The Allahabad pillar Inscription is associated with which of the following?
Notification regarding commencement or cession of a state of war is the responsibility of :
‘राम से दूध नहीं पिया जाता’ वाक्य में कौन-सा वाच्य है?
अधोलिखित में से कौन-सा युग्म विशेषण नहीं है?
चौपाई छंद के प्रत्येक चरण में कितनी मात्राएँ होती हैं?
‘भूखे को भोजन दो’ यहाँ ‘को’ कौन-सा कारक है?
'सब्जी में नमक अधिक है।' वाक्य में रेखांकित शब्द में कौन सा अव्यय है?
Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus ?
Which gas is commonly known as laughing gas?
Which of the following expression satisfies the law of reflection?
The transfer of minerals from top soil to subsoil through soil-water is called?
In the following questions out of the four alternatives, choose the one which is best express the meaning of the given word.
In the following question, a sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with appropriate word(s). Some alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative from the given alternatives.
_____glances were exchanged between the lovers at the feast.
The people competed while passing the road that led past the palace because
(1) there was a huge stone lying on the road
(2) there was a manhole in the road.
(3) nobody was allowed to shift the stone on the road
Why did the king place a stone in the middle of the road ?
Documentation of computer programs is important so that …………..
You can use the ____________ bar to type a URL and display a webpage, or type a keyword to display a list of related web pages.
A compiler translates a program written in a high level language into ………….
Storage which stores or retains data after power off is called —
A boat travels from point A to point B upstream and returns from point B to point A downstream. If the round trip of 216 km takes 15 hours and the speed of the boat in still water is 12 kmph more than the speed of the stream, then find the time taken for the downstream journey.
Navier Stoke equation represents the conservation of
_____ is the crude impure iron, which is extracted from iron ores.
Maximum permissible horizontal and vertical deflection in steel structure is:
According to Indian standard the total amount of shrinkage for a pertensioned beam is taken as
If force F1 is the space diagram is called force AB and is a vector ab in the force diagram. Then the rotation is known as
The minimum stopping distance on a single lane road, having two-way traffic is equal to
The landing and take off area of heliports are marked with
Maximum permissible limit of hardness in water: