
Calculate the preliminary estimate for a building having a total carpet area of 500 square meters. Extra provision as 10% of the carpet area is provided for walls and verandah. The plinth area rate is Rs. 1,200 per square meter.
Which of the following statements are the CORRECT for estimation of plastering?
1) For opening up to 0.5 square meters, no deduction is made.
2) For opening exceeding 0.5 square meters and up to 3 square meters, deduction is made for one face.
3) For opening up to 3 square meters, deduction is made for both faces.
3) For ends of beams, no deduction is made.
Factor of safety is the ratio of _____.
A tension member, if subjected to possible reversal of stress due to wind, the slenderness ratio of the member should not exceed.