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MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Civil Engineering (CE) MCQ

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30 Questions MCQ Test MP Vyapam Civil - Sub Engineer Mock Test Series 2025 - MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 for Civil Engineering (CE) 2025 is part of MP Vyapam Civil - Sub Engineer Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Civil Engineering (CE) exam syllabus.The MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 MCQs are made for Civil Engineering (CE) 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 below.
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MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 1

The Allahabad pillar Inscription is associated with which of the following?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 1

The Allahabad pillar is an Ashoka Stambha, one of the pillars of Ashoka, an emperor of the Maurya dynasty who reigned in the 3rd century BCE.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 2

Notification regarding commencement or cession of a state of war is the responsibility of :

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 2

Notification regarding commencement or cessation of a state of war is one of the allocation of business to the Ministry of External Affairs.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 3

‘राम से दूध नहीं पिया जाता’ वाक्य में कौन-सा वाच्य है?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 3

‘राम से दूध नहीं पिया जाता’ वाक्य में भाववाच्य का प्रयोग हुआ है। क्रिया के उस रूपान्तर को भाववाच्य कहते हैं, जिससे वाक्य में क्रिया अथवा भाव की प्रधानता का बोध हो। क्रिया के लिंग वचन और कर्म के अनुसार होते है। इस वाक्य में राम का दूध न पीना भाववाच्य को दर्शाता है।

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 4

अधोलिखित में से कौन-सा युग्म विशेषण नहीं है?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 4

'राम-लक्ष्मण’ युग्म विशेषण नहीं हैं | यह युग्म संघ्या तथा द्वन्द समास है | छोटा-बड़ा, हरा-पीला गुणवाचक विशेषण तथा दो-तीन गुणवाचक विशेषण है |

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 5

चौपाई छंद के प्रत्येक चरण में कितनी मात्राएँ होती हैं?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 5

चौपाई छंद के प्रत्येक चरण में 16 मात्राएँ होती हैं।

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 6

‘भूखे को भोजन दो’ यहाँ ‘को’ कौन-सा कारक है?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 6

‘भूखे को भोजन दो’ यहाँ ‘को’ कर्म कारक है।

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 7

'सब्जी में नमक अधिक है।' वाक्य में रेखांकित शब्द में कौन सा अव्यय है?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 7

'सब्जी में नमक अधिक है।' वाक्य में रेखांकित शब्द में क्रिया-विशेषण अव्यय है।

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 8

Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus ?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 8

Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease. It is caused by the poliovirus. The virus spreads from person to person and can invade an infected person's brain and spinal cord, causing paralysis.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 9

Which gas is commonly known as laughing gas?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 9

Nitrous oxide is commonly known as laughing gas or nitrous. It is a chemical compound and an oxide of nitrogen with the formula N2O. At room temperature, it is a colourless non-flammable gas, with a slight metallic scent and taste.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 10

Which of the following expression satisfies the law of reflection?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 10

There are two basic laws of reflection. The first law states that the incident, the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incidence all lies in the same plane. The second law states that the angle of reflection always equals to the angle of incidence.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 11

The transfer of minerals from top soil to subsoil through soil-water is called?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 11

Percolation refers to filtration of water through soil and permeable rocks. The water flows to recharge the groundwater in the water table and aquifers.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 12

In the following questions out of the four alternatives, choose the one which is best express the meaning of the given word.


Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 12

Flinch: make a quick, nervous movement

Blench: a sudden movement out of fear and pain

Forge: make something from scratch

Plunder: obtain goods and money illegally

Slovenly: Messy or untidy

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 13

In the following question, a sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with appropriate word(s). Some alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative from the given alternatives.

_____glances were exchanged between the lovers at the feast.

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 13

Clandestine is something done secretively.

Unsuspecting is unaware or oblivious.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 14

The people competed while passing the road that led past the palace because
(1) there was a huge stone lying on the road
(2) there was a manhole in the road.
(3) nobody was allowed to shift the stone on the road

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 14

"Everyone who came by complained and whined because the stone lay on the road, but no one touched it."- answer is in the given line from the passage.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 15

Why did the king place a stone in the middle of the road ?

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 15

The answer is in the following lines from the passage: "Often he did things which seemed to them strange and useless; but everything he did, he did to teach his people to be industrious and careful. “Nothing good can come to a nation, whose people complain and expect others to fix their problems for them” he said, “Good things from life come to those who take matters into their hands.".

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 16

Documentation of computer programs is important so that …………..

