Which party has ruled Zimbabwe since its independence and who is its ruler?
The numbers 11284 and 7655, when divided by a certain number of three digits, leave the same remainder. Find that number of three digits.
Directions to Solve
Each of the following questions has a group. Find out which one of the given alternatives will be another member of the group or of that class.
Question -
Tamilian, Gujarati, Punjabi
Direction: If a Paper (Transparent Sheet) is folded in a manner and a design or pattern is drawn. When unfolded this paper appears as given below in the answer figure. Choose the correct answer figure given below.
A square sheet of paper has been folded and punched as shown below. How will it appear when opened?
Question Figure
Answer figure
Choose the alternative which is an odd word/number/letter pair out of the given alternatives.
A man is 50 years old. His brother is 7 years older than him and his sister is 12 years younger than his brother. When his sister was 15 years old, then the men’s age was :
Directions to Solve
In each of the following questions find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.
Question -
123 : 132 :: 235 : ?
What happens to the reverse saturation current of a diode when the temperature increases?
Two electric bulbs have tungsten filament of the same thickness. If one of them gives 60 W and the other gives 100 W, then-
Determine the magnetic susceptibility of a magnetic material, if the magnetic field intensity, H = 840 A/m, and the magnetic flux density, B = 63.3 mT.
The formula for Surge impedance for loss less line when r=0 and g=0 is
The full load slip of a 4-pole, 50Hz, 3-phase induction motor rotating at 1410 r.p.m is __________.
In an Auto transformer a part of energy transfer is through
Which of the following power system gives the better reliability-
Which of the following relation is correct for the ratio of the full-load torque to the maximum torque is:
A coil with a certain number of turns has a specified time constant. If the number of turns is doubled, its time constant would
In interconnected grid system, more efficient plants are used as
What will the maximum power (in W) transferred from the source to the load of the circuit given below?
A capacitor is charged by a battery. When the capacitor is having air core, the charge on the plates is 70 μC When the same capacitor has mica core of dielectric 7, the charge on the plates is
Which basic law should be followed to analyse a circuit?
What is the device used to measure power known as?
If a 110 V, 50 Hz is applied across a PMMC voltmeter of full-scale range 0-220 V and internal resistance of 10k Ω, reading of the voltmeter will be-
The purpose of providing a choke in the tube light is-
Silicon content in iron lamination is kept within 5% as it-
A factory takes a steady load of 200 kW at a lagging power factor of 0.8. The tariff is Rs. 100 per kVA of maximum demand per annum plus 5 paise per kWh. The phase advancing plant costs Rs. 500 per kVAR and the annual interest and depreciation together amount to 10%. What is the capacity of the phase advancing plant?