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 16

Documentation of computer programs is important so that-

  1. Users can learn how to use the program
  2. Other programmers can know how to maintain the program
  3. The programmer can see why the code is written that way while hunting for sources of error.

Explanation to the 3rd point:
A soruce code tells you WHAT the software is doing, but not WHY it is doing it this way. If there are errors in the design, they will be hard, if not impossible to find by just studying the source code. It’s similar to semantic errors: the code appears to be doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing, it’s just not what you really wanted to do and that's why documentation is needed here as well.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 17

You can use the ____________ bar to type a URL and display a webpage, or type a keyword to display a list of related web pages.

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 17

A Search bar is a text field near the top of a Web browser window that displays the URL of the current webpage. The URL, or web address, reflects the address of the current page and automatically changes whenever you visit a new webpage. Therefore, you can always check the location of the webpage you are currently viewing with the browser's Search bar.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 18

A compiler translates a program written in a high level language into ………….

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 18

A compiler is a special program that processes statements written in a particular programming language and turns them into machine language or "code" that a computer's processor uses.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 19

Storage which stores or retains data after power off is called —

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 19

Nonvolatile (sometimes written as "non-volatile") storage (NVS) - also known as nonvolatile memory or nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM) - is a form of static random access memory whose contents are saved when a computer is turned off or loses its external power source.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 20

Ctrl + F2 shortcut is used for:

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 20

One is to simply use a few different shortcut keys. When you press Ctrl+F2 to display the Print settings, you could then press Alt+P to display some on-screen helps and then Alt+V, which activates the Print Preview area.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 21

A boat travels from point A to point B upstream and returns from point B to point A downstream. If the round trip of 216 km takes 15 hours and the speed of the boat in still water is 12 kmph more than the speed of the stream, then find the time taken for the downstream journey.

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 21

Let the speed of boat in still water be ‘B’ and speed of stream be ‘S’, hence we get,

Also, B - S = 12 (given)
So, time required in downstream journey
= 108/B+S = 15 - 9 = 6hr

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 22

Navier Stoke equation represents the conservation of

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 22
The Navier-Stokes equations represent the conservation of momentum, while the continuity equation represents the conservation of mass.
MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 23

_____ is the crude impure iron, which is extracted from iron ores.

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 23

Pig iron is the intermediate product of smelting iron ore.

Pig iron has a very high carbon content, typically 3.5 - 4.5%, therefore, it is an impure form of iron.

In a blast furnace, coke (C) reacts with oxygen to form carbon monoxide, which then reacts with iron oxide to form carbon dioxide and pig iron.

Iron oxide must be reduced in order to obtain iron and this can be done only in a blast furnace.

It is the molten iron from the blast furnace, which is a large and cylinder-shaped furnace charged with iron ore, coke, and limestone.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 24

Maximum permissible horizontal and vertical deflection in steel structure is:

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 24

Maximum permissible horizontal and vertical deflection in steel structure is

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 25

According to Indian standard the total amount of shrinkage for a pertensioned beam is taken as

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 25

According to Indian standard the total amount of shrinkage for a pertensioned beam is taken as 3 × 10–4.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 26

If force F1 is the space diagram is called force AB and is a vector ab in the force diagram. Then the rotation is known as

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 26

Bow's Notation is a labelling convention whereby the spaces in between any group of forces is labelled with a capital letter such that each force is then straddled by two letters.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 27

The floating navigational aid is

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 27
It includes both fixed and floating objects such as lights, light ships, buoys, day beacons, and fog signals, plus electronic aids to navigation such as radio beacons. They also serve to warn of hidden dangers and assist in making landfall when approaching from the high seas.
MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 28

The minimum stopping distance on a single lane road, having two-way traffic is equal to

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 28

On single lane roads when two way movement of traffic is permitted, the minimum stopping sight distance should be equal to twice the SSD to stop both vehicles coming from opposite direction.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 29

The landing and take off area of heliports are marked with

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 29

The landing and take-off area of heliports are marked with Letter H.

Hence option A is correct.

MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 30

Maximum permissible limit of hardness in water:

Detailed Solution for MP Vyapam Sub Engineer Civil Mock Test - 7 - Question 30


IS 10500-1991 Desirable :300 mg/l, Permissible : 600 mg/l.

Risks or effects Scale in utensils and hot water system, soap scums

Sources Dissolved calcium and magnesium from soil and aquifer minerals containing limestone or dolomite Treatment Water Softener Ion Exchanger, Reverse Osmosis.

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